Lord Highlander

Chapter 980

On the third day after leaving Tanley,

Unsurprisingly, the team lost their way in the mountains. Since there was no map, Suerdak couldn't identify the direction in the mountains. He walked up the waterway, and finally the waterway turned into several in the valley. mountain stream.

Suldak also tried to find the mountain road leading to Mukuso City, but the five members of the team had been searching for this mountain for a whole day.

Now even the specific direction has been completely lost.

Surdak decided to climb up a high ridge to check the surrounding terrain.

There are many small wild animals in the forest. Skunks, hedgehogs, pheasants and deer can be seen everywhere. There are also many birds and mosquitoes in the forest, but no beasts have been encountered.

Suldak and his team wanted to find a higher mountain. The team was at the top of a difficult mountain, but the trees were dense here. Standing on the top of the canopy and looking around, the rolling jungle was almost completely covered by trees. The mountains and forests in the distance look like a green sea of ​​ups and downs.

Across a dense forest, the sounds of fighting in the valley could be clearly heard, and the listless Samira immediately ran to the front.

When Suldak caught up, Samira was standing on a branch of a big tree, peeking into the valley through a rare gap in the woodland.

This cavalry regiment of the lord's army surrounded a rebel army in the valley. The biggest difference between the two armies was that the lord's cavalry regiments all wore uniform standard armor, and the weapons in their hands were also relatively uniform, and they were very excellent.

However, the armor worn by the rebels is quite mixed. There are light leather armor and heavy armor. The weapons in their hands include swords, axes, flails, spears, etc. Such an infantry regiment knows how limited its combat effectiveness will be. Even if they had an absolute advantage in numbers when they met the cavalry regiment of the regular lord's army, and the terrain in the valley where the cavalry could not complete their charge, a group of rebels were still defeated by the lord's army.

There were many rocks piled up in the valley, and some infantry soldiers of the rebel army fell in a pool of blood. They were killed and retreated steadily, but they still did not let go of the entrance of the valley. He felt a little admiration for the fighting will of this group of rebel troops.

The cavalry regiment of the lord army also suffered some casualties. The horses of the cavalry were not armored, so many horses died on the battlefield at the bottom of the valley.

Whether it was the lord army or the rebel army, Suldak didn't have any affection for them, so he didn't consider going down to join the battle.

I only thought that since the cavalry could come in on horseback, the valley below must be able to go outside. If I could get a few horses from the cavalry of the lord army, that would be great, even saving walking.

At this time, Samira let out a cry of surprise, jumped down from the tree sensitively, ran to Suldak and said: "Among the crowd hiding in the valley, there are old people and children who ran out of Takale Town and woman……"

Suldak patted his forehead, and the bearded man told him that he was going to take a boat to Bansko Town, but now it seemed that he appeared in a remote mountain and dense forest valley. He didn't think that the bearded man's identity must be very problematic .

In order to understand the situation, Suldak took the broad sword and split the bushes and vines in front, and continued to approach the bottom of the valley.

It wasn't until the team got close to the bottom of the valley that they fully understood that the valley should be a camp of the rebel army. The infantry of the rebel army was killed and wounded all over the place, but they were still not defeated because there were a group of unarmed women and children behind them.

And the cavalry regiment of this lord army should have discovered the rebel camp behind the valley, and they were not in a hurry to attack it in one fell swoop.

The commander still let the cavalry take turns to attack, preparing to eat away the rebel infantry regiment bit by bit.

There were already corpses lying on the ground at the mouth of the valley, and the fighting still did not stop.

Fortunately, the rebel army still had a team of archers at the entrance of the valley. Every time the cavalry rushed within the range, there would be a shower of arrows. However, the number of archers in this team was not large, so the combat power formed was very limited.

The spears in the cavalry's hands had a great advantage in battle, and they were stabbed down by the spears before the infantry got close.

Under the successive attacks of the cavalry regiments of the lord army, the infantry regiment soldiers of the rebel army finally could not withstand the fierce offensive. A cavalry squadron broke through the defense line composed of infantry's flesh and blood and entered the valley camp.

The women guarded a group of children and wanted to retreat into the woodland on the left side of the valley, but were stopped by this cavalry squadron.

The young woman who had been molested by the lord's army in the Evid manor ran at the end of the group, with a little girl with a ignorant face under her armpit. A cavalryman caught up and raised the sword The spear, the sharp point of the spear pierced the back of the woman's heart, stabbing her and the girl to death together.

The young woman's eyes were wide open, and she fell into a pool of blood with the girl who was no longer breathing in her arms.

The cavalry continued to pursue...

At this moment, Suldak seemed to be touched by some kind of emotion in his heart, and he no longer hid in the woods rationally. He pulled out the broad sword at his waist, split the vines and shrubs in front of him, and strode from the Out of the woods.

Samira and Gulitum's eyes were also red, seeing Suldak rushing out, they immediately followed behind.

The half-elf archer came first, and the sky-strike bow in his hand shot arrows frequently while running. The phantom of the big elf behind him almost kept the same movement as her, and the fine steel arrow shot through the gap in the armor. The neck of a knight of the Lord's Army.

The knight fell forward, with one foot hanging on the stirrup, and his body lost the last bit of strength under the drag of the horse, and the horse stopped from the wild run.

Samira shot and killed five cavalrymen in a row. Her arrows could penetrate the armor, but the tip of the arrow penetrated half an inch deep into the armor, and could not go any further.

The double-headed ogre Gulitum's pace is much larger than that of Suldak. When he runs wildly, Suldak can only catch up with him on horseback.

At this time, the ogre was covered with a thick layer of ice armor, and it was the first to collide with the cavalry rushing in front. The horse seemed to have hit a wall, and Gullitum smashed it hard with a stick. On the horse's head, the knight and the horse fell down at the same time.

The cavalry on horseback rolled away the instant the horse fell, but was hit by a fireball thrown by Naohuaer.

A ball of flame exploded on the cavalry, and the cavalry immediately turned into a burning man rolling on the ground.

Suldak rushed up behind Gulitum, and the cavalry behind him also noticed this side, pointing their knight spears at Gulitum one after another, and came from all around.

Gulitum uttered a battle roar that shook the valley, rounded the big stick in his hand, and withstood the charge of the three knights with his own strength.

Suldak quickly took the opportunity to rush forward, using Goethe's shield to block the spears of the knights on horseback, the broadsword in his hand slashed at the head of the horse without any armor, a sacred flame extended from the sword, unexpectedly Simultaneously cut off the heads of the three war horses.

The horse fell down, and the three cavalrymen were crushed by the horse.

Suldak stepped over the dead horse and slashed their throats with his sword...

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