Lord Highlander

Chapter 979

Suldak sighed softly, turned around and walked back to the yard.

It can be seen that the lives of the people in the remote mountainous areas of the Ganbu plane are very difficult. The Lord Army has to collect taxes here twice a year, which also increases the burden on the people.

The young people in the village did not walk out of the mountains, and they seemed to have nothing to do in the town.

There is no doubt that there should be rebels here, and the rebels here should have some close ties with Tanley Town.

The children subconsciously avoided those topics, probably because they had been interrogated similarly, and the adults in the family had also warned them in advance.

Suldak sat back on the chair next to the campfire, and the magician Avid asked Suldak curiously: "What did you say to those children just now? Why did you walk back and become so depressed?"

The evening in the mountains always comes earlier, and the color of the sky dims.

The firewood in the bonfire was burned to the point where only some red coals were left, and with the sporadic crackling sound, some fire coals exploded and splashed some sparks.

Suldak sat down, took a sip of water from the cup, and said with some concern:

"There should also be rebels here. After the lords stabilize the situation in Takale Town, they will definitely wipe out the rebels everywhere. It is difficult for the residents of this town to be implicated..."

Avid stared wide-eyed, struggled to sit up from the recliner, and asked Suldak:

"You mean this is the lair of the rebels?"

Suldak shook his head and said, "Probably not, but there should be some rebels here."

Hearing what Suldak said, Avid let out a breath, lay back on the rattan chair again, and said, "Why do you think there are so many rebels on the Ganbu plane?"

Suldak thought about what the child said just now. In the province of Bena and even the entire Green Empire, the taxation of private lands is controlled by the lords. Normally, taxes are collected once a year, almost after the Harvest Festival. This is also the time when the residents of the territory have the most money.

If there is a famine or a year of war, the lords will have to reduce or exempt taxes appropriately.

In the face of even bigger natural disasters, many lords still need to pay out of their own pockets to help the residents in their territories to tide over the difficulties.

But the dry cloth plane is obviously not the case.

He hadn't considered these things when he owned the territory of Pustule Mountain.

Suldak gradually came into contact with this aspect of affairs after owning a large piece of land in the Invercargill Forest. After all, there are 37 aboriginal tribes in the territory. How to appease the indigenous tribes, Suldak also had Seriously thought about it.

He put down the water glass in his hand and said to the magician Avid:

"It may be that the taxation of the local lords is set too high. Lord McDonnell must have a lot of gold coins and magic crystals when he dared to fight the Bena coalition forces in Tarapa. Except for part of the savings from their treasury, the rest is doomed It must be shared among the people of the Ganbu plane."

Magician Avid was slightly taken aback.

As a magician nobleman, he doesn't need to pay taxes, so he is not very sensitive to these things, and usually doesn't even think about them.

Samira jumped off the roof and whispered close to Suldak, "Our whereabouts have been exposed, and a black mage over there is chasing us."

The light red eyes looked at the direction of the town, murderous.

"How many people are here?" Suldak asked.

Samira whispered, "Three black mages!"

Suldak thought for a while, and said to Samira: "Maybe it just happened to be here to search..."

Samira bent her knees slightly and jumped onto a mango tree in the courtyard. The moment she stepped on the branch, her body stretched out, she easily stepped on the roof over ten meters, and jumped onto the chimney in a few steps, heading towards the entrance of the town. look away.

"They stopped on the sentry tower at the entrance of the town, and they are questioning the guards at the sentry post..."

Suldak rubbed his forehead. Originally, he only wanted to wait for the magician Avid to recover his mana, repair the temporary teleportation circle and return to Bena City, but these black magicians always followed behind with lingering spirits. is annoying.

Thinking of the demon stuck in the door of Lord McDonnell's manor, Suldak felt that these black mages should be given a little more color.

"Then teach them a good lesson, go, and get rid of them!"

Suldak put down the water glass and said to Samira on the roof.

Gulitum hurriedly stood up, ready to go out to fight together with the stick, worried that the beef leg on the campfire would be scorched, so he also took the beef leg that had been picked to reveal the bones in his hand.

"Gulitum, you stay here to protect Avid and Sia. Samira and I are enough to deal with those black mages."

After finishing speaking, Suldak took out the set of magic pattern structure from the magic pocket, and quickly put it on his body. Xi Ya hurried over to help him fasten the shoulder strap.

The two-headed ogre sat down again.

Samira wore the 'Magic Serpent's Fang' on her body, and this set of magic pattern almost completely wrapped her body, and the two quickly walked out of the hotel yard.

The evening light in the town was a little dim, and Samira was walking...the whole person disappeared beside Suldak.

There is only such a commercial street in the town. There are not many pedestrians on the street in the evening. The young people playing cards under the tree opposite the hotel have dispersed. Suldak holds the hilt of the broadsword in one hand and walks towards the entrance of the village step by step. As he walked, his eyes became extremely firm.

The three black mages were still standing on the sentry tower at the entrance of the village. Although the two guards put on a submissive look, they didn't say a single useful word.

A magician had no choice but to take out two silver coins from his pocket, and asked the question again.

"Yes... There are five people in total. I saw them passing by at noon. That ogre looks really vicious, and there are two heads on his shoulders..." The guard immediately said with a smile on his face when he got the silver coin .

They don't care who the other person is...

The eyes of the three black mages lit up, and they felt that they could ask each other about their situation in more detail. They looked at each other and felt that the harvest this time was quite big.

"Apart from that ogre, who else is there?" The magician continued to ask while standing on the crude sentry tower.

"Two more women covering their faces, a knight and a magician..."

The guards felt that the two silver coins were worthy of their information, but that was all they knew.

Just when he wanted to say something more to make the information more worthwhile, his companion tugged at the corner of his clothes secretly, and pointed to the figure on the street in the town who was walking towards the sentry tower.

The three black magicians also noticed the strangeness in the guard's eyes, followed their gazes and turned to look into the town, only to see a knight with a long sword on his waist and a shield on his back striding towards this side.

The black mages immediately rode on the handles of the magic scorpion, and flew into the air with a 'swish'.

They received the news from above that the group of people stranded on the Ganbu plane were all rank-two powerhouses, and only by riding the magic handle could they be invincible.

The three black mages did not have the urge to do anything, and one of them flew out of the town on a magic scorpion, obviously wanting to return to Takale town to rescue soldiers.

The other two black mages are going to stay in town to keep an eye on the knight...

They ignored an important factor, the opponent was a five-member team.

The black mages thought that Suldak happened to be walking towards the entrance of the town, and they wanted to fly behind a building at the entrance of the town on a magic scorpion. They didn't plan to be exposed too early.

The magician who returned to Takale Town to rescue the soldiers had just flown out of the town when he felt as if something was staring at him from behind. .

He sent mana into the magic pattern circle with all his strength, and the magic pattern circle on the handle was completely lit up, and the speed immediately increased a bit.

The black mage even made an evasive action on his magic handle, twisting out an 'S' shape in the air, but he still felt the sharp pain from his back, and a sharp arrow pierced through the back of his heart. , the tip of the arrow protrudes from the throat obliquely.

He raised his head, his Adam's apple gurgled, and a stream of blood rushed out of his throat.

Both hands could not hold the handle of the magic scorpion, and the handle of the magic scorpion lost its magic power and fell directly from the sky.

When the two black mages saw that their comrades who were about to report back to Takale town were shot dead by the archer, they were so frightened that they pulled up the magic handle quickly, trying to get out of the range of the archer hiding in the dark. .

Unfortunately, it was too late for them to realize this. Two arrows were shot from under their feet at the most tricky angle, avoiding their sight. In the body of the black mage.

Black mages are like birds with broken wings, falling from the sky.

Suldak walked over slowly and searched the three black mages carefully, not letting go of any valuables.

The corpse was dragged to the tidal flats by the river outside the town, a large pit was dug in the sand of the river bed, and the black mage's corpse was thrown in and buried together.

When Suldak returned to Tanli Town, many town residents had gathered at the gate of the town, and everyone looked at him coldly.

No one spoke, but the indifference and resentment in their eyes could not be concealed.

Suldak stood under the watchtower of Tanley Town, spread his hands and said to everyone: "I know what you want to say to me, you think I will bring disaster to you by killing these three black mages... "

"They rushed over to arrest me, I don't want to catch them without a fight, I can only kill them." Suldak said standing at the entrance of the town.

In the crowd, a bolder townsman said loudly:

"Knight, please get out of here!"

Suldak knew that since these black mages could rush over, there would definitely be black mages coming after them.

Even if the townspeople don't say anything, he will leave tomorrow morning.

Now that it has become like this, I have to leave early, and I have to sleep in the wild tonight.

"Okay, let's go now..."

Without even arguing, Suldak strode into the hotel, called out the two-headed ogre, Avid magician, and Sia, and walked through the town in the night, continuing north.


After the residents of the small town left behind Suldak and his party, a group of young people took advantage of the darkness to touch the river, and relying on their familiarity with the river, they quickly removed the three black magicians from the sand on the river beach. After they were dug out, they carried the three black mages to the entrance of the village in groups of two.

Everyone hurriedly searched the three black mages who had been dead for a long time, and then took off the last clothes and placed them on the wooden table.

The residents of the small town who had just stood up to speak, came out at this time and told everyone: "Put them here, and wait for their people to come and claim them..."


The young people in these towns were very convinced by this leader, and quickly took care of everything.

The corpses of three black mages lay under a big tree.


It was not until noon the next day that the second wave of black mages from Takale town arrived in the town. When they saw the big tree at the entrance of the town, they happened to see three companions lying on the wooden board corpse.

The black mages asked a few residents of the small town to inquire about the situation, and the general information they got was: the three mages found an adventure group, and they fought last night, and the three mages were unfortunately defeated...

"It was an archer who killed them..." Someone among the black magicians said, "What shall we do now?"

"Keep chasing, go and notify the garrison in Takale Town to come here and round them up..." said an elderly black mage.

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in riding on the handle of the magic scorpion, and continued to fly north along this mountain road.

"Cheer up, everyone. This time we are chasing a team of second-rank powerhouses. Don't end up like them in the end." The older black magician said with a frown. "Customize three coffins in the town, and take them back with you when you return!"

"is teacher!"

A black magician stood by and said respectfully.


Suldak originally wanted to find a small town to live in and wait for the magician Avid to recover and return to Bena City, but he didn't expect these magicians to catch up.

Now they could only continue heading north, but the group of people did not go far. They found a piece of woodland without many shrubs and weeds in the woods, set up a few tents in the woods, and rested overnight.

The next morning, before the three of them got out of the forest, they saw a burst of dust flying in the direction of Tanley Town.

A group of cavalry came out of Tanley Town carrying the flag, and continued to pursue northward along the mountain road...

Surdak and the others who were hiding in the forest couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't expect the cavalry of the Lord Army to catch up so quickly, and more importantly, they even chased ahead.

Since this mountain road could not be walked, Suerdak thought about walking up the river valley, so that at least Xiya would be more comfortable.

After walking upstream for a whole day, the pebbles along the river turned into rocky beaches. The river sometimes passed through some canyons. One road, otherwise it can only be waded through.

Fortunately, with Xi Ya, even if the team cut a few logs and tied them into a raft and pushed them into the water, they could barely pass through the rushing canyon waterway...

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