Lord Highlander

Chapter 997: 983. Rescue 2

A feathered arrow pierced the hellhound's head with precision, pinning it to a stone wall.

The rebel soldier under the hellhound panted heavily, pushed away the heavy corpse on his body, turned over and got up from the ground, and saw a man in black leather armor standing on the mountain not far away. Archer.

Other hell dogs on the mountainside also chased after them one after another...

Holding the long sword in his hand, he glanced at the other team members running down the hill, pointed to the hellhound who was rushing in front of him from the bottom of the hill, and waved to the female archer to run away quickly.

But the short-haired female archer stood on the boulder, drew the sharp bow in her hand again, and nailed the second hellhound to the stone wall.

The rebel soldier looked back at the female archer in surprise, he didn't expect her to have such a famous archery skill.

Seeing that the female archer had no intention of retreating at all, the rebel soldier spat fiercely and rushed up to face the hellhound.

Before his sword touched the third hellhound that rushed up, the hellhound was shot in the head again, whimpered, and fell on a hard rock.

The demon servants who were holding the hell dogs in the back wailed in despair. They signed a contract with the hell dogs to enjoy the power brought to them by the hell dogs, and at the same time their lives were tied to these hell dogs.

The hellhound died, and they were destined to be unable to continue to live. Before they died, they became extremely crazy, like ghouls crawling out of the cracks in the ground, rushing up the hillside.

Just behind these demon servants, the warriors of the Lord's Army formed a large fan-shaped net, trying to form an encirclement circle.

And the female archer on the rock ignored these people at all, and continued to open her bow and arrow according to her original rhythm...

The eight hellhounds were shot to death by the female archer one by one. The demon servants had already rushed up, and the rebel soldiers rushed towards the demon servants. He cut off an arm of the demon servant in the front, but was killed by him. The other arm was tightly hugged.

The demon servant opened his mouth wide, intending to bite the rebel fighter's neck.

Just as he closed his eyes and waited to die, the head of the demon servant rolled out of his eyes like a cabbage.

Several other rebel fighters also resurfaced...

Holding the long sword upside down, the leader of the rebel army stretched out his hand to pull the rebel soldier up, and said, "Wake up, get ready to fight."


After Samira dealt with the group of hell dogs and demon servants, the rebel army hiding in the cave also came out one after another, facing the Lord's army down the hillside.

I never thought that this group of rebel fighters had such a tenacious fighting will. Although the number of the Lord Army surrounding them was several times that of them, these rebel fighters still rushed forward without hesitation.

Or because she stood on the boulder and gave these rebels the courage to fight.

Obviously, it is very difficult for ordinary fighters to pose any threat to the second-rank powerhouse on such a battlefield with complex terrain.

And Samira almost killed most of this group of lords with a sky-strike bow. No one could escape her arrows, and she didn't even release her 'power'. With the cooperation of the soldiers, this lord army was defeated.

Suldak rushed to the battlefield here with Gulitum, and Samira had commanded the rebel fighters to clean up the battlefield. She asked the rebel fighters to cut off the heads of the hellhounds, and she personally ordered the rebel fighters to kill the hellhounds. Money bags were found from the soldiers of the rebel army. As for the armor and weapons on their bodies, Samira generously gave them to the rebel soldiers.

"Thank you for your rescue, and thank you for your generosity!" The rebel squadron leader walked out of the crowd and said to Samira.

Samira pointed to Suldak who came up from the hillside not far away, and said casually, "This is our leader, Suldak."

Suldak approached, looked at the bearded rebel squadron leader, and asked him, "What's your name?"

"Ned Mosby." The rebel squadron leader said.

"Ned, what camp are you in?" Suldak asked again.

Ned Mosby immediately replied, "Third Camp."

Surdak looked around and asked Ned, "Are there any survivors around here?"

The rebel squadron leader showed a bitter smile and said: "I don't know, we all ran away, we have been hiding in that cave since last night..."

Samira jumped onto a big rock at the top of the valley, and then shouted to Suldak: "Boss, the Lord's army is gathering at the confluence of the valley and the river, and the black magician is flying over."

Suldak looked at the group of rebel soldiers. Almost all of them were wounded, most of them slightly injured.

After thinking for a while, he said to them: "We will retreat north along the mountains first, and we must avoid those black mages along the route. As long as we get into the dense bushes, those black mages will not be able to find us."

Ned immediately greeted a group of soldiers under his command, and retreated northward with Suldak and his party.

Along the way, Suldak used holy light to treat the injured rebels. Sure enough, a black spot appeared in the sky after a short while, and a black magician flew over from the sky riding a magic horn.

Samira immediately disappeared, ready to shoot the black mage if he got close.

But the black mage just followed from a distance, and didn't take the risk of flying low at all.

Suldak saw that the lord's army would not be able to catch up for a while, so he marched towards the northern mountains, leading more than forty rebel soldiers into the dense forest.

The black mage circled back and forth on the edge of the dense forest.

Samira also found that a large number of demon servants were gathering here with hell dogs.

Unexpectedly, the Black Magic Retreat would actually develop a group of demon servants on the Ganbu plane, and Suldak was going to reveal the news to the Avid magician.

Waiting for the large army of the Lord's Army to gather at the foot of the mountain here, Suldak led more than forty rebels over the mountain and joined the women and children hiding in the dense forest.

The women and children in the camp saw that Surdak had brought back a group of rebel fighters, and their hearts were finally relieved.

However, these people are not in the same camp, so they are not very familiar with each other.

The team suddenly expanded to eighty people.

These rebels and their families did not bring any dry food. Before they met Suldak and the others, it was difficult for these people to even drink water. After all, the search team of the Lord Army would set up sentries near the water source.

Although there are some small animals in this mountain forest, there are not that many. Relying on hunting small animals in the forest simply cannot fill the stomachs of this group of people.

Fortunately, news came from Aphrodite that the airship she was on was about to arrive in Bena City, and now Suldak needed to return to the airship and take her off the ship.

In this way, Suldak can buy some supplies from Bena City and temporarily help the rebels.

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