Kill Qin Shaoyang with one move!

Such methods are simply terrifying.

"No one can stop me, Zhou Yan, from doing anything, not even your father, Qin Feiyang."

Zhou Yan glanced at everyone indifferently. Finally, his eyes fell on Su Ming and Han Li, and sneered: "From now on, anyone who dares to stop me is going against me and will only end up dead."

"I..." Su Ming was so frightened that he hid behind Han Li, trembling.

"What about you?" Zhou Yan asked.


The few remaining disciples from the outer courtyard were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

They were all ordinary outer disciples and had no qualifications to provoke Zhou Yan, so they could only swallow their anger.

"Ha ha....."

Qin Shaoyang's body fell to the ground, and the grass was dyed red with blood.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yan glanced at the group of people indifferently, turned around and walked away into the distance.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Zhou Yan for being promoted to core disciple."

"Senior Brother Zhou Yan, with your talent, you will definitely become a strong man in the future."

"From now on, we will follow Senior Brother Zhou Yan to make a living."

These outer disciples immediately curry favor with Tao, fearing that Zhou Yan would settle the score later.

"Get out!" Zhou Yan scolded.


These outer disciples ran away in despair, fearing that Zhou Yan would settle the score with them.

"Zhou Yan, you..."

Qin Shaoyang's body suddenly sounded an eerie and cold sound.

Zhou Yan frowned, turned around and saw a wisp of smoke suddenly coming out of the clothes of Qin Shaoyang's body.

Soon, Qin Shaoyang's figure slowly condensed out.


A look of astonishment appeared on Zhou Yan's face.

This scene was so weird. He just felt clearly that Qin Shaoyang had turned into a corpse, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to his original state, and even became more condensed, as if he was alive.

"Ha ha......."

Qin Shaoyang laughed loudly and said: "Zhou Yan, how can you compete with my Spirit Weapon?"

He looked arrogant and looked down upon Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's expression was ugly. He didn't expect Qin Shaoyang to have such a weird Spirit Weapon.

"Zhou Yan, I'm taking advantage of you this time. The next time we meet, it will be your death."

Qin Shaoyang sneered and disappeared into an afterimage.


Zhou Yan pondered, he knew that this kind of Spirit Weapon was very rare, but this thing was just equivalent to Spirit Treasure and could not change the outcome.

"Brother Zhou Yan, be careful..." Su Ya exclaimed.

Her pretty face was full of worry.

"Zhou Yan, I admit that you do have some skills, but you are just an ant after all."

Qin Shaoyang said surreptitiously, with a sinister smile on his lips, "Today, I will use you to pay homage to my 'phantom'."

Before he finished speaking, he was exuding murderous intent, and he was like a ghost, rushing towards Zhou Yan.

"Little tricks."

Zhou Yan wrote lightly.

He had already guessed that Qin Shaoyang still had a backup plan, because although Qin Shaoyang was arrogant, he was not stupid.


Zhou Yan moved his body laterally and skillfully dodged the sneak attack. At the same time, he flicked out a flame rune with one finger, burning Qin Shaoyang with terrifying heat.

"not good."

Qin Shaoyang's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly activated the phantom to protect himself.


The flame rune fell and landed on Qin Shaoyang, but it was blocked by a layer of green light and could not be broken.

"You actually know how to control objects!"

Qin Shaoyang's expression changed drastically.

"The art of controlling objects is worthy of being a Fifth Grade martial art. It is indeed mysterious." Zhou Yan secretly praised.

Qin Shaoyang snorted coldly: "Humph, Zhou Yan, even if you have the art of controlling objects, it still won't help."

"My phantom is more than just a talisman. It is not afraid of any attack."

After the words fell, the phantom bloomed with brilliance, and actually transformed into a cyan skull, ferocious and terrifying, with teeth and claws.

"Phantom, kill me!" Qin Shaoyang shouted sharply.


The blue skulls rushed out, making a harsh sound, and a "bop" sound came from the void, as if the air was distorted.

"Zhou Yan, suffer death!" Qin Shaoyang said with a ferocious smile.

"It's just a skeleton, it doesn't matter." Zhou Yan said lightly.

"Skeleton skeleton?"

Qin Shaoyang was stunned, and then sneered: "What a frog in the well. Skeletons are one of the characteristics of the phantom. As long as the phantom is refined into a Spirit Weapon, you can have this effect."

"Oh? In that case, I am indeed a little ignorant." Zhou Yan nodded, then shook his head and sighed: "Since you said you are so powerful, let me see how powerful your skeleton is."

"Skeleton, kill him." Qin Shaoyang shouted angrily.

call out...

The skeleton was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it came to Zhou Yan and grabbed it with its claws.

This kind of skeleton is made of bones. It is ferocious in strength and contains highly toxic substances. If it is contaminated, you will be poisoned and die.


Zhou Yan sneered and punched out.


This punch hit the skeleton's chest. The bones shattered and green smoke floated. Then, the skeleton exploded and turned into a puff of blue smoke.


Seeing this scene, Qin Shaoyang's eyes suddenly widened and he was extremely surprised.

What's going on? His proud skeleton was shattered by Zhou Yan's punch?

" did you do it?" Qin Shaoyang said tremblingly.

"Guess..." Zhou Yan grinned.

"Don't be so arrogant. This is just my skeleton. I can use it a few more times..."

Qin Shaoyang gritted his teeth and continued to summon skeletons.

"I advise you to save some energy. The energy in your body is exhausted and you can't sustain the use of Skeleton several times..."

Zhou Yan joked and said with a smile: "Your skeleton should be made from the essence of a certain Monster, right? Although this material is precious, your cultivation is low and you can't drive it at all."

"But if you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, I might be able to help you."

"After all, I am a kind-hearted person, and I can't bear to see you die like this."

Qin Shaoyang's face was ashen and he wanted to tear Zhou Yan to pieces, but he didn't dare to gamble.

Zhou Yan's strength exceeded his expectations, and he was no match at all.

"Okay, I promise you, from now on, I am willing to follow you." Qin Shaoyang said.

"Follow me?"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "You have to think clearly. Your talent is definitely many times stronger than mine. As long as you work hard and practice, over time, you will definitely become a top master in the core academy."

"I have decided."

Qin Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said: "I am not willing to be suppressed by you forever. Only if you die can I hope to rise."

"good very good."

Zhou Yan smiled and patted Qin Shaoyang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Your choice is very smart. From today on, you are my follower and I will help you enter the Innate Realm world."

"Huh? Really?"

Qin Shaoyang looked extremely excited.


Zhou Yan waved his hand impatiently and said, "You can hand over your bones now and let me refine them into Spirit Weapon."

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