In an instant, blood splattered. Zhou Yan held back the severe pain and activated the vitality in his Dantian to seep into the blood vessels along the wound.

Suddenly, wisps of blood overflowed from the wound on his wrist, fell on the blood essence, and blended in.


The next second, the essence and blood suddenly bloomed with brilliance, like the most dazzling star in the night sky.

In an instant, a tyrannical force swept through Zhou Yan's body from the essence and blood.

At this moment, Zhou Yan felt extremely comfortable all over his body, and waves of heat traveled through his limbs, repairing the hidden diseases in his body.

"It's really strange. There is an ancient and vicissitudes of life in my body, as if it came from a long time ago in the wilderness." Zhou Yan was amazed.

"Who does this drop of essence and blood belong to?" Zhou Yan's thoughts swirled.

Afterwards, Zhou Yan sensed it and confirmed that the blood essence was not out of control, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyelids trembled, and he felt an inexplicable call. It seemed that there was some kind of existence, luring him closer, making him couldn't help but move forward.

Zhou Yan paused and looked carefully. In front of the armored corpse, a simple stone platform was quietly suspended.

On the stone platform, there is a complex and obscure pattern engraved on it, which seems to be some kind of text symbol.

However, these text symbols have long since disappeared, leaving only a rusty bronze plate covered with dust, which has obviously experienced the baptism of time.

There are ravines on the bronze plate, revealing an ancient charm.

Zhou Yan's heart was awe-inspiring and he didn't dare to act rashly. He couldn't sense what power was contained in this bronze plate and whether it would cause harm to him.

After all, he had heard his father mention that the ancestor of their Zhou family received a drop of mysterious blood, but as a result, he encountered bad luck and almost died.

Zhou Yan didn't dare to take risks and stared at the rusty bronze plate cautiously.

The bronze plate trembled slightly and suddenly emitted a wisp of faint green light.

This ray of green light was very dazzling, as if transmigrating the void, and shot straight to the center of Zhou Yan's eyebrows.

"What is this?" Zhou Yan was stunned.

Before he had time to react, green light sank into his eyebrows, and in an instant, the entire picture was reflected in his mind.

Zhou Yan was surprised to find that this picture was a picture of an ancient cemetery.

"This is... the place where my ancestors are buried!?" Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed.

He was extremely shocked. The place where his ancestors were buried was in such a remote location that it was impossible to verify it.

However, Zhou Yan saw from the map that the place where his ancestors were buried was extremely far away. Even if he traveled by armored corpse, it would take at least seven or eight days.

"No wonder, the armored corpse cannot leave this place. It turns out that the power of the armored corpse must be used to open the passage to the burial place of the ancestors."

Zhou Yan understood and suddenly realized in his heart. At the same time, he was puzzled: "In that case, why is the corpse poison of the armored corpse useless to me?"

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in Zhou Yan's ears. He turned around and saw that the eyes of the armored corpse slowly opened.

The two dark eyes flashed with a cold and murderous light, with a taste of bloodthirsty.

Such a look made Zhou Yan's heart tremble and he couldn't help but become vigilant.

The armored corpse moved forward, its huge body exuding violent evil aura, and rushed towards Zhou Yan.

"Hmph! Die!"

Zhou Yan's face sank, he gritted his teeth, swung his dagger, and slashed at the armored corpse.

The dagger fell, but it hit an iron wall, and countless sparks flew out.

The armored corpse was motionless, and the muscles in its legs were bulging. With a single kick, the figure leaped into the sky, its huge palm reached out, grabbed the dagger, and pulled hard, trying to break it.

"How could this happen?" Zhou Yan's eyes widened and he felt a burst of pain, almost unable to hold the dagger.

Suddenly, a coin was shot, hitting the armored corpse between the eyebrows, knocking it unconscious.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and thin figure rushed out from the side, picked up the unconscious armored corpse, and ran away in a hurry.


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment. When he reacted, the armored corpse had disappeared.

Zhou Yan hurriedly caught up and saw this tall, thin man with a strong and flexible figure. In the blink of an eye, he escaped several miles away, jumped up the hillside, and disappeared.


Zhou Yan frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

However, Zhou Yan did not hesitate, jumped up, stepped on the treetops, and chased the tall and thin man in the direction he left.


On a flat grassland, a tall and thin man was running hard with a heavy load on his back.

In front of him, Zhou Yan was riding a horse, chasing him at a very fast speed.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Zhou Yanhe asked.

He remembered clearly that this tall and thin man had saved him once just now and helped him get rid of the armored corpse.

"Don't scream, I don't know you."

The tall and thin man curled his lips, showing a look of disdain. As he spoke, he kept running without slowing down, "My name is Qin Haoran, and I have been ordered by the sect to escort my senior sister back to the sect."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's face froze. He thought the tall and thin man was from the Zhou family, but to his surprise, he turned out to be a descendant of the Qin family.

At this time, Zhou Yan also understood why the previous armored corpse suddenly woke up.

It turned out that this armored corpse was blocked by a formation, and it required the help of outsiders to lift the formation.

Zhou Yan had previously triggered the mechanism, causing the sealing formation to break, which allowed the armored corpse to wake up.

"Qin Family?"

Zhou Yan murmured to himself. He was vaguely familiar with it. He seemed to have heard his grandfather Zhou Hongru talk about it. He seemed to be one of the three major aristocratic families in Wuling City. He ranked second. He had a profound foundation and was as rich as the country.

"Zhou Yan, let me tell you, although our Qin Family has declined, you must not anger me, otherwise, it will be too late to regret..."

Qin Haoran snorted coldly. He looked thin and short, but in fact, he had a very stubborn personality and would rather give in than give in.

If he had no choice, Qin Haoran would never be willing to humble himself, beg Zhou Yan, and even take the initiative to hand over the map.

After all, this map is related to the life and death of the Qin Family. If it is leaked, the Qin Family will definitely fall into crisis or even be wiped out.

"I have no ill intentions, I just want to discuss something with you." Zhou Yan shook his head and explained with a smile.


Hearing this, Qin Haoran was stunned for a moment, then he smiled contemptuously and said sarcastically: "Zhou Yan, don't you think that just because you are a descendant of the Zhou family, you can order me around?"

"You misunderstood!" Zhou Yan sighed and patiently explained: "Actually, I want you to give me this map."

"Why!?" Qin Haoran was furious and asked sternly: "Your Zhou family has long been reduced to ruins, and you still have the nerve to mention this matter?"

"Haha, the Zhou family is indeed destroyed, but I have found the ruins of my ancestors. As long as you agree to give me the map, I can let you join the Zhou family and get huge rewards." Zhou Yan persuaded Qin Haoran.

This sentence is true. Zhou Yan possesses the [Soul-eating Pearl] and has swallowed many ghosts and ghosts.

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