Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 239: Plans can never keep up with changes

The person who came was of course Leon.

He still wore the strange glove and still turned the wooden Rubik's Cube in his hand.

The only change was that he became much calmer.

He even sat less than one meter away from Ethan.

At this distance, if Ethan wanted to, he would be killed instantly, but he didn't seem to worry at all.

"Sir, the Great Sword Saint, can you tell me now, what did you see from the statue today!"

"I can see that the Duke's Mansion is about to be destroyed." Ethan replied with a smile.

After speaking, Ethan took off the silver mask on his face because it was uncomfortable to wear a mask.

Seeing this, Leon also took off the mask, showing a fearless expression, and even a little disdainful.

"The Stein family has gone through hundreds of years and has seen all kinds of storms.

In my superficial opinion, the storm will always pass, and the sun will always come."

"Optimism is good!" Ethan smiled: "But arrogance is not desirable, especially when facing [fraudsters]."

Hearing this, Leon's face changed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

As soon as Ethan saw the other party's reaction, he knew that Lyon was obviously aware of the existence of the [Fraudster] and that he was targeting the Duke's Mansion.

So he said: "Back then, the [Fraudster] used a little trick to help the Helingard Republic become independent.

What's funny is that the place was originally the birthplace of the Holy Light Church, but now it will kill all the cultists!

This is especially true for the Holy Light Church.

The Holy Light Church has gone through hundreds of years and launched several Holy Light Expeditions. Not to mention re-establishing the authority of the church, even the holy land of Yerusharen cannot be taken back.

How does the Duke's Mansion compare to the Holy Light Church?"

Hearing this, Lyon was silent for a long time, and finally a smile of understanding appeared at the corner of his mouth. He leaned back on the chair and said slowly:

"Does the Great Sword Saint want the [Harvest Goddess Statue]?"

Ethan shook his finger: "No, I want the [Fraudster]!"

"[Fraudster]? Haha..." Lyon laughed: "Great Sword Saint, you are really interesting.

This reminds me of my great-grandfather, who once bet with someone that he would catch [Fraudster], but was fooled by [Fraudster].

But even so, he still won the bet, because he at least met [Fraudster].

Your Excellency the Great Sword Saint knows who my great-grandfather is!

The one who made the bet with him was also a god of law.

How do you compare yourself to them? "

Ethan was embarrassed when he heard this, but smiled disdainfully: "If you are willing to cooperate, we will play a play together to lure out the [Fraudster].

If you don't want to, you can slowly deal with him yourself.

But I want to warn you, if a disaster occurs in Maro City because of your fault, the parliament will definitely settle accounts with you.

And I promise you that no matter whether the fault is caused by you subjectively or objectively, the parliament will blame you for it. "

Ethan really felt that he gave too much face to the Duke's Mansion, they were a bit unscrupulous.

Then we can only say good things and bad things at the same time, and let them choose for themselves.

After hearing this, Lyon pursed his lips and replied calmly: "Sir, the Great Sword Saint, maybe you don't believe it, but the [Harvest Goddess Statue] is only safe if it is placed in the Duke's Mansion.

If you are worried about us controlling it, I have a better idea.

For example, find a mistress for it.

In fact, before coming here today, I have clearly expressed my love to Miss Sophia."

The meaning of Lyon's words is already very clear, that is, he hopes that the Lawson family and the Stein family will jointly control the treasure.

This way, everyone doesn't have to fight.

In the future, use the treasure that should be used.

Of course, the premise is that Sophia wants to marry into the Duke's Mansion.

Ethan understood, but his mood instantly dropped to the freezing point.

Because he knew very well that Sophia would most likely agree, she was just that kind of person.

And he was powerless to stop it.

Ethan suddenly had no mood to chat with Lyon anymore. He pretended not to care, smiled slightly, and stood up and left silently.

After Ethan left, Leon still sat in the dim room, turning the Rubik's Cube with his right hand, making a clicking sound.

At this time, a man with a silver mask and silver hair pushed the door and walked into the room.

He sat directly where Ethan had sat, and said in an old voice: "He walked away!"

"Which direction?" Leon asked.

"My own home!" The silver-haired man replied, "He didn't even have the courage to confirm with Miss Sophia."

When Leon heard this, he smiled slightly: "This great swordsman is indeed having an affair with his sister-in-law.

That Miss Sophia is not as good a reputation as the rumors say.

Hehe... She is just a dirty, cheap prostitute."

"Alas..." The silver-haired man sighed: "This great swordsman is really amazing. He actually has light wings. Many magicians may not be able to fly, but he can fight in close combat.

It's a pity to really kill him.

I think if possible, we should promote the marriage. This kind of top-level combat power is really hard to find."

When Leon heard this, he raised his eyebrows, and the expression on his face suddenly became angry.

Even his voice was raised a few points: "Do you think I don't want to marry Sophia?

Do you think I care about these things?

If she is willing to marry me, I can give the bed at home to both of them.

Everything depends on how the great swordsman decides?

Since he chose to go home, it proves that he is likely to attack us.

He is coming to die, what can I do? "

"Alas..." The silver-haired man sighed again: "My dear Duke, please control your emotions.

You don't have to explain to me whether you care about this or not.

I am a man too and I understand your anger, but I am not your enemy.

Your father had the right vision in choosing Miss Sophia.

Both her family and herself are a perfect fit for our family.

She is a rare space magician. If she takes charge of the corridor on the ground, maybe our family can regain its glory.

You should let go of your grudge.

It is not shameful to marry an unclean woman, but it is tragic to marry an incompetent woman.

Therefore, please do not speak ill of Miss Sophia, whether in front of others or behind others.

May I? "

Leon's eyes were a little red when he heard this. Although his lips were tightly closed, his masseter muscles bulged high, and it was obvious that his teeth were clenched tightly.

He stared at the silver-haired man closely, and after a long time, he exhaled heavily.

Then he nodded: "I know! When the Great Sword Master dies, it will be the day I propose."

When the silver-haired man heard this, he nodded with satisfaction, and then stood up: "Let's go! Prepare to welcome the arrival of the great sword master."

Burtner Manor.

Ethan was sitting quietly in his study alone, having been lost in thought for a long time.

At this time, the two villains were fighting fiercely in my heart.

"If the betrothal gift is that precious phantom, Sophia will definitely agree to it. You'd better go and have a good chat with Sophia quickly, otherwise she will definitely leave you."

"What's the use of talking to Sophia? Don't you still understand who Sophia is?

As long as she feels it's worth it, she will do it and won't pay attention to other people at all.

Or just go straight into the Duke's Mansion and destroy the precious phantom. Isn't the powerful force just for this moment? "

"Enter the Duke's Palace? Will there be a place for you in this world in the future? Do you want to know the fate of [The Deceiver]?"

"It's not like I'm telling you to kill people randomly, just destroy that precious phantom! Then Sophia will have nothing to think about!"

"Can you enter the underground corridor? Even if you can, is there a way to get out alive?"

"Then give up Sophia?"

Thinking of this, Ethan suddenly stood up and looked out the window firmly, as if he had made some determination.

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