
Hearing this, Black Eagle raised his eyebrows and said doubtfully: "Boy, who are you? Why do you know my name? Do you know my Kung Fu skills?"

Black Eagle lost his mother when he was young, was hunted down by his enemies, wandered around the world, and eventually learned the art from a teacher and established the Flying Eagle Gang.

But he is extremely talented. He has already reached the Grandmaster Realm at a young age and has even mastered the Black Fiend Technique.

Therefore, Black Hawk is called Black Hawk, and for this reason, he is respectfully called the leader of the Black Hawk Gang by the outside world.

Everyone who knew about his existence thought he was just a lonely old man.

"Black Eagle, I am here today to ask for something from you."


Black Eagle frowned and said thoughtfully: "Since you can recognize my kung fu moves, do you also know the Black Fiend Technique?"

"Haha...you guessed it right!"

Zhou Yan smiled calmly and said: "Black Eagle, teach me your Black Fiend Technique."


Black Eagle's eyes narrowed slightly, his face suddenly turned cold, and he shouted: "Boy, don't even think about getting Black Fiend Technique's attention."

"Do you know how much it cost me to create this technique after all the hard work?"

"If I teach it to you, wouldn't it be a waste of resources?"

"If you are willing to hand over the Black Fiend Technique, I will spare your life."

Zhou Yan crossed his arms across his chest, shrugged his shoulders, and responded with a smile: "Black Eagle, you talk too much nonsense."

"Want me to give up Black Fiend Technique unless I die!"

After the words fell, Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly shrank, he suddenly raised his right foot and kicked it hard to the ground.


In an instant, the ground trembled and stone fragments flew.


A gap suddenly opened on the hard rock wall.


Then, gravel rolled down and dust flew.

"This...how is this possible?!"

Seeing this scene, Black Eagle looked horrified, his eyes widened in disbelief.

You must know that the builder of this secret tunnel spent more than ten years of work and went through all kinds of hardships to complete the excavation.

However, the strange young man in front of him completely destroyed it with just one kick.

It’s incredible!

"Black Hawk, have you thought about it clearly now?"

At this moment, Zhou Yan spoke again, his tone calm and without any disturbance.

It seems that what he did just now is not worth mentioning at all.


Black Eagle rolled his eyes and angrily said, "Boy, do you think destroying my secret path will force me to teach you the Black Fiend Technique?"

"To tell you the truth, the Black Fiend Technique is my own creation, and I am the only one who knows how to use it."

"If you want to practice Black Fiend Technique, you must first learn my technique. Otherwise, even if you destroy the entire secret passage, it will be in vain!"

After listening, Zhou Yan shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, you are so stubborn."

Immediately, Zhou Yan couldn't help but walked over.

"You brat, I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise, when I recover from my injuries, you will die without a burial place!"

Black Eagle gritted his teeth and threatened with hatred.

"Black Hawk, stop pretending."

Zhou Yan sneered and said disdainfully: "With your injury, I'm afraid you won't survive tomorrow morning."

Black Eagle was seriously injured. All his bones were broken, his internal organs were seriously damaged, and his body's vitality collapsed.

According to common sense, Black Eagle should have been dead long ago, but he is still alive and kicking.

Obviously, Black Eagle practiced some kind of powerful healing technique and barely managed to save his life.

"Hmph! Boy, stop scaring me. Do you think I'm really scared?"

Hearing this, Black Eagle suddenly became furious.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. If you hand over the Black Fiend Technique obediently, maybe I can spare your life."

Zhou Yan said coldly: "If you are stubborn and resist, I won't mind sending you back to the west."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yan's aura burst out and turned into a violent storm, sweeping around.

boom! boom! boom!

The violent momentum surged, as if huge rocks were hitting the mountain peaks, causing the entire cave to shake.

"You...who are you?"

Feeling the overwhelming momentum, Black Eagle's heart trembled and he couldn't help but swallowed.

The mysterious young man in front of me is so powerful!

Judging from the aura alone, Black Eagle even felt a bit stronger than him.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs."

Zhou Yan glanced at Black Eagle coldly and walked over slowly.

"If you persist in your stubbornness, then you can't blame me."

After the words fell, Zhou Yan's body was as straight as a gun, leaping into the air and striking with fists.

"Hmph, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Looking at Zhou Yan who was attacking, Black Eagle snorted and also rushed forward to fight.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, bursts of roars exploded, and the violent True Qi wreaked havoc.

Puff, puff...

Black Eagle's face turned pale and his body fell back one after another.

On the other hand, Zhou Yan remained motionless, standing in mid-air.

"Black Hawk, you are defeated!"

Zhou Yan said lightly with a joking expression.


Black Eagle's face turned red and he said angrily: "This is unfair, I don't accept it."

"How could I, the master of the Divine King, lose to a young kid like you?"


In response, Zhou Yan shook his head in disappointment and said lightly: "Black Eagle, you are wrong!"

"How can there be so much fairness in this world?"

"The weak eat the strong, the strong are respected, this is an eternal truth!"

After the words fell, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, he suddenly increased his speed, stepped forward, and slapped Black Eagle on the head.


In an instant, Black Eagle's body slumped down like mud and fell into a coma.

Although Black Eagle has mastered the Black Fiend Technique, he is old and frail, so how can he defeat Zhou Yan?

"Black Hawk, you are also a hero of the generation, but you are willing to do the devil's evil deeds!"

A flash of pity flashed across Zhou Yan's eyes, and he said lightly: "I have to say, you really disappoint me, and you are too pedantic!"


"That's all, just think that I owe you a favor!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan flicked his fingers and shot out two starlights, falling on Black Eagle's body and sealing all his muscles.

Black Eagle was seriously injured, and if he was not treated in time, his life would be in danger.

"I came here this time with an order to retrieve the Black Fiend Technique."

Zhou Yan said lightly: "I hope you can cooperate with me and teach me this set of exercises and help me practice. How about it?"

Zhou Yan’s words contained an undoubted meaning.


Black Eagle snorted coldly and said, "Boy, I admit that your strength, Transcendent, is far better than mine!"

"However, it is wishful thinking to want me to be inferior to you."

After the words fell, Black Eagle's eyes were cold and full of murderous aura, making people shudder.

Obviously, Black Eagle does not want to succumb to Zhou Yan!

"Oh? Are you sure?" Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and said indifferently.

"Hmph, I, Black Eagle, would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

Black Eagle said proudly: "What's more, you are just a young boy, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson?"

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