Lord Highlander

Chapter 981: 967. Faith

Suldak had never been so determined before,



The soldering iron of Ethanhard's light in his hand...

What is condensed in my heart is not anger, but a belief that I have found to continue fighting.

He hopes to use the broad sword in his hand to cut through the thorns in the future for these children, so that they have a better vision for the world.


Not when I first opened my eyes at the Handanar County Forest Camp on the Warsaw plane.

At that time, the world in his eyes was gray...

The smiling faces of the soldiers of the second team filled his world with color again.

It’s just that at that time, he was like a dandelion flower blowing in the wind, just moving around with the military camp. If it wasn’t for a warm invitation full of goodwill, he wouldn’t even know where he would go in the future.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was the only one who fulfilled his original promise and returned to Hailansa City alone.


When I was studying at the Knight Academy in High Lansa City, no.

At that time, he just wanted to have a legal identity enough to protect the village. It was because of the difficult life of the whole village. He had to make some changes to make the life of Wall Village in the barren land gradually better. .

It was as if there was an invisible big hand pushing him forward, unable to stop.

At that time, whenever he sat down, he always felt that someone beside him was watching him. The warm smile was like a shackle on the oath. To keep going.


Not when fighting in the city of Vozmara on the Maca plane.

He was a Knight of the Guard Battalion then, and fighting was both a mission and a job.

He is responsible for rescuing those companions on the battlefield. It is the guard battalion knight badge on his chest that makes him an outstanding knight.


Not in the town of Dodan in the Thorn Mountains on the Bailin plane.

If it wasn't for Marquis Luther who made the garrison in the Bailin plane, he might still be dealing with those sand bandits in the barren land!

According to Marquis Luther's plan, Suldak needs to occupy a large mine in the Invercargill Forest to stabilize his economic base.

But if you want to get a mine, you must own a territory.

So he did not hesitate to anger the Wilkes City Magical Union and the Alchemy Guild, but also wanted to get that territory.

In fact, Suldak has done a great job in this matter. Even Marquis Luther did not expect that he would occupy the entire Invercargill Forest and control a third of the forest.

All the land in the forest can be picked at will...


None of these things seemed to be decided by Suldak himself.

Some are promises, some are pushed him from behind.

The Ganbu plane is filled with many members of the Black Magic Priory, and the plane is clamoring to declare independence. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the people on the Ganbu plane, the word-of-mouth of the Lord Army has been extremely poor.

The original idea was to let the magician Avid, then open the temporary portal, and return to Bena City safely...

After Lord McDonnell was captured, it was officially over when they came to the Ganbu plane. He had been looking forward to returning to Bena City for the past few days.

He does not belong to the dry cloth plane...

But now, he has been watching for so many days from the perspective of a bystander, seeing the almost destroyed town of Takale, seeing the residents of the town who died in the war, and seeing the living conditions of the residents of remote mountain towns...

Until now, he saw the rebel army lying in a pool of blood.

Only then did he realize what he was going to do...

He wanted to swing his sword to split this corrupted plane with his own hands!


Seeing the three powerful warriors suddenly barging in, the commander of the cavalry regiment of the lord's army quickly mobilized several squadron leaders in the group, and dozens of knights rushed out of the battle regiment, quickly outflanking Suldak and his party. come over.

Among them, there are six squadron leaders in the knight order wearing magic-weave structures, all of which are well-equipped knights in combat.

The war horse trampled on the pebbles in the valley, making a crisp "stamping" sound, a knight and the war horse almost turned into a white light, and the phantom of the white rock rhino appeared behind him, crashing towards Suldak like a steam train Coming over, dozens of other knights followed behind this knight. They waited for Surdak to dodge the charge and make a tactical retreat, so that their impact would be continuous like the tide.

After all, Suldak has been the commander of the cavalry battalion for so long, and he is very familiar with the standard charge tactics of the cavalry.

At this time, as long as you take a step back, you will suffer an overwhelming impact.

Raising the Goethe shield in his hand, the magical glow flowed from the magic pattern structure, and an archangel with outstretched wings appeared behind him. The pair of wings are white as snow, and the archangel sits praying with his hands on his chest...

A halo of power lit up under his feet, and the magic runes of the ancient oath quickly appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the rune language exploded with a powerful force in the form of a holy seal, and poured it into Goethe's shield.

The shield in Suldak's hand erupted with a strong sacred aura,

The archangel embraced Suldak with arms and wings interlaced...

The constructed knight in the lord's army was holding a knight spear in his hand. Just before the spear touched the shield, the horse under his crotch suddenly jumped up, and the spear in his hand also stabbed at the momentum. go out.


The knight's long spear with a thick arm hit Goethe's shield and broke in the middle.

The war horse couldn't stop, and stomped towards Suldak with its front hooves, and stepped on Suldak's Goethe shield again, an invisible force was offset by the wings of the archangel.

Suldak only felt that the wings of the archangel dimmed instantly, and he took the opportunity to swing a sword and cut off the horse's leg...

While the war horse neighed, the constructed knight on horseback decisively dropped the knight's lance. His hand was so shaken that he completely lost consciousness. He threw away the knight's light shield with his left hand in a hurry, drew out the long sword at his waist, and prepared to avoid the shield and stab at the oblique Below the collarbone of the Suldak shoulder and neck.

Suldak raised his shield again, turned sideways to avoid the sword of the construction knight, and cut a foot-long cut on the construction knight's thigh with his backhand.

The war horse fell down, and the constructed knight fell out like a cannonball, rolling into the rocks.

The cavalry from behind followed one after another, and Suldak returned to his original defensive posture, blocking the successive cavalry beheadings of several knights behind him,

At this time, the two-headed ogre also straddled Suldak's side. The two blocked the charge of the six constructed knights side by side, and swept off a group of cavalry who rushed up behind them. Only then did the commander of the lord army realize The two fighters on the opposite side are very likely to be second-rank powerhouses...

At this time, Samira was already standing on the edge of the forest, shooting and killing seventeen cavalrymen one after another.

The most violent offensive of the cavalry regiment came to an abrupt end, and all the knights of the cavalry regiment of the lord army gave up chasing and killing the rebels and gathered towards Suldak.

The rest of the white cavalry formed a charging wave in the valley, crashing towards the two-headed ogre...

The ogre's skin quickly petrified, holding a big stick in both hands to block Suldak's body.

Samira squatted on the branch of the tree trunk, spit out the fruit core in her mouth, the magic pattern on her arms glowed hotly, and the magic spar in the gemstone groove of the Sky Strike Bow in her hand burst open again, and the whole Sky Strike Bow was filled with Countless electric snakes pulled the bowstring and hit a jet-black steel arrow. The steel arrow instantly turned into a light arrow darting through the arc.

When the arrow flew in the air, it couldn't control the electric arc contained within itself, and countless electric arcs spread outward, as if swaying a web of arc light.

The arrow flashed in and out, and shot precisely at the forehead of the knight rushing in front.

That knight is the most powerful constructed knight in the cavalry regiment, and his strength has reached the peak of the first rank, but he has been unable to break through the second rank. He saw an arrow flying in the sky, and quickly moved a black iron The delicate little round shield firmly blocked the light arrow.

Just as the one-turn knight secretly asked: This light arrow is nothing more than that, and the sky-filled arc is nothing more than a show...

His thoughts drifted across his mind, and a bolt of lightning was also above his head, falling down like a waterfall of light.

Suddenly, the constructed knights and horses were burnt by the lightning, and the arc spread to the surroundings. Several knights and the horses under their crotches trembled almost at the same time, and fell to the battlefield one after another.

Siya was standing next to the big tree at the foot of Samira. At this moment, behind her was the phantom of Queen Janna with six arms. A light blue magic circle emerged from her feet, and the surging tide came from behind her. Come out and rush towards this team of knights.

The knight in front seemed to be standing in a fast-flowing river, and all the horses could not continue to charge.

The two-headed ogre's eyes widened. Gulitum had already charged up with the big stick, but Naohuaer turned around and shouted at Siya at this moment: "Siya, well done..."

Suldak was successfully promoted to the second rank, and the affinity of the sacred attributes of his body had reached full value. When his whole body was filled with sacred aura, his body became transparent like a glass bottle, and countless sacred auras gathered around him. Slowly turning him into a dazzling pale gold in his body.

At this moment, almost everyone on the battlefield did not dare to look at him directly. He followed Gulitum and fought back against the cavalry...

He jumped up suddenly and stood among the enemy crowd like a god descending from the earth.

'Holy Wrath'

Countless golden light arrows burst out from Suldak's body, like dazzling golden light, these light arrows pierced into the bodies of the cavalry, and the cavalry of the lord army fell down in pieces.

The surrounding rebels finally took this opportunity to catch their breath. They knew that the battle was far from over, and almost all the rebels who could fight quickly gathered towards Suldak.

The ogre let out another battle cry...

The bearded man tightly strangled the wound on his ribs with a bed sheet, propped the hammer on the ground in his hand, barely stood up, and moved towards Suldak with difficulty.

While approaching Suldak, he only felt a sudden surge of power from his feet. Although his body was still bleeding, his steps became more powerful...

The battle roar of the ogre also made everyone's blood boil and their spirits lifted.

Gulitum took a big stride. He caught up with a cavalryman, lifted him off his horse, and slammed him to the ground.

Holding the rein of the horse with one hand, although the horse tried its best to resist, it was still forcibly withdrawn to Suldak's side by the ogre.

At this moment, Suldak's body has returned to its original state, and the "Holy Wrath" just now is in a state full of sacred power in his body, and it will not cause additional burden to his body if he casts it once every two days.

Without hesitation, he stepped on the horse, raised the broadsword in his hand, and led the gathered rebel army to launch a counterattack towards the cavalry regiment of the lord army.

Samira also came out of the woods and chased behind the team...

In the eyes of the ogres, the armor worn by the cavalry of the Lord's Army is no different from that of paper. The three-meter-high ogre is like a war machine, rushing to the front. The Lord's army immediately began to crumble.

The commander of the cavalry regiment of the Lord's Army closed his eyes. He didn't complain that there were no second-rank strongmen in the regiment, but he regretted that he didn't bring the bed crossbow because he thought it was troublesome this time.

Even if there are only two bed crossbows, it can silence the extremely arrogant two-headed ogre opposite.

Opening his eyes again, the commander of the lord army said to the assistant beside him: "Send the order, the whole army will retreat, and the first squadron will stay in charge of the rear..."

After finishing speaking, without taking another look at the battlefield, Yuma turned around and led the bodyguards to leave the valley battlefield first.

The herald immediately passed on the general order, and a group of cavalry on the hill lined up holding five consecutive crossbows in their hands, blocking the charge from this side with crossbow arrows, and the cavalry regiment of the lord army quickly retreated from the valley.

They dropped a pile of horse corpses and began to retreat in the direction they came from.

Suldak also stopped and stood at the valley entrance watching the well-trained cavalry leave.

The commander of the cavalry regiment also seemed to have stopped on the mountain road at this time. He held the rein of the horse with one hand, turned around and took a deep look at Suldak. Is a commander who has just experienced defeat.


With the support of Sia, the magician Avid walked out of the dense forest. He was injured, and his face had turned pale after walking these few steps.

The bearded man walked up to the magician Avid with difficulty, and said to the magician Avid with gratitude: "Thank you, Mage Avid, if it weren't for your help this time, I'm afraid our entire camp would be destroyed by this The main army of the group leaders was slaughtered..."

Magician Avid said with a face of shame: "Well, it's not me that you have to thank, I can't help you much, you should thank..."

"These children in Takale Town, if we didn't see them suffering, we wouldn't be able to help you. Magician Avid is a magic nobleman. How could he take action against the noble lord!"

Samira stood on a branch of a big tree nearby, and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

She and Sia covered their faces with black veils, looking very mysterious.

The rebels on the side were peeping at the two of them, and they would continue to search for their surviving companions in the pile of corpses.

In any case, the battle came to an end with the tragic victory of the rebels.

And victory, often there will be some gains...


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