Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1286: Hard To Fly With Wings

However, those two people are indeed very strong.

Especially the young man in blue robes who is wearing green robes is as strong as half a step Divine King and is extremely powerful.

Although Zhou Yan is powerful, facing a Martial Artist of this level, it is quite difficult and he can only keep dodging.

"Hmph, no matter how powerful you are, what can you do to me? We are not from the Black Dragon Sect. If you kill them, the entire Azure Cloud Sect will definitely be attracted to hunt you down. By then, you will be unable to fly even with wings."

The young man in blue robe said sadly.

Hearing this, Zhou Yan frowned, and a trace of doubt emerged in his heart. These young men were not disciples of the Black Dragon Sect?

Could it be that the people from the Black Dragon Sect don't know about this?

"Who are you? How did you appear in the Azure Cloud Mountain Range?"

The young man in blue robe asked.

"I am an Alchemist."

Zhou Yan said lightly.

"Alchemist? Haha, are you kidding? The status of Alchemist is very low in the entire Eastern Domain. Even a strong person in the Divine King realm is not willing to be an Alchemist!"

The young man in green robe sneered.

"I'm an artifact refiner."

Zhou Yan continued.

Hearing this, the blue-robed young man's expression suddenly froze.

"Are you an artifact refiner? There is a big gap between an Alchemist and an artifact refiner. I heard that even an Alchemist doesn't know how to artifact refining. The status of an artifact refiner is even more humble. It's like your identity is just an alchemist. ."

The young man in green robe said sarcastically.


"Your status is not even comparable to a hair on my head!"

Zhou Yan also sarcastically said.

"Asshole, you dare to insult our artifact refiners, you are looking for death!"

Hearing Zhou Yan's words, the two young men in green robes became completely angry. They all used Law Treasures and killed Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's face was calm and he did not flinch at all.

He turned his palm and a pill appeared in his hand.

The next moment, he gently threw out the elixir.

The elixir turned into a ball of light and disappeared.

There was a cold arc at the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth, and then he smacked down with his right palm.

Suddenly, a huge palm print suddenly appeared, carrying terrifying power, and blasted directly towards the two young men.

Boom boom!

A loud noise spread.

The two young men were knocked away directly, vomiting blood, looking sluggish and pale.

Their physical bodies were shattered by Zhou Yan's palm.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan was also shocked.

Although his cultivation level has entered the early stage of Divine King, he has not really broken through to the middle stage of Divine King. He is still far from the level where he can kill the powerful Divine King Late Stage with one punch.

"How is it? What else can you say now?"

Zhou Yan sneered.

"you you......"

The young man in blue robe looked at Zhou Yan in horror.

At this moment, he felt regretful.

If he had known that the other party's strength was far beyond his expectation, they should have fled directly and never entangled with the other party.

But now it's too late to regret.

Because his Primordial Spirit has collapsed and he cannot control his body shape at all.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Yan laughed, his eyes full of sarcasm.

He grabbed the green-robed young man's neck and lifted him up.

The green-robed young man was immediately frightened out of his mind.

He hurriedly shouted: "Little brother, we are ignorant and have offended you. I hope you will forgive us this time for the sake of our fellow disciples!"

"Forgive you? If you don't kill me, it's already a gift!"

"For the sake of Master, I will not argue with you, otherwise, I will slap you to death!"

Zhou Yan shouted coldly.

"Little brother, what you said is serious. We were acting under orders. We really didn't know that your cultivation level has reached the Divine King Late Stage!"

The young man in blue begged.

Zhou Yan shook his head: "Since you are not from the Black Dragon Sect, I will let you go!"

After saying that, he let go and put the two people down.

"Thank you little brother for your kindness!"

The two people clasped their fists quickly.

"Get out! Don't bother me again!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly and walked straight towards the cave.

He must find the master quickly.


"How dare you humiliate us like this, I will make you pay the price!"

The green-robed young man gritted his teeth and was furious.

Zhou Yan paused slightly, then slowly turned around, his face extremely cold: "Really? Then you come and try, how will I deal with you?"


"Boy, how dare you talk to us like that!"

"I advise you to be obedient and surrender, otherwise, we will have 10,000 ways to make your life worse than death!"

The two green-robed men sneered again and again, their eyes filled with resentment.

"You don't need to talk nonsense, just come if you have the ability."

"Huh, since you don't repent, don't blame us for being rough on you!"

"Aren't you an Alchemist? I would like to see how good your alchemy skills are!"

The blue-robed young man sneered and rushed towards Zhou Yan, exuding a strong murderous aura.

The other two young men in green robes immediately rushed towards Zhou Yan and surrounded him.

All around, the situation was changing and murderous intent was rising into the sky.

Zhou Yan's expression also turned cold instantly.

"bring it on!"

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, took a step forward, and rushed towards the four of them.

Suddenly, violent energy fluctuations spread out, sweeping across the sky like a tsunami.

Zhou Yan's fist shadow enveloped the world, and every blow was filled with domineering and destructive power.

The surrounding trees were all shattered, and the rocks on the ground were crushed into ashes.



"How can this be......"

The four youths in green robes all let out miserable screams, and their bodies were directly beaten to pieces by Zhou Yan.

"How is it possible? You...how do you have such terrifying power?"

The young man in blue robe was full of fear.

Zhou Yan snorted coldly: "Aren't you going to kill me? Why are you scared now? Weren't you very arrogant just now?"

The young man in blue robe was pale and regretful in his heart.

He originally thought that the opponent was just an ordinary Body Refining warrior, so he didn't take it to heart, but who would have thought that the opponent's combat power was much more powerful than that of the early Divine King or even the middle stage of the Divine King!


The young man in blue robe hesitated to speak, not knowing how to explain.

"No matter what, I am a disciple of the Black Dragon Sect. If you dare to deal with me, you are the enemy of the entire Black Dragon Sect!"

"I will remember today's grudge!"

Zhou Yan sneered.

The blue-robed young man's pupils shrank violently, and then a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

"not good!"

"He wants to burn his Primordial Spirit!"

Zhou Yan was shocked and quickly attacked and killed the young man in blue robe.

"It's not that easy to blow yourself up!"

"Die to me!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were filled with a sinister look, and he punched the blue-robed young man in the chest, sending him flying backwards and smashing a mountain.

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