"Boy, if you don't speak clearly today, don't even think about leaving here!"

The faces of the three young men in blue robes became increasingly angry, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes slightly and said immediately: "Okay, in that case, then I will play a game with you three!"

"Game? What game?"

The three young men in blue robes asked doubtfully.

"It's very simple. I will give the three of you ten breaths to attack freely. However, you must defeat me. Otherwise, you are not allowed to leave this mountain range. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Zhou Yan's eyes turned cold, and his tone was full of serious threats.

When the three of them heard this, their expressions became extremely ugly.

They never imagined that they would encounter something like this.

"Boy, you are so arrogant. The three of us can defeat you if we join forces!"

The young man named the leader roared angrily and rushed towards Zhou Yan first.

A cold light flashed in Zhou Yan's eyes, and instead of retreating, he advanced directly to meet the young man.

The two of them fought together instantly, stirring up dust all over the sky.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and the young man in blue robe flew out and fell heavily to the ground. Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"you you......"

The blue-robed young man's face was as pale as paper, and he looked at Zhou Yan with a look full of horror.

The other two were shocked when they saw this.

"Brother, if the three of us work together, we are no match for this kid. If the three of us work together, we may be able to escape. However, this is too dangerous. What if we die here?"

A young man in blue robe hesitated.

The same goes for the other two. Together, the three of them may be able to defeat Zhou Yan.

But they are unwilling to risk their lives.

"Are you afraid of death? Then get out!"

Zhou Yan's tone was cold.

Hearing this, the face of the young man in blue robe became even more ugly.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Okay, you're welcome! Let's go!"

He said, leading the other two people to quickly escape from this place.

They were all a little lucky.

I'm glad I didn't agree to this request.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be the one who dies here today.

As soon as the three young men left, everyone around them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boy, please be cruel, let's go!"

The leading young man gritted his teeth and said, then left quickly.

Two other young men followed closely behind.

They are all young men in blue robes, and they all have a good status in the sect.

If they were allowed to leave in despair, wouldn't their future reputation in Azure Sun City be completely ruined?

Therefore, they are not willing to give in!

In their hearts, they already hated Zhou Yan deeply.

Zhou Yan felt relieved when he saw these young people leaving.

He knew that this matter was in the past.

However, this matter is not over yet.

After all, those three young men are in the Divine King realm. If other sects or families find out, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Therefore, Zhou Yan was ready to find an opportunity to get rid of these three young men.

At this time, a familiar breath suddenly came from a distance.

Zhou Yan's expression suddenly froze.

A few hundred meters away, I saw a group of young men in black approaching the place quickly.

"He is a disciple of the Black Dragon Sect!"

"The people of the Black Dragon Sect finally couldn't bear it anymore. They want to kill people and silence them!"

"The Black Dragon Sect ranks third among the sects. It's easy to kill a foreign disciple!"


After hearing this discussion, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

Zhou Yan, on the other hand, secretly complained in his heart.

He didn't expect that the people from the Black Dragon Sect would find this place so quickly. It seemed that the strength of the Black Dragon Sect was indeed very terrifying.

"Haha, it turns out he is a disciple of the Black Dragon Sect!"

Zhou Yan laughed dryly and walked over slowly.

The young man named the leader of the Black Dragon Sect had a stern look in his eyes and sneered: "Boy, you killed our disciples of the Black Dragon Sect and you still dare to stay here?"

"Do you know them?"

Zhou Yan's heart moved slightly.

These three young men seem to have a grudge against the Black Dragon Sect!

The young man in black nodded and said in a cold tone: "The three of them are all disciples of our Black Dragon Sect. If you dare to kill our disciples of the Black Dragon Sect, you deserve to die!"

Zhou Yan suddenly felt enlightened when he heard this.

I see.

He should have guessed it!

"I didn't kill them. They came here to die on their own, and it's none of my business."

Zhou Yan said indifferently.

"Haha, you're still quibbling! Why are you two still standing there? Kill him!"

The young man in black laughed loudly, then pointed at Zhou Yan and the two young men in blue robes and shouted.

Hearing this, the two young men in blue robes looked at each other with stern expressions on their faces.

They all knew in their hearts that Zhou Yan was very strong, and if they continued to fight hard, they would definitely fall here.

But if they give up, where will their face be?

Both of them turned red.

A trace of teasing flashed across Zhou Yan's eyes.

He knew that his strength was definitely higher than the three young men in blue robes in front of him.

Therefore, there is no need to fight with them head-on.

Moreover, these three young men in blue robes were no match for him.

"Why don't you come up quickly?"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly.

"Hmph, boy, don't be so proud! Three of us were injured today. Do you think you are our opponent?"

The leader of the young man in blue robe said disdainfully.

"Yes, do you think your cultivation level is higher than ours? You are too confident!"

The young man wearing a green shirt next to him echoed.

Both of them are strong men in the Divine King realm.

They are confident that even if they are injured, they are no match for Zhou Yan.

"Do you really think that your strength can compete with mine? You are indeed very powerful. It's a pity that you met me. No one of you can leave alive today!"

Zhou Yan's tone was gloomy, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura, like a devil.

Hearing this, the expressions of the two young men in blue robes changed drastically.

This kid actually said such arrogant words!

"Boy, I think you are tired of living! Do you think that with your strength, you can kill the three of us!"

One of the young men snorted coldly, then suddenly brandished his sword and headed straight for Zhou Yan.

Every move he made contained powerful spiritual power, and he had obviously used all his strength.

This is a swordsmanship.

He reached the peak of his sword skills.

Zhou Yan's face also condensed, and he quickly used the sword technique.

He crossed his arms and transformed into a huge black blade.


The two attacks collided and erupted into a violent roar.

Both of them felt their energy and blood boiling inside their bodies, and their momentum was slightly suppressed.

"Humph, boy, you underestimate us!"

"This time, I will not give you any chance again, I will make you pay the price."

"Boy, suffer death!"

The two roared angrily and rushed towards Zhou Yan again.

boom! boom!

Zhou Yan kept resisting, and each time he escaped the attacks of the two men in a dangerous way.

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