Lord Highlander

Chapter 996

The demon servant immediately loosened the chains of the hellhounds, and the three hellhounds rushed into the bushes, biting the five rebel fighters together.

The hellhounds threw the three rebels to the ground with their huge claws, and bit their necks with their bloody mouths open.

The other two rebels slashed at the hellhound's head with long swords, and the blade left a deep and bone-deep wound on the hellhound's forehead.

The hellhound let out a mournful growl, and joined forces to knock down the two rebels behind.

The demon servants also strode into the bushes, with vicious and disgusting expressions in their eyes, they took out blood-stained daggers from their waists, and cut open the main artery of their necks right behind the hellhound .

It seems that these demon servants and hellhounds are extremely thirsty for blood, and they stick out their scarlet tongues to lick the gurgling blood.

The demon servants tore off the robes covering their bodies, knelt down on one knee, dipped their thumbs in the fresh blood with residual warmth, and pressed them on their foreheads, chests and shoulders, almost a piece of intact skin on their bodies.

After completing the simple sacrifice, the demon servants seemed to have gained some kind of satisfaction, and sat there enjoying themselves.

The soldiers of the lord army took the opportunity to step up and ended the lives of five rebels with the weapons in their hands. They didn't even want to take a second look at these demon servants.

In the eyes of the soldiers of the Lord Army, they are a group of monsters. If they are caught by the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union, they will definitely be sent to the stake.

After the three hellhounds drank human blood, lava cracks appeared on the surface of their skin again, and traces of heat radiated from their bodies. Lava flowed out from those cracks, and when it dripped on the ground, it would emit bursts of blue smoke.

The aura on their bodies became much stronger, and the three demon servants also appeared much stronger.

The hellhound continued to burrow into the thorny bush.

The growls became more and more frequent...


The soldiers of the lord army followed behind blankly. From the moment they stepped into the bush full of thorns, they felt as if someone was staring at them.

Back to back, they looked around as they walked, but the bushes and dense forests blocked their surroundings very tightly.

Suddenly hurried footsteps came from behind, and more than a dozen soldiers of the Lord Army turned their heads at the same time, but none of them were found around them.

Just as they were looking at each other, the captain of the Lord's Army suddenly changed his expression and asked, "Where's Jim? Who saw Jim..."

The Lord Army soldier at the end of the line subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him. Just now Jim put his hand on his shoulder, but now there was no one behind him.

A soldier of the lord army disappeared out of thin air. They looked back, but the demon servant in front had almost disappeared.

"I'll go back and look for it..." After the Lord Army soldier finished speaking, he wanted to go back.

"Hurry up and get out, we'll wait for him outside!" The leader of the lord's army looked up at the dense bushes, wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered.

The leader of the lord's army felt that this bush was a little weird, and he didn't dare to stay where he was.

He didn't even dare to let his subordinates turn back to find the lost companion, and hurried forward, preparing to keep up with the demon servants.

Suddenly, there were several screams of hellhounds from the bushes in front, and the leader of the lord's army, his legs trembling, rushed to the bushes in front, surrounded by a group of soldiers.

In just a short while, the three hellhounds were hung high on the branches of the big tree by the ropes. The ropes bound their hind legs, but their heads were completely gone, leaving a huge wound on their necks , dripping dark purple blood continuously.

The three demon servants also completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

The leader of the lord's army pulled out the long sword from his waist and slashed towards the surrounding bushes frantically. A group of lord's army soldiers back to back formed a big circle in the bushes, but no one was found after waiting for a long time rushed up.

The soldiers of the Lord's Army continued to move forward, they wanted to leave the bush as soon as possible.

The road under our feet is not so easy to walk. The vines and shrubs are like big hands protruding from the soil, and they will trip if they are not careful.

The body of a demon servant was hanging on a branch of a big tree. One of his arms seemed to be torn off by a huge force, but this time he couldn't even make a fight or scream.

The warrior captain of the Lord's Army reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He ignored the lifeless demon servant and did not intend to go any further.

"Let's retreat back..." the warrior captain said coldly.

More than a dozen soldiers of the Lord's Army immediately walked back along the way they came. The leader of the Lord's Army knew that the enemy must be hiding in the dark, and he seemed to be proficient in assassination. Even those hell dogs could kill them silently. Lose.

The captain of the warriors of the lord army dare not continue to think about it...

He kept looking around, for fear of stabbing a murderous sword from a place he couldn't see.

A soldier running behind tripped over a cane, and the captain of the lord's army didn't stop, and kept urging the soldiers in front: "Hurry up, get out of here quickly."

Just when they returned to the big tree where the three hellhound corpses hung, the leader of the Lord Army warrior saw an ogre with two heads on his shoulders sitting under the tree. He didn't know what to hold in his hand. What kind of bone is it? It is biting hard.

When the two-headed ogre heard the movement, he turned his head to see the captain of the lord's army soldier. He threw the bone stick in his hand aside, and wiped his belly with his big oily hand.

"Why are you running back again?"

His voice is a little deep, with a strong Helansa dialect.

The warrior captain of the lord army didn't even think about it, he jumped up to face the ogre, he raised his long sword above his head, and slashed down on the ogre's head fiercely.

The two-headed ogre almost seemed to be looking at a fool. It just took a step forward, and its two thick arms stretched out like lightning. One hand grabbed the neck of the warrior captain of the lord army, and the other hand grabbed the warrior captain. The wrist holding the sword slammed him to the ground.

An irresistible force threw the warrior captain to pieces, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he felt like he had lost all his strength.

At this moment, the other soldiers of the lord army surrounded the two-headed ogre with their weapons in hand.

A layer of ice armor condensed on the two-headed ogre's body, and the big stick in his hand was rounded, knocking down several Lord Army soldiers to the ground.

Seeing that the two-headed ogre was unstoppable, the remaining soldiers of the lord army scattered, leaving behind their seriously injured companions and rushing into the thorny bushes...

"So I can't help but fight... Shall we still chase?"

Gulitum asked Samira who was chasing up from behind.

With a piece of grass on his head, Samira held the Sky Strike Bow in his hand, glanced at the ogre and said, "You go and join the boss and the others, and leave this place to me."

After finishing speaking, she rushed forward like a cheetah, wearing a set of dark magic pattern structure with brown dark lines on her body, the thorns in the bushes did not affect her at all.

Gulitum was also covered in rocky blue, carrying the big stick in his hand, and rushed towards Suldak's position.


The two-headed ogre came out of the bushes, and he tore off countless vines in the bushes along the way. He was wearing an armor composed of chains and armor pieces, and some broken branches were still hanging on him. body.

Just outside the bushes, a group of women and children were sitting. Suldak was using the 'Holy Light' to heal the injured children. He was always holding a ball of golden light in his hand. Those children He looked at Surdak with admiration.

Sia and Dennis were sharing some scones with the children and women, and Dennis was still asking the women about the situation in the rebel camp.

When a group of children saw the appearance of the ogre, they were frightened and hid behind the women.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, he is also my partner, he is a kind ogre..." Xi Ya stood up, patted Gulitum's arm lightly and said.

Siya's explanation seemed very convincing, and the children who were scared to hide secretly looked at the two-headed ogre.

Gulitum didn't care about this, and sat directly beside Suldak, reporting to him: "Samila has gone after those lord troops..."

Suldak nodded, and said to Gulitham: "Go and help me find some wooden boards. His arm was broken. Now I'm reattaching his bones. I need to use a splint to fix it."

"Oh..." The two-headed ogre agreed, then stood up, stretched out his hand and broke off a branch, and peeled off the bark with his own meat cleaver, quickly peeling out two hardwood boards.

Suldak took the wooden board from Gulitum, took out a roll of bandages from the magic pouch, and fixed the child's arm with the wooden board.

At this time, Dennis squatted in front of a woman who seemed to be calm, and asked her:

"Which camp are you from?"

The woman held a piece of pie in her hand and took a bite. She was probably starving. Dennis handed her his water bottle and asked her to put the food in her mouth into her stomach.

Then the woman said: "Bansk No. 2 camp, the camp was captured the night before."

Dennis asked eagerly, "Where are the others in the camp?"

The woman buried her head in her knees and cried: "A group of us escaped from the camp. At first, there were about a few hundred people. Later, when we ran into this mountain, many people got separated. We followed a group of soldiers. , ready to hide in the depths of the mountain.”

"But they chased a lot of people, and they brought some vicious dogs that were so burned that they had no fur. Those vicious dogs were so fierce that they killed many of us. We couldn't get rid of them at all."

"Okay, okay, you are safe now!" Dennis comforted her, patting the woman on the back.

Then he asked: "Before the camp fell, did you say where everyone was going to retreat?"

The woman shook her head blankly and said, "No...they came so suddenly that we didn't have any vigilance at all. By the time we found them, half of the camp had already fallen."

Seeing that they were only wearing thin clothes, many of them were barefoot and their feet were covered with bruises. I don't know how many hardships they have experienced along the way.

"Everyone take a rest where you are, and I will take you out of here."

After Suldak finished speaking, he began to prepare for the sacrifice altar, sacrificed the heads of three hellhounds, and gave the most injured child among the group of people the blessing of God with the "Blessed Body".


To the east of the town of Bansko there are hundreds of mountains, large and small, covered with dense vegetation.

Occasionally in the sky, a black mage riding a magic scorpion will fly overhead.

In a valley, a rebel squad was hiding in a cave, and a rebel soldier was lying on the big rock at the top of the cave, closely watching the movement of the Lord's army search team below the valley.

His lips were a little chapped, and he touched the water bag behind him. The water in it had been drunk last night.

Although there is a river valley at the foot of the mountain, the soldiers of the rebel army can only watch from a distance and dare not move at all.

This time the lord army actually dispatched the third army to capture the rebel camp east of Bansko Town, and a large number of search teams captured the remnants of the rebel army in the mountains.

With low growls coming from the valley, the rebel soldier lying on the rock on the top of the cave obviously couldn't sit still. He quickly slid down from the boulder, got into this secret cave, and faced a The squadron leader reported: "Squadron leader, the hellhound is following us, we can't hide here anymore, we must move as soon as possible..."

"I led a group of people out from here and ran straight forward, trying to lure the lord's army and search team away by the river." A rebel army leader wiped his face and said proactively.

He said to the others: "Rush into the river and go down the river. The river water can not only wash away the smell on our bodies, but also save a lot of energy. Try to run as far as possible."

After finishing speaking, the rebel army leader whispered into the cave: "Assemble the third team, follow me..."

Six rebel fighters ran out of the cave with the captain. They bypassed the rocks and ran all the way towards the north exit of the valley.

Soon a group of lords guarding the river discovered the movement of the rebel squad, and a group of rebels immediately surrounded the rebel squad from all around.

A few hellhounds also emerged from the mountains, and behind them were several demon servants, and these people chased towards the north slope at the same time.

The ones rushing to the front are naturally those hell dogs. They are very agile, and they can jump on a big rock with a single leap forward.

Seeing the hell dogs chasing up behind them, these rebels ran forward desperately.

A feathered arrow flew over from behind and hit a rebel in the back of the heart. The rebel's feet softened and he fell to the ground with a thud.

The leader of the rebel army who was running ahead ignored the rebel soldier. He gritted his teeth and jumped off a boulder. The five rebel soldiers followed closely behind the captain and jumped off the boulder one after another...

Those hell dogs passed through the rocks among the mountains and quickly chased after them.

The hellhound running in the front leaped forward, put its paws on the shoulders of a rebel soldier, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the back of the rebel soldier's neck.

The rebel fighters had been on guard for a long time, and immediately bowed their heads, and the long sword in their hand stabbed backwards, piercing the Hellhound's soft waist.

But he didn't have the power to guard against the hell dog's pounce, and one person and one dog rolled into a ball in an instant.

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