Lord Highlander

Chapter 990

Surdak stood on the boat, the land and mountains in front of him stopped abruptly behind the canyon...

Looking up from a distance, this void can actually extend all the way to the feet, and the light bands formed by the reverse flow of time also descend into the endless abyss.

"Is this the end of the Ganbu plane?" Suldak asked.

The bearded Edgar said with emotion: "That's right, after this river flows through the canyon in front, there is a lake behind the canyon. These rivers form a waterfall on the other side of the lake and fall into the lower plane. in the abyss."

"If it keeps flowing like this, wouldn't the water in the entire plane be drained?" Ogre Gulitam asked curiously.

The bearded Edgar shook his head and said, "There is plenty of rain in the south of the Ganbu plane. At least I have lived here for so many years, and I have never seen a river dry up."

The magician Avid asked the bearded man: "I heard that there is a rock golem formed by the core of the earth element here?"

The bearded man nodded, and said: "No, there is no such thing here. I heard that it has appeared on the other side of the Fasher Mountain, but it is only a legend. Many foreign adventure groups went there to find these earth element cores. I have never heard of any adventure group that has found it!"

The flat boat goes around a cliff along the river...

At dusk, a small town built in the cliff above the river suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The light between the cliffs is a bit dim, and many houses hanging on the cliffs have already been lit. From a distance, it looks like countless pigeon cages built on the cliff.

These pigeon cages are connected by countless wooden stairs. These turning and staggered stairs are stacked on top of each other. Some green plants cultivated by residents are hung in wooden barrels and wooden boxes hanging outside the stairs.

The lights of the town shade the river below the canyon, making the river sparkle at dusk.

The pier in the canyon is crowded with all kinds of flat-bottomed boats, which looks very lively.

This small town is inlaid on the cliff between the canyons, and there is still a body of water below, which looks very different, and the scenery at dusk is actually beautiful.

Surdak was already shocked when he saw the edge of the world on the Ganbu plane, but this rebel town gave him more surprises.

The flat-bottomed boat slowly approached the shore, and there was actually someone on the pier who knew the bearded Edgar, and stood far away on the shore and waved to him.

"This is your rear area?" Suldak asked the bearded man.

"When our various camps need to engage in joint operations, we will meet at the elders' meeting. The elders here usually do not issue military orders to us, but we will send supplies here regularly. After all, this is the beginning of our group's dream. The place……"

"We built a small town here that respects freedom. Unfortunately, all the houses are built like bird's nests. I don't like this style very much."

The bearded Edgar led the crowd onto the pier.

When they were about to walk out of the pier, a group of rebels came up the wooden stairs. The leader, a bald man, saw the beard and immediately waved familiarly, shouting, "Edgar, you did a great job this time!"

The bearded Edgar smiled and replied:

"Hey, you too..."

The two did not continue to talk deeply, but made a few simple gestures tacitly, and then went their separate ways.

The bearded Edgar said to the team standing by the pier:

"It's so late, let's go to find a place to live first, and see if the hotel here is full."

Suldak was looking forward to what the hotel here would look like.

As soon as he walked out of the pier, he heard someone curiously ask above his head:

"Edgar, where did you find the big guy?"

The man's eyes fell on the two-headed ogre, his eyes were full of curiosity and a little provocative.

He jumped off the wooden fence, stood firmly on the pier, reached out and patted Gulitham's arm.

Before Gulitham could stare at his glasses, the bearded Edgar pushed the man away and said:

"He is the follower of the Avid magician. If you don't want to be punched into the lake, just take your hand away..."

The man stood by the fence in astonishment, and Edgar quickly left the dock with a group of people.


Facts have proved that this town still has a hotel, and as Suldak expected, the hotel itself is a group of pigeon coops, so everyone has an independent room.

Only the two-headed ogre was relatively burly, so he couldn't find a suitable wooden house for him to rest.

Gulitum looked up at the top of the cliff, and found a 'Z'-shaped staircase leading all the way to the top, and said to everyone: "I'll go to the top to see, if the scenery is good, I'll live in it tonight." There it is..."

Samira and Sia have already entered their own wooden house.

Xi Ya wanted to find a chance to jump into the river and swim around, but she didn't dare.

Samira is looking around in the room, doors, windows, cabinets and many other details. She plans to bring the layout and design of the pigeon cage wooden house back to the Bailin plane. , obviously not as strong as the wooden houses here, and the space allocation is also very good...

The magician Avid and the female rebel warrior Nora lived in a wooden house early.

Surdak was standing on the terrace of the wooden house, looking curiously at the small town on the cliff.

When it got dark, there were still some flat-bottomed boats sailing into the pier from outside.

The lights on the pier are still brightly lit, and a large amount of supplies have been unloaded from the ship. Many townspeople at the pier are carrying these supplies...

The bearded Edgar left the group at the hotel, and walked out of the hotel alone. He was very familiar with the wooden spiral staircase here, and disappeared among the spiral staircases in a blink of an eye.

Suldak was just about to go back to his room and lie down on the bed for a while, when he saw Xi Ya standing beside him with an earnest face, looking up at him with his chin raised.

"Okay, I got it..." Suldak waved to Siya.

The two walked down the wooden stairs to the place near the water. Sure enough, Xi Ya was very excited along the way.

Xi Ya did not return to the mermaid form at the canyon pier, but walked out of the town.

They walked from a corridor opened in the canyon to the big lake behind the canyon. There were a few older children standing on the bank with lush water and grass, inserting some fish baskets into it, which should be traps for fishing.

Siya and Suldak found a boulder on the shore, and Siya stepped into the lake on the boulder. It seemed that her body changed a little with every step.

It wasn't until the lake completely covered her head that a huge splash appeared in the lake...

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