Lord Highlander

Chapter 982: 968. Faith 2

The blood almost stained the pebbles in the valley red. Surdak searched among the corpses for those seriously injured soldiers. As long as there was a breath that could be saved, he called for someone to come and carry them to the tent he temporarily set up on the battlefield.

Seeing that Suldak turned out to be a paladin with the power of the Holy Light, the soldiers of the rebel army took the initiative to carry the seriously wounded to the front of Suldak's tent.

Soon there would be no need for Suldak to take the initiative to seek treatment for the wounded. He only needed to cast the holy light spell on these wounded soldiers in the tent.

Suldak's principle of treating the wounded is to give priority to the seriously injured...

In the past, after such a big battle, the rebels had no healing potions and water magicians, and the injured soldiers would make life and death decisions at this time.

Those soldiers who feel that their wounds cannot heal and do not want to continue to endure the pain will have their closest comrades-in-arms help them make a break, and there will often be a collective farewell ceremony at this time.

Some fighters who think they can survive will lie in the camp to fight against death alone after a simple bandage.

But things are clearly different now...

Suldak took the initiative to stand up and treat these rebels, and as long as they could breathe, all the soldiers were carried back from the battlefield.

Siya is behind Suldak as an assistant, magic has no borders, as an excellent water magician, Siya is very skilled in hydrotherapy and detoxification...

However, Sia prefers to treat injured children, the elderly and women in the rebel camp.

The two-headed ogre brought back a horse whose head had been cut off by Suldak's sword on the battlefield. He carried the horse on his shoulder, and held the horse's head in the other hand. There was still some blood on his mouth. , daunting...

He set up two bonfires next to the Suldak tent. On one of the bonfires, he boiled a large pot filled with clean water. After the water in the iron pot was boiled, let it cool down, and prepared to provide it to Suldak. It is used to clean wounds of wounded soldiers.

The other bonfire is used to roast the war horse. He has tied the whole horse to a giant log, skinned it and removed the internal organs. It seems that he wants to roast the whole horse. The ogre has a Some salt and spices are applied to the horses.

Gulitum chattered to Naohuaer: "This kind of horse meat is very chewy after being roasted, especially the meat on the horse's legs is very delicious..."

Well said brother Naohuaer wished he could take a bite of the raw meat, "Brother, stop talking."

For ogres, every fierce battle consumes a lot of stamina, and the best way to replenish stamina is to eat and drink.

Samira squatted next to the knight in one-turn construction, took off the magic pattern construction on his body with her own hands, and put the magic belt, weapon, and saddle together.

She personally ran over to all the costume knights that Suldak and Gulitum personally beheaded, and stripped off all the magic pattern costumes, weapon shields, magic belts and gold and silver ornaments on their bodies. There were almost twenty constructed knights in the cavalry regiment, and eleven of them were killed by Suldak, Gulitum, and Samira.

Ordinary cavalryman Samira automatically ignored it. The biggest gain this time was eleven sets of magic pattern structures. Although they were all damaged to a certain extent, they should still be repaired.

Samira's eyes became brighter. She never thought that hunting monsters, opening up territory, and mining ore to make a living are far less than winning a war. This is simply too much money.

The winning side actually has a way to make up for the losses caused during the battle...

The leaders of the rebel army watched Samira carrying eleven sets of magic pattern structures from a distance, but they couldn't walk over and say anything.

What can I say! If it hadn't been for someone to lend a helping hand in times of crisis, the rebel army might have been slaughtered by this cavalry regiment...

Now people are just collecting the spoils of killing the enemy, and now the knight is still treating those wounded soldiers. Although these magic pattern structures are very precious to the rebel army, they can only watch Samira collect them. middle.

Of course, it is impossible for these rebel soldiers to forget the scene so quickly. A light arrow in the sky shot a constructed knight, and the lightning from the sky exploded in the cavalry charge formation, causing all the archers in the rebel camp to panic. Eye-opening, it turns out that archers can also do such a sharp blow.

Many people were killed and even more were injured. Surdak was very busy.

This time, the sacrifices he took out were all carried in the magic pocket. The space in the magic pocket was limited, and the number of sacrifices he carried was not too much. Aphrodite was no longer in the lava mine of Pustule Mountain, so there was no way to take it out. Therefore, for the sacrifices of these monster heads, Suldak basically saves as much as he can, and every primary head will give the blessing of God's "Blessed Body" to the two seriously injured.


The children who survived the camp gathered together, terrified by the brutal battle.

The shadow of death enveloped the entire camp. The women hid in the corners with their children in their arms and shed tears secretly. Those who survived or died were all crying.

The fighters of the rebel army seemed to have adapted to this kind of life. They carried their wounded comrades back to the camp on the battlefield, and waited outside the tents for Suldak's treatment.

Some people picked up a lot of firewood from the woods and set up a huge pile of firewood on the open space at the bottom of the valley. They placed the corpses of their dead companions neatly on it, waiting for the burning ceremony in the evening.

People here believe that when day and night alternate, there will be an open door between the underworld and the human world...

The dead cavalry of the Lord's Army were also burned, lest the skeletons become part of the army of the undead.

But their corpses were thrown more casually, all valuables were stripped off, and the bloody corpses lay messily on the firewood.

The camp isn't that big, it's just a small stronghold.

The bearded Edgar had just brought more than 300 fleeing town residents here. Unexpectedly, he was approached by a cavalry regiment. The main force of the rebel army is not here, and the infantry here are not those at all. Rivals of well-trained and well-armed cavalry.

The valley here is in the deepest part of the mountain, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and only one exit was blocked by the cavalry of the lord army.

Everyone can't escape, they can only resist desperately.

Seeing the young warriors around him fall one by one, Edgar even thought that he would die here too. Although he was cut by a knight on his ribs with a deep wound that reached the bone, he wanted to die in front of him. Kill a few more lord armies before death, and keep fighting on the battlefield.

He didn't expect to meet the magician Avid here, and this enthusiastic magician actually sent his followers to save a large number of people on his side at a critical moment.

He was also lying in the tent as a wounded rib and received treatment from Suldak.

Suldak squatted beside him, cut off the blood-soaked sheet wrapped around him, and asked the bearded man curiously: "You hide your identity in Takale Town just to bring these children come out?"

The bearded Edgar's face was abnormally pale, he was bleeding too much, and he was hit by dizziness. He dared not sleep. It is said that many companions fell asleep at this time and never woke up again.

Edgar is not afraid of death, but there is obviously a chance to live now...

"Our camp is very short of supplies. We have no choice but to take advantage of the empty troops in Takale Town and rush in to grab some supplies." The bearded man said weakly: "The benefit of our attack on the town is really very good." Kill less civilians, as long as the nobles don’t resist and have no grievances with us, we are willing to let them go, but we have to take away the property, and there is a shortage of clothes and clothes here, after all, we have to live.”

His voice is a little low:

"After this kind of battle to capture the town, the lord army needs to appease the soldiers. They will search for all the unowned things in the town. Of course, even the owner will not let it go. As long as the owner dies, then And it became a thing without an owner.”

"The nobles are better, but when this kind of thing happens to the residents of the small town, there is almost no way for everyone to survive. It happens every time."

The bearded man rubbed his messy hair, but it touched the wound, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Bringing them out is also to hope that they can survive?" the bearded man said.

Suldak felt that what he said was a bit high-sounding, and expressed disbelief in his rhetoric.

The bearded man wanted to smile in embarrassment, but the pain in the wound only made him pull the corner of his mouth, and he lay obediently on the treatment bed made of wooden boxes, "In addition, our rebel army also needs to replenish fresh blood here. our future……"

Suldak glanced outside, saw many young soldiers outside through the gap in the curtain, and asked, "Don't the soldiers on your side raise more children?"

The bearded Edgar shook his head and said with a wry smile, "If I can't support myself, why should I raise a child?"

Then the bearded man said: "We often have to fight the Lord's Army. If we have to be careful to raise a child every time we have sex, or simply have children in the camp, how can these soldiers fight the Lord's Army on the battlefield? ...?"

"What we are after is freedom and faith..."

Suldak continued to ask: "Then what is your belief?"

The bearded Edgar was looking forward to the future, his eyes drifted a little, and he said, "Of course it is to overthrow MacDonnell's lord army, at least we can give all the poor people a piece of land..."

Suldak almost said Internexonal, he paused, and then complained: "...Um, well, this idea is very good, although the idea is very good, but your strength is really Too ordinary."

The bearded Edgar smiled habitually and said, "It's okay, it will get better in the future."

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