Lord Highlander

Chapter 994

Before the rebel army had time to celebrate the victory in the town of Takale, the Third Army of the Lord Army had already stationed in the town of Bansko on the Ganbu plane.

The lord army then launched a campaign to clear the rebel-occupied area east of Bansko Town.

Suldak didn't expect the situation on the Ganbu plane to deteriorate so quickly. He thought that after Lord MacDonnell was arrested, the McDonnell family would be in chaos. At least in the last few months, Lord MacDonnell's son They will have a lot of trouble over the issue of inheritance rights.

Surprisingly, it is precisely because of the arrest operation launched by the House of Representatives of Bena Province that the issue of the first heir to the McDonnell family, which was originally a quarrel, was temporarily put on hold for an unprecedented time.

Now Lord McDonnell's three sons lead an army each, and began to quell the chaos on the Ganbu plane.


With a dagger in his mouth, Samira ran quickly in the wild grass with his body almost parallel to the ground.

The moment she got into the forest, her figure disappeared into the shadow of the jungle, and she climbed up a big tree with hands and feet...

It is not easy to find out the hidden whistle in the jungle. It requires hunters to have strong insight, patience and reasoning ability, but these are not so important to Samira. After she was promoted to rank two powerhouse, her five senses were much higher than ordinary people.

She could hear the rustle of the wind in the treetops, the slightest murmur of the river's flow, and she could even hear the breathing of people nearby.

Those light red eyes are also extremely sharp. When she is running fast, the things in her field of vision will be very clear.

She flitted from tree to tree, with only the slightest hint of wind blowing through the canopy.

Holding his breath, he calmed himself down, and his perception spread around.


She felt a strong heartbeat nearby, and the sound of seeking, Samira threw herself on a mound full of fallen leaves, and stretched one hand into the piled rotting leaves, touching the hard leather armor. The sentinel hiding in the humus jumped up.

The moment her body soared into the air, the dagger in Samira's mouth had already cut the sentry's throat.

Blood spurted from the sentinel's neck and sprinkled in the woodland.

After finding a sentry hidden in the forest, Samira did not stop, but continued to grope forward.


On the canopy of the overgrown tree, a sentry of the Third Legion of the Lord's Army crouched on a branch.

Judging from the sounds of fighting and screams coming from the woodland, an assassin-type master entered this forest area, obviously it should be a hunter from the rebel army.

Several companions had already been killed, but the sentinel did not crawl out, nor did he plan to escape.

He knew that the other party was a master, and if he left this hidden place rashly, he would definitely become one of the prey of that hunter. He squatted on the branch of a tree, breathing very gently, and even every breath was undulating with the tree crown Keep the same frequency.

He imagined himself as part of the tree...

He crouched on the dense canopy.

A pair of slender and soft hands stretched out from the back of his neck without any breath, the palms turned over, and a short dagger appeared in his hand.

The moment the sentinel just noticed, the black dagger had already cut his throat.

He struggled to cover the wound on his neck with his hands.

He found himself unable to shout...

He wanted to struggle hard, even if he fell from the top of the tree, he would give other companions a warning, but he couldn't do it!

In desperation, he even wanted to look back at the hunter. The moment he turned his head, a vine wrapped around his neck, and his body suddenly fell from the tree.

He felt relieved, but then the vines around his neck tightly tightened his neck, and he was hoisted into the air.

The blood gushing from his neck had already dyed his whole body red, his hands were weakly grasping the vine rope...

The cold came in just like that.

There is darkness in front of me...


When Samira walked out of the forest, the three secret sentries of the Lord Army in the forest had all died in the forest.

She returned to Suldak's side and got on her horse.

This is already the fifth time to clean up the secret sentries guarding the fork in the road. They are all ordinary soldiers, and the daggers in their hands are stained with blood, which makes Samira feel a little uncomfortable.

"Or if we encounter this kind of secret sentry, we will rush over directly, so as not to waste time?"

Samira may have been a bit soft in killing, and she stabbed ordinary soldiers with knives. The level of suppression made her feel an inexplicable burden in her heart.

Suldak was noncommittal, and said to Dennis: "Let's go!"

This has just entered the border of Bansko Town. This mountain range used to be the territory of the rebel army, and now it is full of outposts of the Lord Army.

Dennis shook the reins, rushed out of the woods, and ran towards a valley along the mountain path.

She has a very bad feeling that this place has been occupied by the lord army, so if it is the other way around, the rebel camp stationed here will be in jeopardy.

Seeing the green smoke rising from behind the mountains, her breathing became a little short.

Rush along the mountain road into a valley full of dead silence.

The ground is covered with ashes, the camp no longer exists, the wooden walls, tree houses, and even the entire woodland have been reduced to ashes.

Even the fires in the forest were almost completely extinguished, only a faint blue smoke could still be emitted from the roots of some trees.

Some of the charred corpses hadn't been cleaned up yet, and there was a faint smell of burnt protein in the air. Dennis urged the horses to move forward. There seemed to be a scuffle here, but the battlefield had been cleaned up, and no one could be found. The corpse of the lord army.

The rebel soldiers were lying in disorder in the forest, their corpses had been charred and shrunk much smaller.

And some charred bodies of old people, women, and children.

"how so……"

Dennis was a little flustered for a while, not knowing how to deal with it.

"Dennis, are there any other camps nearby? Let's go and see other camps..." Suldak reminded.

Only then did Dennis wake up. She was a postman and had an important letter delivered to the captain of the camp here. This camp had been razed to the ground by the rebels, so she had to go to other camps to see.

Without saying a word, she pulled the reins of Gu Bolai's horse, turned the horse's head and ran towards the other side of the mountain pass.

Suldak, Samira, and Gulitum followed closely behind.


In front was the exit of this mountain ridge, and Dennis urged the Gu Bolai horse to run forward like crazy. The horse was already so tired that it was foaming from the corners of its mouth and nostrils.

She turned a deaf ear to Suldak's yelling to stop, and all she could think about was rushing to the next camp.

Suldak followed behind and tried several times but failed to dissuade him.

If the running continues like this, several Gu Bolai horses will run to waste.

However, Dennis's body was light, and the horse ran ahead, and Suldak's horse couldn't keep up. He shouted to the two-headed ogre beside him: "Gulitum, go and grab her, we should rest for a while!" Stop!"

The two-headed ogre was also running a little parched. Hearing what Suldak said, he immediately increased his pace and quickly chased after Dennis.

Before the two-headed ogre reached out to grab the reins of Gu Bolai's horse, a series of arrows suddenly shot out from the nearby woods.

Judging from the density of arrow rain, Suldak knew that his group was ambushed.

The two-headed ogre brother Naohua immediately released the ice armor. The ogre's body was covered with frost. He held the rein with one hand and blocked his face with the other hand, protecting Dennis on the horse. behind.

The reins of Gu Bolai's horse was grabbed by the ogre with one hand, and his body fell forward suddenly. The ogre quickly picked up Dennis from mid-air, and the horse fell miserably.

The rain of arrows flew over and hit the double-headed ogre's ice armor, making a series of tinkling sounds like popping beans.

Suldak also raised his shield immediately, holding the reins while blocking the rain of arrows.

Samira and Siya's Gubolaima fell behind, and Suldak grabbed Gubolaima, and they caught up in an instant, just as the arrow rain was coming, and Suldak raised his shield to block the arrows for the two women arrow.

Just to reduce the weight of Gu Bolaima, Suldak did not wear the magic pattern structure on his body, and an arrow flew past his shoulder, leaving a blood groove on his arrow...

Samira was furious, and the phantom of the great elf Windrunner appeared behind him, and the magic spar on the Sky Strike Bow suddenly shattered...

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