
Then Zhou Yan ordered the soldiers to bring out the prisoners. When he saw the prisoners, Zhou Yan really wanted to kill them, but in the end he held back, gave them food, and let them go.

"Lord, what should we do now?" the adjutant asked, looking at the people imprisoned in the cage in the distance.

"Continue to build fortifications, and at the same time send scouts to explore the situation in the forest. In addition, we also need to replenish supplies as soon as possible. If those devils come out of the forest, we must be ready to face the enemy!" Zhou Yan sat on the chair , said with his hands on his head.

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, the soldiers began to get busy, and Zhou Yan sat there and meditated. After waiting for about half an hour, Zhou Yan suddenly stood up, and then faced those who were still building fortifications. The soldiers shouted: "Stop building fortifications, everyone go out with me to patrol!"

When the soldiers heard this, they were stunned and did not react at all. Only the adjutant heard Zhou Yan's words and immediately shouted to the soldiers: "Don't be in a daze, pack your things and go out for patrol!"

Only then did the soldiers react and began to pack their things. Zhou Yan, on the other hand, rushed directly to the door, summoned his mount, and began to patrol the city wall.

Zhou Yan was thinking about what happened this time while patrolling.

Although he now controls the three cities in the entire Karta Desert, there are still many dangers in the Karta Desert.

The first is those forests. Now Zhou Yan doesn't dare to enter easily.

In fact, now Zhou Yan is a little doubtful about where these devils came from, why they are so numerous, and why they are so powerful. Let alone the giant he encountered before, just talk about the ones in the forest. Devils, Zhou Yan didn't know the specific number of them at all, but there must be a lot of them, whether on land or in the forest.

Moreover, Zhou Yan also discovered one thing, that is, the living materials here are actually very rich, and during this period, he also captured a group of women and children in nearby villages, and then sent them to the forest, where those devils He actually didn't chase them.

Zhou Yan felt strange when he thought about it. So Zhou Yan decided to take people to the forest to investigate and see if he could find any clues.

"Lord, there are devils in front of us. There seem to be only about ten of them. Don't you need to worry about them?" When Zhou Yan and the others had marched about 2 kilometers, a soldier riding a tall horse in front said to a general wearing armor next to him.

"Ignore it. You take a few people up and kill them. The other people stay put. Remember, if you encounter a group of demons, don't charge indiscriminately. You must protect your own safety!" The general immediately ordered. got up.

"Yes!" After the knight heard this, he turned his horse's head and rushed toward the devils.

"Hmph, there are so many devils. I want to see how you deal with them!" Zhou Yan looked at the devils with a sneer and said, those devils have now seen someone coming.

"Squeak!" A devil shouted twice to the sky, and the devils jumped down from the branches one after another and rushed towards the cavalryman. At this time, the knight also raised the long sword in his hand and slashed at the devils in front. In an instant, the knight's limbs were flying with broken arms, while the remaining devils continued to rush towards them. That knight.

"Oh my god, run away!" When the knight saw the devil rushing over again, he immediately shouted in fright, while the soldiers behind him started to run away, and no one was left there at all. Help him!

"Asshole, who told you to run away? Stop those devils quickly!" The general heard the knight's screams and cursed angrily. But it was too late, the knight was now overwhelmed by the devil.

"Retreat quickly, retreat quickly, we can't die here, retreat quickly!" After the general saw that the knight was dead, he didn't care about rescuing the knight. While shouting at the soldiers, he also started to flee on horseback. This way.

When the soldiers heard this, they immediately started running like crazy.

And deep in the forest of the Karta Desert, a devil was lying on the ground, looking at the green plants, and then reaching out to touch them.

"Squeak! Squeak!" When those demons saw their own kind touching those green plants, they imitated him and put their hands into the flowers of those plants to dig out.

"Squeak!" The devils took out fist-sized fruits and shouted happily.

"Quickly, get me some water, hurry up!" The devil shouted excitedly when he saw there was water in those plants.

"Okay!" Those devils are not stupid either. They have already thought that there is water in those plants, and it is very sweet water, so they want to pick those fruits.

The devils took the fruits and walked back. Soon they found a cave, got in, and started drinking the juice from the fruits.

In the forest, there are usually some devils who have established a stronghold. And it's also a very hidden stronghold. That's why these devils escaped Zhou Yan's search this time and were not discovered by Zhou Yan and others.

"Huh! It's so comfortable. I didn't expect the water here to be so much better than outside!" A devil said with an intoxicated look.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there would be such a good water source in this ghost place. Could it be that there used to be a human country here?" Another devil also said in surprise.

"Haha, never mind. Anyway, we don't plan to go back now. Since there is good water, let's drink more." A devil said happily.

Those devils are enjoying the wine now, but they have forgotten that these wines are not just for them to drink.

At this time, in another place in the forest, a devil was resting in a tent, surrounded by fires.

"Report, we have just received news that all our people have been killed. We now only have 30,000 fighting strength. If so, we will still be wiped out by those humans. What should we do now!" An embarrassed devil knelt down. The devil's side said.

"Trash! We don't know how many people we sent over, but you all came back here. How dare you ask me what to do!" the devil said angrily.

"No, Your Majesty the Demon King, those humans are too cunning."

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