A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black robes, and then he kicked out, directly hitting the old man's chest and sending him flying several meters away.



The old man lay on the ground, coughing violently, blood pouring out of his mouth, and a look of horror in his eyes.

The strength of this man in black robe is so terrifying that he is no match at all.

The man in black robe stepped into the room and came to Zhou Yan's side. He lowered his head and looked at Zhou Yan carefully. When he saw Zhou Yan's appearance clearly, he was stunned because this young man looked exactly like the girl who competed with the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon to swallow the blood pill that night.

"Damn it, who did I think he was? It turned out to be a little brat who dared to compete with me for blood pills!" The man in black robe snorted coldly, then turned to look around and said coldly: "Give them all." I'm coming out!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Four men came out of the darkness and knelt on the ground respectfully: "See the King!"

"Yes!" The man in black robe nodded, and then said: "Go and capture this young man and hand him over to me!"


The four guards stood up and rushed towards Zhou Yan.

Seeing the four guards looking at them with eager eyes, Zhou Yan's expression changed and he quickly stepped back: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Hehe, you little brat, we haven't tasted human blood for a long time. We four brothers finally have a chance to feast on it today!" The black-robed man laughed ferociously.

Zhou Yan was shocked when he heard what the man in black robe said. He couldn't figure out why the four monks wanted to arrest him for eating human flesh. This is illegal!

"You... don't mess around! Do you know that my father is the lord of the royal city? My father is Zhou Yan! If you dare to touch me, my father will not let you go!" Zhou Yan There was a panic look on his face and he threatened.

"Huh, Lord of the Royal City? Your father? Damn! The four of us are the four great guards under the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon! We were ordered by the Demonic Dragon King to capture you, a human being, and ask him to deliver it to us. Swallow the blood pill. Why are you, a brat with no hair at all, trying to snatch things from the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon? Do you know how bad the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon's temper is? Once it gets angry, the entire human race will tremble. !"

The four guards had angry looks on their faces. They couldn't stand this kind of guy who didn't understand the rules and used his power to bully others.

"You...you...you are unreasonable!"

Zhou Yan was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He knew that his own strength was far inferior to that of the other party. His condition is very bad now, and there is no room for resistance at all.

"Bah! Brat, aren't you very arrogant? Why aren't you awesome now? Just now, weren't you acting like you were fearless? What? You're not pretending to be awesome now?" the four guards said sarcastically. Looking at Zhou Yan, he looked disdainful.

Zhou Yan's eyes were filled with the light of hatred, and he wanted to tear the four guards to pieces, but he was powerless and could only endure it.

"Take this person back!" the man in black robe ordered.

"Yes!" the four guards agreed, then stepped forward, trying to catch Zhou Yan and tie him back.

At this moment, suddenly, a black shadow broke through the window and punched one of the guards in the chest, knocking him away.


The guard spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. His face was pale, he was severely injured, and he had lost the ability to fight. The other three guards were immediately startled. They all pulled out their weapons, pointed at Zhou Yan, and stared at each other warily: "Who are you? You actually dare to break into the royal city without permission!"

Zhou Yan was also frightened by this scene. A strong thought of asking for help surged up in his heart. However, just when he had this thought, he suddenly noticed that the man in black robe in front of him had a face. There was a strange smile on his face, and his eyes showed bloodthirsty, as if he had seen the scene where he was caught in the royal city, tortured, and finally eaten.

"What...what's going on?"

Such a question came to Zhou Yan's mind. He remembered what happened before. It was a dream. The person in the dream was also so cruel. Moreover, the figure of that person was almost exactly the same as his. He will never admit the wrong person!

Zhou Yan wanted to run away, but now he couldn't even stand firmly, let alone run away, so he could only sit where he was.

"Kid! Aren't you crazy? Now, can you continue to be crazy? Hahaha!" The man in black robe laughed wildly, looking at Zhou Yan in front of him, as if he had seen his miserable end, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

The four guards also laughed wildly, their eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

Zhou Yan's legs had long since softened into a puddle of mud. He knew that he was dead this time.

"Boy, just accept your death, otherwise, you will die in an ugly way!" The man in black robe looked at Zhou Yan and said gloomily.

Zhou Yan felt a strong sense of despair in his heart. He was really scared. He couldn't believe that his end would really be so miserable.

"Wait, don't kill him yet!"

At this time, an indifferent voice came, and then Zhou Yan saw that in front of him, there was a man in Tsing Yi. This man in Tsing Yi had a tall and straight figure, handsome eyebrows, and a cold face, exuding an extremely powerful aura. , which is daunting.

"Hey, who are you? Why do you want to stop us from killing this kid?" The four guards frowned and asked.

"I advise you to get out of here, otherwise, you will die ugly!" The man in Tsing Yi shouted coldly, his domineering words, with an invisible sense of oppression, made the four guards feel as if they were being pressed by a mountain on their backs. All the bones in his body were creaking.

"Such an arrogant tone. Who are you? How dare you speak to me like this? Don't you know that we are sent by the Nine Nether Demon Dragon?" The man in black robe said coldly with a ferocious look on his face.

"Haha!" The man in green sneered and said, "What do you think the Demon Dragon King is? I don't care whether it's the Demon Dragon King or any other bullshit Nine Nether Demon Dragon!"

"court death!"

When the four guards heard what the man in Tsing Yi said, they became furious. They all pulled out their weapons and rushed towards the man in Tsing Yi.

"Huh, I don't know what it means!"

The man in green's mouth curved into a mocking arc. Immediately, he raised his fist and waved it towards the four guards who were rushing towards him.

"Bang bang bang!"

The bodies of the four guards exploded instantly and turned into a cloud of blood mist, falling to the ground.

"You...who are you? How dare you kill our brothers?" When the man in black robe saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted in inexplicable horror.

"You don't need to know who I am!" the man in green said indifferently. Then he walked forward slowly, walked in front of Zhou Yan, knelt down and asked, "What's your name?"

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