Lord Highlander

Chapter 995

The scouts of the lord's army ambushing at the west exit of the rebel camp had never thought about it before the battle. A small postman in the field was accompanied by three second-rank powerhouses, and they shot a round of arrows just in time. Suldak was killed, leaving a finger-thick blood groove on his right shoulder.

The blood gushing out also completely ignited the team's fighting spirit.

Suldak didn't expect to be scratched by random arrows shot by ordinary archers after becoming a second-rank paladin.

Seeing the wound on his shoulder, Suldak froze for a moment, the sense of superiority that belonged to the second-rank powerhouse that had accumulated in his heart was instantly defeated by this arrow.

If the arrow had hit his chest just now, he might have fallen to the ground at this moment.

It turned out that the so-called second-rank strongman was not the invincible warrior as imagined.

If you don't take every opponent seriously, you may really fall in front of a weak person one day.

In fact, the wound was not too deep, nor did it hurt the tendon of the shoulder, but the wound was torn ferociously by the arrow clusters with spikes, and blood gushed out.

Siya screamed in fright, the green scales on the side of her face had already emerged, a phantom of Queen Jana more than ten meters high appeared behind Siya, and a water shield fell on Sulda under the huge waves. Ke's body.

Holding his shield up, Suldak rushed forward from Gu Bolai.

He turned his head and glanced at the two-headed ogre in front of him, seeing that he hid Dennis behind Gu Bolai's horse, and then rushed forward with confidence.

At this time, Gulitum also followed in the footsteps of Suldak, and the two second-rank powerhouses charged towards the roadside woods.

A huge wave surged out behind them, and the two of them moved forward almost surrounded by the huge waves.

Those waves seemed to have some kind of vitality, they kept licking the sharp arrows shot down from the sky...


Countless electric arcs gathered from all around, and they continued to converge on Sammy's hand that drew the bowstring. The whole arm was filled with the breath of wind and electricity.

Sia, who was standing beside Samira, couldn't resist the pressure from these arcs and wind blades.

The two elemental breaths turned the arrow into a light arrow. Although it was fired late, it was faster than Suldak and Gulitum standing on the waves...

As fast as lightning, the turbulent electric snakes flew all over the sky.


Those turbulent electric lights seemed to have blinded the Lord Army in the woods.

If they had known a minute ago that their round of arrow rain would provoke a joint counterattack from four second-rank powerhouses on the mountain road, and even Samira, who was a second-rank Hawkeye, would smash a magic spar for them, Then they are probably already on the way to escape.

Electric snakes danced in the sky.

This light arrow rushed into the forest, and countless electric snakes immediately illuminated the forest.

A group of scouts from the Lord's Army only felt that these scurrying electric snakes got into the woods, and the hairs on their bodies were all erected by the electric shock, and their bodies instantly became numb.

And that arrow seemed to have eyes, and pierced fiercely through the forehead of the scout who shot Suldak.

A beam of lightning struck down from high in the sky, and the scout became burnt instantly in the beam. A big tree next to him was also struck by the lightning and caught fire, and the scouts around him were also killed and injured.

Then, the club-wielding two-headed ogre pounced into the woods.

A big tree was knocked down by his powerful arms, and the scouts hiding behind the tree rushed around.

Two scouts avoided the fallen tree. They jumped out of the bushes and unleashed their momentum. Two great swordsmen appeared behind them.

They held a small round shield in their hands, and stabbed at Gulitum's ribs from the left and right sides with the craftsman's sword. They should be Benar swordsmen, and the epee in their hands was accurate when they stabbed out. Steady, with concise and clean movements, the speed of the sword thrusting out was extremely fast, and the attack of the two at the same time made Suldak hesitate, thinking about which side the Goethe shield in his hand should block...

The next moment, a water arrow pierced the forehead of the lord's scout on the left, the phantom behind the scout collapsed, and the person fell backwards.

The shield in Suldak's hand was resolutely facing the face of another scout, the flesh and blood hit the steel, the sound was like defeated leather...

Turning the body of the scout and flying backwards, Suldak took a step forward with the broadsword in hand, flipped his wrist, the blade of the broadsword swung upwards obliquely, and a scout was hit by the shield. The whole person has been knocked out.

The sword that Suldak handed out stuck to the gap in the armor of his ribs and pierced into the abdomen.

As the screams continued to come from the forest, a one-sided killing gradually subsided.


Dennis turned his head to look at Sia, his eyes filled with shock.

This new friend turned out to be a magician, and the others were powerful warriors.

She felt exhausted and sat powerlessly on the ground.

The forest not far away looked messy as if it had been ravaged by a storm.

The two-headed ogre and the knight came out side by side. The blood stains on the two of them were washed away by a water jet summoned by Siya, and the group sat down by the mountain path to rest for a while.

After performing the Holy Light technique, a thin layer of fascia had formed on the wound. Samira squatted aside, using a hemostatic bandage to wrap up the arrow wound on Suldak's shoulder.

Siya sat beside Dennis, calming her broken emotions.

Dennis covered his face with his hands, trembling slightly.

It's not that she has never seen a killing scene. As a rebel, how could she not have experienced killing?

She just never experienced the complete massacre of a lord army with only the strength of four people. She felt a little cold in her limbs, her body trembled instinctively, and even her teeth were constantly colliding, making creaking sounds.

She looked at Xi Ya, and finally realized that this extremely innocent beauty was actually a magician.

Seeing that the gaze in her eyes softened, Dennis took a deep breath to calm himself down, and asked her:

"Siya, who are you guys? I've never seen a warrior as powerful as you. I'm a little scared..."

Dennis was indeed terrified.

The rebel camp was burned down, which had already put her on the brink of collapse, and now she was even a little dazed.

Miss Mermaid Sia lightly stroked Dennis' thin back, handed her a water bottle, and asked her to drink some water to calm down.

Then he said: "We came from Bena Province. Our mission here is to capture Lord MacDonnell. Now Lord MacDonnell has been captured by our companions, but we are left here! In short, We share the same goal with you, which is to end the dictatorship of the McDonnell family on the Ganbu plane as soon as possible."

Miss Mermaid lowered her eyes and winked at Dennis.

"But why did you come here with me?" Dennis asked Siya, "I'm just a little postman!"

This was probably the biggest puzzle in her heart.

Xi Ya replied without hesitation: "Of course, we are here to see the current situation and situation of the camp residents here. We want to use our chips in exchange for the greatest benefit at the right time."

Suldak felt that his thoughts were clearly seen by Xi Ya, or he hadn't thought about them very seriously.

Just thinking about what form to join the rebel camp.

"Now the lord army seems to be a little impatient to clean you up." Suldak added next to it. "They ambushed here, probably to intercept and kill the reinforcements who rushed here from the canyon town,"

Suldak held a few blood-stained letters in his hand and placed them in front of Dennis.

Dennis froze for a moment, and took out almost identical letters from his arms. It seemed that these blood-stained letters should have been left by the postmen who walked ahead.

Dennis knew what this meant, and also knew that if it wasn't for Siya and her friends just now, the letter in his arms would also be one of the trophies of the forest lords.

Thinking of this, her body couldn't help but feel a little chilly.

It was as if an invisible big hand was clutching her neck, making her unable to breathe.

At this time, Suldak took out an old plane map.

In all fairness, the map that Suldak took out was not worth as much to Dennis as the leather itself. The rough lines on it outline the approximate location of towns, mountains and rivers on the Dry Cloth plane, which is simply too rough.

Surdak found the location of Bansko Town on the map, circled it with charcoal and said:

"When they withdrew, they didn't choose to go east. It may be that their retreat was blocked by the Lord's Army, or they were unwilling to lead the Lord's Army to the rear. We can continue to search along the trail they left behind. Maybe we'll meet survivors."

Hearing what Suldak said, Dennis' eyes lit up, and he immediately raised his head and said:

"Yes, let's go find..."

Suldak looked at the tall, long-legged girl and asked:

"Dennis, can you still walk, we need you to lead the way..."

Dennis gritted her teeth and got up from the ground. Although her body was still trembling, her gaze was extremely firm, and she said loudly:

"I can!"


Mountains, dense forests, bushes, and wisps of green smoke can be seen in the distance.

The wind blowing from the battlefield still smelled of blood, and unknown birds hovered in the sky.

A few rebel soldiers stepped on the wild grass and quickly got into the dense forest. There are many bushes and vines and ferns growing here. The best way to get through these plants is to cut them with a hatchet. Cutting down, in addition to climbing with both hands and feet, using the weight of the body to push them down to the sides, leaving a narrow and stumbling forest path.

In order to fight against natural enemies, many vines are covered with thorny thorns, which are often poisonous.

It is not easy for ordinary people to pass through such a dense forest full of shrubs.

These rebel soldiers all had some wounds on their bodies. The blood and sap made their leather armor very dirty. They carried shields on their backs, and the long swords in their hands kept cutting off the vines in front of them.

Right behind them, there were more than 30 women and children following their soft voices.

Those children stared at the big eyes in fright, and under the care of the women, they passed through the woodland silently.

It's just that the low roaring sound from behind is getting closer and closer.


Not far away, a team of infantry from the Lord's Army was searching around in the woods. Among the Lord's Army were three men in black robes who covered their faces. front.

The lava flowing on the skin of these hellhounds has all been extinguished, looking like hyenas with their fur burned off, and each hellhound is very slender.

There are collars with thorns on their necks, and a thick chain is held in the hands of the man in black.

Hellhounds are sniffing everywhere with their bare noses.

As long as they found a little clue, they would keep trying to break free from the rope and rush forward. Whenever this happened, those men in black robes would take out long whips made of thorns and lash them hard on the hell dogs. Let them be honest.

It was precisely because of these three hellhounds that even if the rebel army got into the dense bushes, they couldn't get rid of their pursuit.

The roar of the hellhound in the distance became more and more clear, and a woman with a pale face and countless small wounds cut by thorns finally collapsed in the bushes.

The two children held by her just wanted to cry, but the woman covered their mouths tightly with her hands: "Don't cry..."

"We can't run away, you don't care about us, get out of here quickly!" The woman said to the rebels in front with a look of despair in her eyes.

The woman behind her also followed her and sat in the bushes, refusing to take a step forward.

They were already exhausted, and all relying on a little bit of faith in their hearts, they supported and moved forward.

Now some people are unwilling to go any further, and that hopelessness is like a levee washed away by a flood, spreading to everyone.

The rebel fighters stopped immediately, they looked at each other, and one of the fighter captains said:

"We can still hold them for a while, through this dense forest, and over two mountain ridges, as long as we can cross the river ahead and hide in the cracked place, we should be able to get rid of them, there may be others there .”

After saying this, the five rebel soldiers who were slightly wounded and couldn't even hold their long swords faced the chasing lord army without hesitation.

Seeing the women sitting there in a daze, the captain turned around and scolded: "Go, don't let us die in vain..."


A hellhound pounced into a dense bush, and the men in black robes were dragged forward by chains, their black robes almost covering their whole bodies.

They entered the bushes with thorny vines everywhere, and the black robes on their bodies were gradually scratched by the thorns of the vines, and even bloodstains appeared on their bodies. Under the torn black robes, arms covered with black inscriptions were exposed. The skin on them has begun to fester, but they are like people who feel no pain.

'Slaves of the Devil' is the name given to them by the Black Mage.

They dedicated their souls to the devil and signed a magical contract with the hell dogs, not only living and dying with these hell dogs, but also sharing their abilities.

The skin on their bodies degenerates and festers, and it won't take long for their skin to become scorched black like a hellhound...

The infantry soldiers of the lord's army followed behind the demon servant, and the disgust was hard to hide on their faces.

At this moment, the three hellhounds roared madly towards the bushes ahead...

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