"Yes, Your Majesty." After hearing Zhou Yan's words, the generals all knelt down and said.

"Okay, everyone, get up. The casualties on our side are still quite serious now. If we encounter the enemy now, we have to stop them even if we risk our lives. We can't let those devils enter our borders. These are all What our ancestors paid for with their blood must not be allowed to be taken advantage of by those beasts." Zhou Yan saw them kneeling again and shouted angrily. Now these generals are really getting less and less courageous.

"Yes. Your Majesty, we people will not let them come close to our country even if we risk our lives." The generals stood up after hearing Zhou Yan's words, but their eyes were still fixed on those devil soldiers. Worried that the devil would attack them at night.

At this time, in the devil's camp, those High Level devil generals were sitting there discussing what they should do next.

"What do you think we should do? Now the strength of the human coalition has increased greatly. Before, they couldn't stop our attacks at all, but now their strength is growing faster than we imagined. If this continues, we want to get It will probably be very difficult to get down from those human cities, so let’s retreat first, since they can’t catch up with us anyway.” said a High Level devil general.

"I agree with this gentleman's opinion. The strength of those human beings is now advancing by leaps and bounds. If we continue to stay here, it will be easy for something to happen. We'd better leave here as soon as possible. We can't hand over our lives here, and our lives this time The mission is to capture those cities, not to wipe out the entire human race in the Karta Desert. Since we have successfully transported the things here, we should leave as soon as possible, otherwise, we will wait until the humans react. If we try to leave here again, we may be in trouble." A High Level devil general said.

"Well, okay, what you said makes sense. Our mission this time is to capture the food and supplies in these cities. Now that we have obtained them, we should leave." The High Level general said.

"We have now captured three human cities. If we capture five more, we will be able to occupy the entire Karta Desert. By then we will be able to cross the ocean, and then the native Americans will There is no way to escape, those natives have taken away a lot of our land now." said a Middle Level general.

"Hmph, our soldiers are no less than them. Otherwise, their dwarfs would not dare to challenge us. I don't understand why those dwarfs would rather surrender to those yellow-skinned monkeys than to us? These guys are just stupid." A Low Level general said.

"Okay, don't argue now. Let's discuss it after we take those five cities. Let's prepare now." The High Level devil general said.

The devils are also busy packing their things. They need to evacuate here as soon as possible and then return to their base to recuperate.

"General, when those human soldiers were clearing out the sentries we placed on the human side, they also killed some of our sentries. Now those human troops are gathering towards us. Are we? To prevent them from posing a huge threat to us?" One of the devil generals said to the Middle Level general.

"Don't worry so much. Those human soldiers are not our opponents at all. Even if they gather together, it will be useless. The most important thing now is that we should evacuate here quickly." The Middle Level devil general said.

"But I always feel that this matter is a bit strange. Under normal circumstances, those humans should not resist us so stupidly. We have not found any trace of them for so long, and now those humans are actually taking the initiative to come up to us. No, this is unreasonable." said the devil general.

"Don't think so much. Since they have come to our door, let's kill them all. We will go back to rule the entire continent. If we don't kill them now, they will discover our existence later. It's troublesome. Moreover, we attacked secretly this time without disturbing the civilians. Even if the human kings and emperors want to retaliate against us, they will not be strong enough to deal with us." That High Level devil said the general.

After Zhou Yan returned to his territory, he immediately led his soldiers to the villages that had been invaded by demons. Although these villages were now in ruins, they were invaded villages after all, so the houses in this village were all intact. , and the surrounding farmland is now full of food.

"You cut down all the plants nearby, and I will store all the food." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the soldiers said. Then he began to cut down trees around, and Zhou Yan began to check whether there were corpses of the devils in those houses.

"No, Lord, everything has been dealt with. There are no broken limbs or broken arms." A soldier said.

"Very good, let's go." After Zhou Yan said that, he took his personal guards back to the city wall. He had to defend himself against the attacks of the devils, so he did not go to the girls during this period.

Now his status is unusual. If he goes anywhere casually, he will probably attract the attention of those devils. So he decided it would be better to stay on top of the city wall.

"Lord, we have now captured four cities in the Karta Desert. We have consumed a lot of food and grass. We must seize the time to rest and recuperate. Otherwise, we will not be able to resist the attack of these devils." Hu Hao As soon as they returned to the city wall, the adjutant came over in a hurry and said.

"Well, now I know that we have enough food here for several years, so we don't have to worry too much now. Now we must first guard this route and don't let them lead from here to the forest outside." Zhou Yan said.

"But if they bypass us and go into those forests, it will be even more difficult. The beasts in those forests are more ferocious. We have established a stronghold in those forests. I believe those devils will not choose to go there. Fighting in the forest." Hu Hao's adjutant said.

"I also know, so now I plan to build a new city on the outskirts of the forest. You will be responsible for this city. I require you to build the new city within half a month. In addition, I will send scouts to monitor the surrounding area. Once you find those demons coming out of the forest, report it to me immediately. We must prepare in advance. I estimate that these demons will come out of the forest." Zhou Yan said to his adjutant.

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