
Qin Shaoyang nodded repeatedly and took out all the bones he had stored.

In an instant, all the stored Spirit Stones and bones on his body were taken out, leaving only three pieces of Spirit Crystal, and the rest was thrown into the storage ring.

"Okay, you can leave." Zhou Yan put away the storage ring.

"Wait a moment."

Qin Shaoyang shouted stop.

His eyes showed resentment and said: "Zhou Yan, you killed two of my cronies and destroyed my flying sword. I, Qin Shaoyang, have recorded this grudge."

"What do you want?" Zhou Yan asked.


Qin Shaoyang laughed evilly and said: "The Zhou family in Cloud Prefecture City is extremely powerful. If you are willing to follow me, I will spare your lives. Otherwise, I will immediately notify the ancestors of the Qin Family and send experts to attack Cloud Prefecture City."

"Are you threatening me?" Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes and asked.

"That's right, I'm just threatening you. Who told you to be too arrogant?" Qin Shaoyang sneered: "If you are interested, come here and kowtow to apologize."

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and laughed, saying, "Qin Shaoyang, I originally wanted to let you live, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn."

"Huh?" Qin Shaoyang frowned.

"You just said that the ancestor of the Qin Family is the Qi Gathering Seventh Layer Martial Artist. However, you forgot one thing. I also have an ancestor."

Zhou Yan sneered and said: "Since you are seeking death, don't blame me for destroying the flowers with my ruthless hands."

After speaking, he raised his arm, and a black vortex appeared in the palm of his hand. A trace of black energy emerged, turning into a giant hand and suppressing Qin Shaoyang.

"This...this is..." Qin Shaoyang was startled.

This giant black hand was filled with corrosive aura, which made him feel extremely frightened, as if he had encountered the most evil thing in the world.

"I will collect your skeleton for you. This gift is considered your good luck." Zhou Yan said indifferently.


The giant black hand came down violently and crushed Qin Shaoyang's head.

Qin Shaoyang's soul was shattered and he disappeared completely.

Zhou Yan put away his storage ring, examined it for a moment, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. In addition to some ordinary treasures, there were some medicinal materials in the storage ring, which were not helpful for cultivation.

"Alas, I'm just a nobody after all..." Zhou Yan was filled with emotion. He originally thought that with the terrifying skills of "Soul-Eating Secret Code", he could dominate Cloud Prefecture, or even the entire continent, but he didn't expect that in Got slapped hard here.

"All this is because my strength is too weak, otherwise, I would not be bullied by others." Zhou Yan clenched his fists and vowed secretly that he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

He turned his head, looked at the corpse on the ground, and said with a contemptuous smile: "This kind of thing, trying to rob my things, is simply asking for death."

Zhou Yan shook his head and walked straight to the edge of the blood pool.

This blood pool is one meter in diameter, bright red, and swims like a living thing.

"This blood... could it be..." Zhou Yan's heart was beating wildly.

"This is the holy blood of the Demon Race. It is said to be able to Flesh Refining the body and improve the physique..."

He took a deep breath, calmed his mind, stretched out his right index finger and pressed it into the blood pool.


In an instant, the blood pool began to vibrate, as if aware of the danger, it writhed crazily, trying to escape from the blood pool.


Zhou Yan roared, opened his mouth, and sprayed out blazing flames, covering the entire pool of blood.

With a roar, the blood was burned away by the flames.

"Huh? No response?"

Zhou Yan frowned. He tried to control the blood, but it still didn't move at all.


Zhou Yan pondered deeply. He remembered clearly that this blood pool could burn souls and had the effect of devouring souls.

Why is he completely unresponsive when touched now?


Zhou Yan snorted coldly, activated the Soul-Eating Secret Code, and a faint light flickered.

"Give it to me." Zhou Yan shouted.


In an instant, the blood pool rolled, and wisps of blood mist filled the air, instantly covering Zhou Yan's body, forming a thin film covering the surface of his body.


Zhou Yan gasped, feeling cold all over his body, as if he was in the Nine Nether Hell, surrounded by gloomy ghosts crying and howling, making his scalp numb and his hair standing on end.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"Zhou Yan, you are dead. You dare to offend the blood pool left by your ancestors. You are simply seeking death."

"You're dead! You're dead!"

"No matter who you are, you will pay a heavy price."

At the same time, Qin Shaoyang's ferocious laughter came.

He stood in front of the door with sinister eyes, full of gloating, as if he believed that Zhou Yan was certain to die.

"Damn it, why is this blood pool so weird?"

Zhou Yan had a ferocious face and struggled desperately. However, the blood mist was extremely sticky and could not be shaken off at all.

The more he struggled, the thicker the blood mist became, gradually covering his whole body, turning him into a bloody man.


Zhou Yan was frightened.

This mass of blood mist was so terrifying that he couldn't even resist his mental strength, let alone break free.

"Zhou Yan, you don't have to struggle in vain anymore. Let me tell you, this blood pool is a treasure that my father obtained from an ancient ruins back then. It contains infinite mysteries that you can't decipher at all."

"Not only that, there are restrictions placed inside the blood pool. As long as you move even slightly, the restricted attack will immediately be triggered."

"My father once said that even a Martial Master of the sixth stage of Qi Gathering cannot withstand the restriction of the blood pool. What's more, you are only a fifth stage of Qi Gathering, so you are destined to die." Qin Shaoyang laughed, full of banter. color.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically.

"I am going to kill you!"

The next moment, Zhou Yan roared angrily, his eyes red. It was a shame that he, a direct descendant of the Zhou family, was forced to such a state.


His will was tenacious and he would never give in. He gritted his teeth, mobilized the True Qi in his body, and attacked the restrictions crazily, hoping to tear through the blood mist and escape.

"Ha ha ha ha....."

"Zhou Yan, don't waste your efforts. This restriction is very strong and you will never be able to break free. Just surrender and capture him." Qin Shaoyang sneered.


Zhou Yan yelled angrily.

Although he struggled hard, the blood mist was too weird and he couldn't break free. He could only let the blood mist cover his body, gradually penetrate into the skin, merge into the bone marrow, and corrode the blood vessels...


Zhou Yan screamed miserably. He was trembling all over, his face was pale, and he felt hot all over, as if he was in a furnace, burning with pain.

"Haha... don't struggle anymore."

Qin Shaoyang laughed loudly and said, "This blood pool can absorb your blood and essence, and slowly drain everything out of you."

"Your body will soon wither and become useless. At that time, I can knead you at will. I will first cut off your tongue, chop off your limbs, and then throw you into a pool of blood. Let you suffer to death."

Qin Shaoyang said viciously, with an extremely cruel tone.

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