"Report...report to senior, this junior's surname is Zhou!"

Zhou Yan quickly lowered his head and answered respectfully. He did not expect that this young man who suddenly appeared and saved his life was so terrifying. He killed the four guards on the spot with just a simple blow.

"Well, Zhou Yan, from today on, you can practice with me. I hope you can become a talent." The man in green nodded with satisfaction, then he tapped his palm and shot a pill directly into the body. In Zhou Yan’s mouth.

"This is the Spirit Gathering Pill, which can help you improve your cultivation. Remember, you can only take it once, otherwise, the meridians in your body will be burst. By then, even if you are reincarnated as a god, you will not be able to save yourself. "The man in green said calmly.

"Thank you...thank you, senior, for the gift."

Zhou Yan knelt down on the ground in great excitement and kowtowed several times. Then, his eyes shone with a fiery light.

Spirit Gathering Pill, which is more precious and rarer than Profound Rank Cultivation Technique, is worth hundreds of Low Grade Spirit Stones. This man in green actually gave him a Spirit Gathering Pill in one breath, and also told him, If he finishes taking this Spirit Gathering Pill, he can become a master at the peak of the Divine King Realm, and even have a chance to advance to the Qi Condensation Realm and reach the level of transcendence and sainthood.

This result made Zhou Yan extremely happy.

"Okay, let's go practice!" The man in green waved his hand, signaling Zhou Yan to leave.

"Yes." Zhou Yan immediately stood up and ran outside.

Looking at Zhou Yan's retreating back, the man in green shook his head and murmured to himself: "Oh, it's a pity that your potential has been exhausted, and it is just a flash in the pan after all!"

As he said that, the man in green glanced around and murmured to himself: "Damn the Nine Nether Demonic Dragon Sect, I just have nothing to do and am just looking for some fun. Now that I have met you, I will kill you." Bar."

The man in green said, his body rose into the air and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Yan returned home, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to run the "Bahuang Liuhe Gong" to absorb the spiritual energy contained in the Spirit Gathering Pill.


A trace of pure spiritual energy was attracted into his meridians and traveled throughout his body, causing his originally dry skin to gradually fill up, and his flesh became crystal clear, as if it could be broken by a blow.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, exhaled a breath, and showed an excited look on his face, because he clearly felt that his cultivation had reached the Third Layer of the God Emperor, and he was only one step away from the Fourth Layer of the God Emperor. It's half a step away.

This speed is unbelievable! You must know that Zhou Yan's qualifications are extremely poor. After fifteen years of practice, he is still stuck at the early stage of Innate. Now, in just half a month, he has directly broken through two small realms. Such miracles have never been seen in the entire North. The underworld is enough to shock the world.

"Haha, is this called happiness after suffering?" Zhou Yan couldn't help laughing. For a practitioner, the higher the level of cultivation, the longer the life. However, it is also more difficult. A waste like him has to bear the burden of ordinary people every day. Intolerable pain and suffering.

However, now, he has a new life.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan was slightly startled. He noticed that there was a powerful fluctuation of true energy coming from outside the house.

He frowned, and with a thought in his mind, he rushed to the window, opened the door, and jumped out.

At this moment, in the pitch-black night, a man in white robes was flying across the sky. With his hands on his back, he looked up at the sky. A powerful and unparalleled aura emanated from his body and swept in all directions.

"Whoever dares to break into my mansion is seeking death!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, rushed out in an instant, and punched out with the same punch, rising in the wind, turning into a thousand-foot mountain, and violently suppressed the white-robed man.

"Oh? He actually broke through the Second Layer of the God Emperor?"

The man in the white robe seemed to have expected it, and he reached out with a finger in an understatement.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light bloomed from his fingertips, like gold poured out, exuding a dazzling brilliance, and with the power to destroy the world, he stabbed Zhou Yan fiercely.


The two collided and made a loud noise.

“Deng Deng Deng~~~”

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan took seven or eight steps back before he could stabilize his figure.

"God Emperor Fifth Layer!"

Zhou Yan squinted his eyes and stared at the man in white robe. He suffered a loss with just one move.

It was obvious that the cultivation level of this white-robed man was much higher than his, and his physical fitness was also extremely strong.

"Huh? You actually blocked my finger?"

The man in white robe looked at Zhou Yan in surprise, with a hint of admiration in his eyes. Although he only used three powers, it was not something that ordinary Martial Artists could compete with.

However, the man in white robe still didn't pay much attention to Zhou Yan, and said calmly: "I'm just an ant. If you practice for a few more decades, you may be able to fight with me. Now, you are still far away."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his arm, spread his palms, and a vast coercion filled the air, crushing towards Zhou Yan.


In an instant, this majestic pressure enveloped Zhou Yan like a mountain collapsing, causing all the bones in his body to crack.


This coercion made it difficult for Zhou Yan to breathe and his feet trembled violently. In the end, he could not resist the pressure of this coercion and fell to the ground.

"How can it be?"

He looked at the man in white robes in horror, with a look of disbelief on his face. Just now, he had exploded with all his strength. Even so, he had no power to resist at all. Who is this man in white robes? Is it so scary?

"However, I see that your qualifications are acceptable and I am willing to accept you as my disciple. Have you considered it carefully?" The man in white robe looked down at Zhou Yan with a calm expression.

He is the peak of Divine Sovereign and has one foot in the Divine Venerable Realm. Now, he is willing to personally teach Zhou Yan. This kind of treatment is enough to make anyone crazy.

"Thank you, Master!" After hearing this, Zhou Yan immediately knelt down and said with excitement on his face.

Being able to worship under the powerful man of the Venerable Realm is such a blessing. Not to mention him, even other Prodigy would be crazy about it.

"Yes, the boy can be taught!" The man in white robe nodded slightly. He waved his hand, and a soft force suddenly emerged, lifting Zhou Yan up. His eyes fell on Zhou Yan, and he pondered for a while, and then, With a few clicks, a mysterious rune was imprinted in Zhou Yan's mind.

"This is the 'Spirit Gathering Talisman', which can help you practice. Its effect is more than ten times stronger than the Qi Gathering Pill. I hope you can make good use of it." The man in white robe said.

After that, he ignored Zhou Yan and flew away, leaving Zhou Yan with a dull face. The corners of his mouth twitched and he had the urge to curse. Damn, this guy is a little too arrogant and domineering.

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