Lord Highlander

Chapter 989

The bearded Edgar left the camp with a group of Avid wizards in a small boat. This meandering river in the jungle was an important channel for the rebels to transport supplies at ordinary times.

This flat-bottomed boat has a very shallow draft in the river, and even if it passes through some shallows, it can sail through without hindrance.

There is only one boatman standing at the stern to control the rudder, and there is no need to rely on oars, and the flat boat is pushed downstream by the current.

In fact, the boat is still equipped with four oars. The two-headed ogre, Samira, and Siya have almost never taken this kind of water transportation, and they are particularly novel about riding a boat. Take the paddle and paddle the flat boat fast.

The scenery on both sides of the strait quickly slipped back from the front, and a group of fire-tailed monkeys on the bank were chasing the flat-bottomed boat. They imitated Gulitum's way of throwing stones, throwing wild fruits picked from the tree on the flat-bottomed boat, squeaking in their mouths Chirping roar.

Samira picked up the Sky Strike Bow, but was stopped by Suldak.

"Let them go, there is no threat to us, some of these fruits seem to be edible..." Suldak said.

Gulitum couldn't wait to pick up a green fruit that rolled into the cabin, and chewed it in his mouth. Judging from the way he squinted his eyes, these green fruits shouldn't be too bad to eat.

This section of waterway in the jungle is very long, and the bearded man suggested that the flat boat stop at a shoal at noon to take a rest.

Surdak likes to eat grouse. The flat boat stopped by the river beach, and Samira jumped off the boat and walked into the dense jungle on the bank with a sky bow.

The messy bushes and vines in the woodland did not form any obstacles, and she could jump back and forth between these dense trees.

Not long after, Samira came out of the woods with a few bloody grouse...

The magician Avid was supported by the rebel female soldier Nora to disembark, and when he saw the grouse hanging from Samira's waist, he said happily: "Now we are lucky..."

In fact, foodies are often gourmets, and gourmets probably know how to cook before they become famous.

The ogre is such a gourmet cook, and he showed great enthusiasm for how to cook these few grouse.

He even took the trouble to find a few pebbles the size of a washbasin by the river and built a pot and stove.

The bearded Edgar thought that the ogre would go to the woods to pick up some dry wood to make a fire, and he wanted to help, but he didn't expect this guy to take out a square magic rune board from his backpack and put it directly in the pot Under the stove, another magic spar fragment was placed on the gem base.

With a 'bang', a ball of flame rose from the metal rune board.

There are forests all around, and the resources of firewood are so abundant, it is convenient and economical to collect firewood to make a fire.

The bearded Edgar didn't expect the ogre to take out a metal rune board to light a fire, and put on a stance that being rich is self-willed.

We ate a fairly sumptuous lunch on the river beach, and did some activities by the river, and then continued to sail downstream by boat.

After a long day and night, the flat boat finally drove out of the jungle along the river.

There is a canyon in front of you, with cliffs nearly 100 meters high on both sides. The river in the middle is tens of hundreds of meters wide, and only a few meters wide in the narrow place.

There is an illusion that if a boat passes under the cliff, if you don't lower your head, it will hit the cliff.

Entering this section of the waterway, the water flow suddenly became turbulent.

Fortunately, the boatman knew the waters very well. Although the flat-bottomed boat was a little bumpy, it was still able to ride the waves steadily.

It took almost half a day to talk about walking out of the canyon, and then everyone's vision became wider...

The mountains on both sides of the river are picturesque.

Captain Edgar stood at the bow of the boat and introduced to the magician Avid with a relaxed face: "The scenery here is not bad, but it is too far away from the bustling world, and the living supplies are relatively scarce."

In this area, the flow of the river has become gentle again, and three flat-bed boats are driving towards them, full of supplies.

These boats go upstream, and the boatmen have to paddle hard...

The flatboat had been driving in the river for so long, and it was the first time that Suerdak saw a boat coming towards him.

After walking a little further, I saw a simple pier on the bank of the river. The pier was almost made of wood. There was a row of flat-bottomed boats moored on the pier, and some people gathered on the pier.

Looking inside along the pier, under the cover of dense trees, you can still see several tree houses.

But the bearded Edgar didn't let the boatman stop at this pier, but continued to drive forward.

"This is Hopkin's territory. He and I have a little conflict, so we won't dock here." The bearded Edgar explained to the magician Avid.

Then, he sat on the bow and introduced to the magician:

"The rebel organization on our side is very loose. Due to the limited resources around the camps, each camp cannot be built too large. The population must reach 3,000. We will separate some people and build new camps. At first, everyone had the same dream, but now there are many differences in ideas, some camps are closely connected, and some are like this, basically no contact with each other."

Suldak asked curiously, "There are probably residents in this mountain?"

The bearded man was silent for a while, and then said bluntly, "About a hundred thousand people."

"However, once there is a war, the number of staff will be reduced very quickly. Although we also have female soldiers here, not many are willing to have children here."

"Everyone is worried that once the lord's army invades, those who drag their families along will not even have a chance to escape..."

"It was really difficult in the past few years. There will always be some lords who will come to wipe us out."

"Recently, the situation is much better. The Lord's Army has been fighting the coalition forces in Bena Province, and they don't care about our side at all."

"Our battlefield is mainly concentrated in the town of Bansko...the pressure of the recent battle is very small."

"Without the support of the main battle group, they dare not go deep into our control area easily. We don't need to fight with them, just find an opportunity to cut off their supply line, and these lords will retreat..."

The bearded man began to introduce the situation here to the magician Avid.

The magician Avid asked curiously: "Then how did you come up with the idea of ​​attacking the town of Takale?"

Avid was actually unlucky enough. The manor he had just bought in Takale for a week was completely abandoned during the war.

Edgar the Beard said:

"Usually, there are some lord troops stationed around those large towns. If we want to attack a large town like Takale, even if there are only security brigades and local nobles in the town, it will not be easy for our military to eat up a town. .”

"This time I also heard that the garrison next to Takale town was suddenly transferred away. Not only the garrison in Takale town, but also the garrison near Hatangada town also left their garrison, and they entered Georgia. Training in the Loft Mountains gave us an opportunity."

"Moreover, this victory is very important to us and helped us solve a lot of urgently needed supplies."

While the boat was going, Edgar the Bearded introduced him.

Until the afternoon, the number of flat boats on the river gradually increased, and Suldak realized that the flat boats driving here should be regarded as entering the rear of the rebel army.

Some rebel camps can always be seen on both sides of the river. There is smoke everywhere, and life seems to be orderly.

The bearded man spoke dryly, but his interest in the conversation remained undiminished.

He took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and heard Suldak ask him how to identify the direction in the jungle here... Since there is no star map at night, and the sun cannot be seen during the day, even the growth rings of trees It's all perfectly balanced...

The bearded man immediately explained: "In the jungle, in fact, we mainly need to remember the trends of a few main mountain ranges, and all the rivers flow south."

Suddenly, Suldak...

Edgar continued:

"At night, it is easier to identify the direction. You can look at the star trails in the night sky... Oh, it is the countercurrent of time and space. These lines are very regular. As long as you can understand these countercurrents of time and space, you can grasp the direction. These The arc always bulges towards the north..."

Edgar was very familiar with this place, and told Suldak many ways to identify the direction.

The flat-bottomed boat drove on the river for another whole night until the evening of the third day, when Surdak saw that there were almost no mountain views in the distance, and the flat-bottomed boat seemed to have come to the end of this plane.

Just ahead the river flows again into a canyon.

The bearded Edgar stood excitedly at the bow of the boat, pointed at the valley in front of him, and said loudly to the magician Avid:

"Oh, look ahead...we're here!"

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