Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 238: All things come down to two

Ethan listened carefully to the "fraudulent plan."

The general meaning is that the elves sent a charmer to pretend to be captured by the orcs, so as to sneak into the orc group.

Then he relied on charm to get around among the top brass of the orcs, and finally found the [betrayer].

And even married that [betrayer].

Relying on this relationship, the [betrayer] was finally introduced into the ambush circle set up in advance.

The location of that ambush circle was exactly where [my king] was beheaded.

There were only 5 people in the ambush, the same 5 people from the escaping team.

By then they were already successful and there was no need for them to take action personally, but they all came surprisingly unanimously.

After [my king] was beheaded, his head was stuck with a spear, and he stood at the place where he was beheaded to demonstrate for three months until it dried.

After the [betrayer] was caught, the five of them personally acted as executioners. They hung him upside down on a spear at the place where he was beheaded, cut his arteries, and drained every drop of blood from his body.

Until it rots and dries...

After the news spread that [the betrayer] was sentenced to death.

Everyone rejoiced because their great revenge was avenged.

But no one cared about the elf who sneaked in for this revenge.

No one knows what she went through in those years!

No one cares about the inhuman abuse she suffered in those years!

The words "relying on charm to get around among the orcs' top brass" easily summed up the ordeal she suffered.

"What's her name?" Ethan asked with a heavy heart.

"I don't know!" The King of Knights spread his hands: "I only know that after she completed her mission, she took her and [The Betrayer]'s son back to the elves' hometown.

And her son is the [Deceiver].

Then the [Deceiver] stole the evil artifact [The Book of Rumors] from the Elf's hometown, and the Elf Queen executed her.

Nowadays, the only people who know her name are probably the top elf clan members! "

"He's lying!" Catherine's voice came to Ethan's ear.

Ethan was stunned for a moment.

Then he lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Fu raised his head and said in a low tone: "Her name is Aflian! Right!"

Upon hearing this, the King of Knights' face instantly became extremely ugly.

After a long while, he said solemnly: "I suggest you treat it as if you don't know. This will be beneficial to everyone."

When Ethan heard this, he knew that his guess was correct. The elves must have killed their donkeys.

That poor Miss Aflian, she sacrificed herself for everyone, but in the end even her name became taboo.

Ethan felt that a hero should not be treated like this, but there was nothing he could do.

Of course, he also knew that he couldn't say this, otherwise it would only anger the Elf Queen.

So he nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Because he felt uncomfortable, he didn't pay much attention to the following deeds of the [Deceiver], and only remembered a few relatively important things.

For example, [The Deceiver] contributed to the independence of the Republic of Hringard, and the Aslan Empire replaced the Holy Empire...

Of course, Ethan didn't care much about this matter. After the King of Knights finished speaking, he asked about the evil artifact that he didn't understand before.

"Then what is the [Book of Rumors]?"

"One of the Seven Sins Artifacts." The King of Knights pursed his lips: "Actually, I don't know much about it.

I just heard that they were treasures left over from the dragon era, and there were seven of them in total. "

Having said this, the King of Knights patted the sword on his waist: "This is also one of the Seven Sins artifacts. Although everyone calls it the Sword of Justice, its original name is the Sword of Killing.

The sin of murder among the seven sins! "

Ethan was a little shocked.

How much is there in this world that you don’t know?

"What about the others?"

The King of Knights spread his hands: "As I said, I don't know very well. I only know that there is a Scythe of Exploitation.

As for the other items, I don’t know their names either.

However, the seven sins refer to: killing, betrayal, abuse, discrimination, exploitation, rumors, and indifference.

They can never escape this category.

When it comes to Scythe of Exploitation, I have to tell you a piece of news.

Gaia said that the artifact is now in the hands of the Stein family.

She said that when the Stann family gave birth to a rare space magic god, he won the artifact from another space elf magic god through a bet.

So I think the target of [The Deceiver] may be that artifact. "

Ethan suddenly frowned. What he cared about was not the [Deceiver] nor the artifact, but why were there two space magic gods at the same time?

"Aren't the rules unique? Why are there two space magic gods at the same time?"

When the King of Knights heard this, he showed a puzzled expression.

After a long while, he smiled and said: "Most rules are indeed unique, but space and time are not among them.

In fact, any rules are based on time and space.

Although I don’t know what rules you have mastered, I can tell you responsibly that no matter what rules you master, they will eventually move closer to time and space.

Once your rules show spatial or temporal changes, then you have actually mastered the rules of space or time. "

Ethan was momentarily shocked.

No wonder he always moves at an abnormal speed when he blocks unreasonably.

In fact, it is not that the speed of movement has accelerated, but that time has accelerated.

And the cat swordsman at the beginning, Tudiyaf said that it dodged another self.

I didn't quite understand what it meant at the time, but now I think that the clone may not be just it in another space.

Yes, it should be like this!

If that's the case, then my block should be considered as the time system, but why is the third extension skill displayed as the space system?

Ethan was a little fascinated by it and stood there in a daze.

At this time, the Knight King woke him up: "Okay, we've been talking for so long and are tired. Why don't we eat something first.

For example, the food called dumplings?"

Ethan smiled: "Of course! It's already arranged!"


That night.

Ethan came to the place where he agreed with Leon early.

It was the room on the second floor of the Bird of Paradise Club.

This time he didn't take the old way, but came in directly through the window.

After entering, he fell into deep thought.

In fact, since listening to the Knight King's statement about the rules, he has been thinking about which system he belongs to.

Ethan immersed himself in the talent tree that he hadn't seen for a long time.

He fixed his eyes on the third skill of the rule extension.

"This is obviously a space skill!"

"If you want to block 100%, you obviously need to speed up time, otherwise how can you block absolutely?"

"So, is blocking a space skill or a time skill?"

Just as Ethan was lost in thought

"Knock, knock, knock"

there was a knock on the door...

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