"Commander, what should we do now, continue to move forward, or retreat?" an officer asked.

"Keep going, we have been tracking for hundreds of years, we must capture this place this time, and I estimate that there should be food in this alien camp. As long as we capture this alien camp, then we The soldiers will have food to eat." Zhou Yan said.

Zhou Yan is unwilling to give up now. This area is the key to whether he can rule here. As long as they capture this area, their country will be able to obtain a steady stream of food and grass. In this way, their strength will increase a lot. At that time, even when facing those demons, I still had a little bit of capital to resist.

Soon, Zhou Yan and the others arrived at the most intense fighting area. Many of the soldiers here had fallen, and the rest were human soldiers. However, the alien soldiers still rushed forward, and the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

The soldiers on Zhou Yan's side were exhausted now and could not stop these foreign soldiers at all. Zhou Yan saw this situation and immediately ordered: "The whole army attacks and chop off their heads."

Soon, Zhou Yan and the other human soldiers rushed in front of the alien soldiers and killed many of them. When the alien soldiers saw the humans rushing up, they immediately turned around and ran away. Because of this The humans outnumber them and have cavalry and ranged weapons.

After these alien soldiers ran away, Zhou Yan ordered the soldiers to collect the bodies of these human soldiers and transport them to nearby villages for burial. These human soldiers were also the main targets of their operation. Target, now that all these soldiers are dead, their mission is completed.

Soon, Zhou Yan and the others returned to the stronghold. After returning, they saw a village in front of them. There were many people in the village making fires for cooking. However, these people saw those in a panic. After the alien soldiers arrived, the expressions on their faces were very angry. It was obvious that they knew the alien soldiers who had escaped.

"Our soldiers here have suffered heavy losses. I hope you can find our soldiers as soon as possible. We need support." A foreign soldier immediately asked for help after seeing the people in the village.

"You guys wait a minute. I'll send someone to notify them to come and rescue you. We also lack supplies here, but your soldiers should be able to persevere." A human general said after hearing the request of the alien soldiers.

"Thank you, please tell us, how many soldiers are left on our side now?" the foreign soldier asked hurriedly.

"You still have a total of more than 3 million soldiers here. Now we have lost 300,000. These soldiers are also very brave, but it is a pity that they have no wisdom. Otherwise, we would not be defeated by them so easily." The general said regretfully.

"Three million, you only have 3 million soldiers here? Do we only have 3 million left now? How did you capture those cities in such a short period of time?" The alien soldier was a little surprised. He didn't expect this operation to be so unexpected. There were only 30,000 soldiers. If according to his prediction, they would have at least 100,000 soldiers, but he did not expect that there are only 30,000 soldiers now, which means that the other soldiers have been sacrificed.

"Don't worry about this. Our soldiers are almost done fighting now. I suggest you strike while the iron is hot and attack quickly. Our soldiers here are fighting with the devil's soldiers now. It's best for your reinforcements to come quickly to support." The general looked at the foreign soldier and said.

"Well, I understand. I will take my soldiers to the next city now. I hope we can arrive at night. Now that the devils know our news, I'm afraid they will attack us at night." The alien soldier said .

"Be careful. We no longer have the ability to support our continued attack, so you must pay attention to safety." The general said.

"Okay, then take care of yourself. We'll leave first. You must hold on." After the alien soldier finished speaking, he led his men and ran in the other direction.

After the alien soldier left, the human soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You should rest now. I have just sent scouts to investigate the situation of the demon army. I believe there will be news soon. This place must be taken down." Zhou Yan said to the people behind him said.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" the top human beings asked.

"What we have to do now is to improve our strength as quickly as possible, and then help humans resist these invaders." Zhou Yan said while looking at the demon army in the distance.

"Our current equipment is still a bit backward. If we had a batch of armors and spears, we wouldn't have to work so hard." A human leader began to complain.

"Okay, we'll just develop this slowly in the future. Let's rest for a while and then go clean the battlefield later." Zhou Yan said a little helplessly to the generals under his command.

After Zhou Yan finished speaking, he lay down on a stone and rested. Although these aliens are all dead now, no one knows how many of their soldiers are still alive. After all, this is a forest, and those aliens are very good at hiding. , with those ordinary soldiers, it is impossible to catch the shadows of these aliens.

Zhou Yan has only one goal now, which is to restore the strength of mankind as soon as possible. Only in this way can the safety of mankind be guaranteed.

"Your Majesty, do you think the target of these aliens is that woman? Where did these alien soldiers come from and why are they so strong?" A middle-aged man next to Zhou Yan looked at Zhou Yan and said.

"Yes, their strength is indeed good, especially their sword skills, which are very sharp. If it were you, do you have the confidence to deal with them?" Zhou Yan said with a smile.

"If it were us, it wouldn't be easy." The human general said.

"Hahaha, I know you don't have confidence, but we still have to have more confidence in ourselves. We humans are no longer the humans we were hundreds of years ago. Our weapons are more advanced now. As long as you train hard, we will be better in the future. We humans will definitely win." Zhou Yan said to his subordinates.

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