However, at this moment, Zhou Yan flicked his finger, and a sharp sword roared towards him.


I saw blood spurting out from Black Eagle's throat, his eyes widened, and his breath quickly dissipated.


Black Eagle struggled for a moment, and finally, his pupils gradually became dilated and he completely lost his life.

"I never force myself on others."

Zhou Yan said lightly and threw the black eagle to the ground.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at the storage bag on Black Eagle's waist, and with a playful arc at the corner of his mouth, murmured to himself: "Black Fiend Technique!"


Zhou Yan reached out, grabbed it from the air, took the storage bag accurately, and checked it carefully.

"It is indeed Black Fiend Technique, the quality is not bad!"

"With this martial art at my side, my strength will definitely increase dramatically!"

Afterwards, Zhou Yan put away the storage bag, turned around and headed out.

After a while, Zhou Yan returned to his original place.

"Huh? Why are you alone?"

Seeing Zhou Yan, Lin Yanrou asked in surprise: "Could it be..."

"Yes, I have dealt with them."

"And you?"

"How can those rubbish do anything to get me?"

Zhou Yan smiled happily.

"That's good……"

Lin Yanrou's pretty face sank slightly, and she whispered: "Zhou Yan, since we are all rescued, let's get out of here quickly."

"There are many dangers here, and you will encounter ferocious beasts at any time..."

"Don't worry, when I master the Black Fiend Technique, these little guys won't be worth mentioning."

Zhou Yan waved his hand and interrupted Lin Yanrou's words.

"you mean……"

Hearing Zhou Yan's words, Lin Yan's beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and she vaguely guessed something.

"As expected of the deputy leader of the Black Tiger Gang, he noticed it so quickly."

Zhou Yan said with appreciation: "You are right. I came here specifically to cause trouble for you."

"You...are you trying to seize the Black Fiend Technique?"

"Yes, but don't worry, I won't harm you."

Zhou Yan said seriously: "I just want to borrow the cultivation method of "Black Fiend Technique" so that I can break through the realm in the future."

"So, you just want to learn the Black Fiend Technique." Lin Yanrou asked tentatively.

"Black Fiend Technique is a superb martial art with extremely powerful power. Of course I have to study it carefully." Zhou Yan nodded and said without hesitation.

"What you mean is that I can hand over the Black Fiend Technique to you, but you must promise me not to harm the Black Dragon Society. Otherwise, even if I try my best, I will die with you."

Lin Yanrou's beautiful eyes flickered and she said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone in the Black Dragon Society."

Zhou Yan said swornly.

After all, the Black Dragon Society is Lin Yanrou's hard work, so Zhou Yan will naturally not destroy it.

Furthermore, the Black Dragon Society has no grudge against Zhou Yan, and there is no need for Zhou Yan to go to war over the Black Fiend Technique.


"In this case, I will tell you the cultivation method now."

Hearing this, Lin Yanrou nodded, and immediately walked towards the body where Black Eagle lay.

After rummaging through Black Eagle's body, he found a storage bag and handed it to Zhou Yan.

"Thank you."

Zhou Yan nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the depths of the cave.

"There are nine levels of Black Fiend Technique. Each time you practice one level, your strength will be greatly improved."

"It's a pity that Black Hawk's talent is limited and has only reached the fifth level."

"And I am the only one who knows about this martial art. If it spreads, it will definitely cause a bloody storm and attract countless powerful enemies to fight for it."

"Therefore, I must carefully consider how to deal with this matter!"

Walking in the cave, Zhou Yan frowned and thought to himself.

Soon, Zhou Yan stopped in front of a stone wall, stared at it for a moment, and clenched his fists.


The next moment, Zhou Yan raised his hand and slammed it out, like a hammer, slamming into the stone wall.


With a loud noise, the entire stone wall instantly shattered and turned into powder.

Amidst the splashing of stone chips, another passage was revealed.

"Huh? There is still a way."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan looked happy and stepped straight into the passage.

Through the transmigrate channel, Zhou Yan arrived in a secret room.

In the secret room, there is a sandalwood table.

And above the table, there was a crystal bead the size of an egg suspended.

The beads contain rich and pure spiritual energy.

This spiritual energy is extremely pure and is many times more powerful than the Qi Gathering Pill.

"Xuan Yang Spirit Pearl!"

Feeling the majestic spiritual energy contained in the spirit bead, Zhou Yan's eyes gleamed and he was extremely excited.

This bead, called the ‘Xuanyang Spiritual Bead’, is priceless and extremely precious.

It has the effect of quenching muscles, refining bones and cleansing souls.

If an ordinary Martial Artist swallows and refines the Xuanyang Spirit Pearl, he will definitely be reborn and his strength will be greatly improved.

Even the strong Martial Master will salivate.

"Haha, what good luck!"

Zhou Yan looked ecstatic, staring at the Xuanyang Spirit Pearl with ardent eyes, wishing he could rush forward and take it for himself.

However, Zhou Yan still had reason to hold back the desire in his heart.

"Although Xuanyang Spiritual Pearl is precious, it is not of much help to me..."

Zhou Yan shook his head and suppressed the greed in his heart.

For him, the value of the Xuanyang Spirit Pearl is simply incomparable to that of the Black Fiend Technique.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan was surprised.

Under the Xuanyang Spiritual Pearl, there is an ancient sheepskin volume.

"What is this?" Zhou Yan was confused.

"Could it be that...this is a secret book left behind by a certain ancestor?"

"Perhaps there is another treasure!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and he hurriedly picked up the ancient sheepskin book.

As soon as he touched the ancient sheepskin book, a clear and melodious sound of bells suddenly sounded.

The sound of the bell was long and melodious, vibrating in the heart of the mountain and never calmed down for a long time.


When Zhou Yan heard the bell ringing, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately understood the origin of the bell.

"No wonder the black hawk screamed before it died. It was probably disturbed by the sound of the bell."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and was extremely annoyed.

He had forgotten just now that the sound of the bell was offensive, and if he didn't pay attention, he would suffer backlash.

"Hmph, it's just the sound of a bell, so what can you do to me?"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, showing no fear at all.

His figure swayed and he sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes Nurturing Spirit.


After a while, the bells became more frequent.

The clear metallic trembling sounds made one's head dizzy.

" this a Spirit Weapon?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan opened his eyes, looking horrified.

In the sound of the bell, he felt a vast and powerful fluctuation of spiritual energy, as if a dormant ancient beast had awakened.

"As expected of the Spirit Weapon, its power is so powerful."

"Fortunately, I took precautions and blocked my sense of hearing and smell in advance."

Zhou Yan took a long breath, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Just now, he was only watching Black Eagle perform the Black Fiend Technique. As a result, he was careless and caused his spiritual consciousness to fall into chaos.

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