Lord Highlander

Chapter 991: 977. Postman Dennis

By the lake, there is an evening wind blowing.

In the distance came the roar of a waterfall hitting rocks, and the edge of the lake came out, and the water fell into the abyss.

In the abyss, these lakes scattered into water droplets, and the strong wind blowing from the bottom of the plane turned them into patches of rain and mist, and these ground winds were brought back to the Daxue Peak at the northernmost point of the plane, forming endless wind and snow.

Some women who were washing clothes by the lake packed up the clothes that were still drying on the grass, carried baskets, and carried wooden basins on their heads. They pulled the children around them and walked towards the valley town in groups.

At this time, a young girl with long legs and short hair was carrying a postal backpack and wearing a pair of leather boots, dragging her tired body all the way from the small town to the lake. It seemed that many people along the way knew her.

He was squatting next to a sandy beach by the lake, and two children who were waiting here cheered and ran over, took out an aluminum lunch box to show off to the girl the harvest of the day, the lunch box was full of fresh earthworms, worried about these earthworms Died in a lunch box with some sand in it.

"Good job!" The long-legged girl said something perfunctory, which immediately made the two children jump for joy.

There is a layer of faint freckles on her cheekbones, her skin is a bit rough, and her face has a layer of fine hair, but the bridge of her nose is very straight, and her bright eyes are like two emeralds.

Her face was somewhat tough, and there was a kind of determination between her brows.

She dug out two precious fishhooks from a small cloth roll, tied the fishing line skillfully, hung a piece of earthworm on the fishhook, and then landed on a rock by the lake, swung the fishing rod, and threw it into the In the lake water, a handful of wet rice bran was sprinkled into the lake...

On the bank, two old women walked slowly with wooden basins in their arms. Their figures were a bit bloated and their eyes were a little bit bad.

When I got closer, I saw that it was a girl with long legs. The stooped old lady raised her head with difficulty and said:

"Dennis, it's so late, do you still want to fish here?"

The long-legged girl Dennis turned her head and said with a smile:

"Fish at night are easier to take the bait, Aunt Anthea, are you going back?"

The hunched old woman murmured, "If you don't walk, you will lose sight of the road. When you get old, your eyes won't work..."

After finishing speaking, the two old women left slowly holding the wooden basin.

Sister Anthea, whose waist could no longer straighten up, introduced to the companion beside her:

"This girl's name is Dennis. It's not easy for a person to raise not only her younger siblings, but also her bedridden grandma."

The other old woman just sighed feebly before saying, "What a good boy..."

Although Aunt Anthea's eyes were blurry and her ears were a little deaf, the fire of gossip was still burning in her heart, and she said as she walked: "A while ago, an officer said that he wanted to marry her, and she brought him directly to the house, Let the officer look at the situation at home and say that if you want her, you will accept everything from her."

"And then?" asked the old woman beside her.

"What else can there be? Then, the officer just said to think about it, and then walked away without looking back." Aunt Anthea sighed helplessly.

"Hey, didn't you say that we have captured the town of Takale?" The old woman muttered in a low voice, "Why hasn't our life changed a little bit?"

Sister Anthea said affirmatively, "It took only five days to take it down... the whole thing was taken away by the lord army before they could bring out all the supplies in the warehouse."

The old woman's tone suddenly became lighter: "It's already very good... isn't it? At least some supplies can be distributed this time!"

"There are more and more people now, and there are fewer and fewer things to share..." Aunt Anthea sighed and said, "The life here is far worse than before!"

The two are drifting away...

She didn't notice Suldak who was sitting on the rock next to her. Siya poked her head out from behind Suldak. She flicked her wet fish tail, and her wet hair was scattered on her round shoulders. With a touch of green scales.

In front of Suldak, she no longer feels shy even if she turns into a mermaid...

She stretched out her hand and tied the long hair at the back of her head into a bun, and with a 'plop', she jumped into the lake again.


Dennis thought he was lucky tonight, he caught a trout when he arrived,

Looking at the dark back of this big fish, it is obvious that it is a guy who lives in deep water all year round. I really don't know why he ran to shallow water to eat earthworms...

Seeing that dinner was settled and fish soup could be served tomorrow morning, Dennis was ready to call it a day.

But thinking about the fact that I have just arrived here, and an earthworm has just used a short piece, I feel that I should catch two more rods.

Just after throwing the hook into the lake, it took only a few breaths, the fishing rod in her hand sank down suddenly, and she grabbed the rod with all her strength, fighting wits and courage with the big guys in the water.

Children playing in the sand under the rocks cheered happily.

At this moment, the surface of the lake shrouded in darkness not far away was splashing with water. Dennis saw someone struggling by the lake but did not call for help.

She stood up straight and looked carefully, a white lotus root-like arm was exposed in the lake water.

Dennis threw down the fishing rod without hesitation, and rushed into the lake with two long legs. His body jumped forward, and the lake was covered with huge waves. the victim's neck, and desperately swam to the shore.

The incident happened not far from the shore, and he landed quickly.

It was Xi Ya who was rescued from the lake...

Dennis put Sia on the beach, and was trying to see if she was still beating and breathing, but she had already woken up.

Sia opened her deep blue eyes, smiled at Dennis and said, "Thank you for saving me..."


Surdak, who was placed on the rock, covered his forehead with his hands. He didn't expect Xiya to have acting talent...


Dennis smiled amiably. Seeing Sia woke up, he squatted beside her and said:

"You're welcome, where is your home? I'll take you back..."

"I live in a hotel in a small town." Sia explained to Dennis.

Dennis helped Sia up, and said, "No wonder I think your face is a little strange. You must be careful not to fall into the lake when you come to the lake in the future. There are no people here at night..."

Two children followed behind Dennis and Siya, one carrying a fishing rod and the other carrying a lunch box...

Xi Ya looked a little weak, but her eyes kept looking around, walking back into the canyon town, and the wooden stairs led by the cliff led in all directions.

Dennis is very familiar with this town, and sent Xi Ya back to the hotel.

"Oh, where does your family live?" Standing at the door of the hotel, Sia asked Dennis.

Dennis pointed to an unlit pigeon cage and said casually:

"It's over there, look... the window sill is hanging, and there are two pepper plants in the flowerpot at the door."

Xi Ya came up, gave Dennis a tight hug, and said, "By the way, I don't know your name yet!"

"Dennis!" Dennis introduced himself.

"Siya..." Siya pointed to her nose and said, "Can I visit your house tomorrow?"

Dennis readily agreed: "Of course, it's just that I'm not at home during the day. I have to deliver letters to the camps during the day, and I can entertain you at night."

After speaking, he quickly ran down the stairs with the two children, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

"She runs so fast..."

Sai Ya said to Suldak who came out from behind.

Suldak said, "Aren't you worried that someone will find out one day?"

"What's the matter, I just want to know her..."

Siya smiled smugly.


Aphrodite was lying on the big bed in the luxurious cabin of the magic airship. The cool nightgown couldn't hide anything at all, but instead magnified the charm and sexiness of her body infinitely.

Outside the window is a sea of ​​white clouds.

The dazzling sunlight made Suldak feel very friendly, and the dry cloth plane could not see the sunlight at all...

In the distance, an albatross swims on the skyline, and it also uses the power of the wind layer to fly long distances.

Aphrodite raised her chin, making the swan neck look extremely slender.

Her body doesn't seem to have any flaws other than her lack of fair skin.

"What did you see when you went to the rear of the rebel army, and how did the people live there?" she asked Surdak.

Suldak sat on a chair and explained to Aphrodite:

"Everyone is poor, so there are not so many contradictions, and the lifestyle is very simple."

Aphrodite looked at Suldak with a half-smile, and asked him, "How about it, have you made up your mind to help this rebel army on the Ganbu plane?"

Suldak shook his head.

Based on him and the magician Avid, do you want to support the rebel army against the lord army of Ganbu plane?

He felt that this was unrealistic. After all, it was considered an independent plane half the size of the province of Bena, and the resident population of the plane probably exceeded three million.

"Next, Avid will have a good talk with the rebels... I'll go through the information again." Suldak said solemnly: "When we fly to Bena City, I will discuss it with Marquis Luthor... "

Aphrodite reached out and picked up a red apple from the fruit bowl on the bedside table, and threw it to Suldak.

Suldak put it into the magic pouch, ready to take it back to Samira, the dry cloth plane does not have such sweet apples.

"Oh, when will the temporary teleportation circle be repaired?" Aphrodite asked again.

"We have to wait until we arrive at Bena City to buy a high-grade gem base, and some other simple parts." Suldak pressed his forehead and said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Suldak and Aphrodite looked at each other, and Aphrodite signaled Suldak to open the door.


Suldak straightened his collar and put the badge of nobility on his chest before he walked to the door of the cabin and opened the door halfway with one hand.

The second officer standing at the door was a little dumbfounded when he saw Suldak in leather armor...

Through the gap in Suldak's body, the second officer could see the figure of the woman in pajamas lying on the bed.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this matter. Except for the second officer who saw Suldak on the day of boarding the ship, Ms. Aphrodite has been operating alone on the airship these days.

The second officer thought that Suldak got off the airship quietly before it took off.

This lady was traveling alone, and she didn't even bring a maid with her. He seemed to feel such an obvious hint, so he came here to communicate with her with fine wine... I didn't expect that when the cabin door opened, I saw a real lady. Young nobleman.

The second officer suddenly felt completely cold...

Although Aphrodite had a mithril mask on her face, she couldn't see the face clearly.

But with such a good figure, the second officer felt that lying on the bed wearing a mithril mask actually had a different flavor...

He was wearing a decent white shirt with a bow tie on his collar, and he had sprayed on some perfume. He held a bouquet of white lilies in one hand and a bottle of white wine in the other.

When the cabin door was pushed open and Suldak blocked the door, the second officer was like a lover who was caught and raped in bed, feeling a little ashamed.

He smiled guiltyly at Surdak.

"What's the matter?" Suldak asked with a straight face.

The second officer offered the white wine with both hands with an embarrassing face, and said: "Honorable Viscount, this is for you. In addition, the airship provides a service for dining on the top deck of the ship building. Do you have any advice on this?" need?"

"No! Is there anything else?" Suerdak asked impatiently after taking the white wine.

"No... bother you!"

The second officer bowed to Suldak, and then closed the door with his own hands...

A bottle of white wine worth forty silver coins was sent out like this. Although the second officer worked on the airship and his monthly salary was three gold coins higher, it still made him feel a little distressed.

Perhaps seeing the figure lying on the bed made him feel even more distressed.

"That's why you invited me here?"

Suldak raised the white wine in his hand, shook it casually and asked.

Aphrodite rolled around on the big bed, blinked, and expressed her thanks to Suldak with charming eyes.

Suldak quickly retracted his gaze, walked to the round glass window, looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the airship, and asked her:

"Are you really not going to blow some air on the roof of the magic airship?"

Aphrodite said dejectedly: "Forget it, always wear this mask wherever you go, you will be regarded as a weird person, and you can't take it off... Let's lie in the room and sleep..."

After speaking, the black and purple eyes boldly glanced at Suerdak...

"Nothing, I'm leaving first..."

Suldak said in a panic.

When stepping through the gate of the void, the footsteps became a little staggering.

Behind him came Aphrodite's cheerful laughter like a silver bell.


Suldak walked back to his room at the Canyon Town Hotel, opened the window, and looked down with his head.

This wooden house is built on a rock wall with a big river at its feet, and there are also some wooden houses on the opposite cliff, which makes this canyon full of fun.

He looked at the white wine in his hand and put it on the table by the window.

The fighting in the house of the Arvid wizard next door has finally subsided...

Suldak supported the window sill with both hands, and leaned out with half of his body, admiring the night view of the town.

The window next door was also pushed open by a snow-white arm, and Magician Avid and Nora were wrapped in the same blanket, enjoying the night view of the town from the window.

Seeing Suldak, Magician Avid smiled triumphantly at him, without saying anything.

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