In Zhou Yan's impression, the residual Yin Qi in the Zhou family's ancestral tomb is richer and purer than before, and it may be possible to give birth to a corpse king.

However, the Corpse King is too powerful. With Zhou Yan's current strength, he is completely unable to control it. Moreover, the Corpse King still has some wisdom.

Zhou Yan was worried that the Corpse King would take Qin Haoran's body, so he extended an invitation, hoping to join forces with Qin Haoran to suppress the Corpse King.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Qin Haoran laughed loudly, glanced at Zhou Yan with mocking eyes, and said coldly: "Your Zhou family has been destroyed a long time ago. Even if there are survivors, they are still hanging on. What are you doing to recruit me?"

"Besides, don't you know? We, the Qin Family, and your Zhou family are incompatible, hate each other, and vow to be incompatible!"

Zhou Yan was silent and cursed secretly in his heart. They were indeed a bunch of white-eyed wolves and ungrateful people. They even cared about the things belonging to their ancestors.


Just as Zhou Yan was about to persuade again, a majestic ancient altar suddenly appeared in sight.

"Finally found it!" Qin Haoran looked happy, quickened his pace, and rushed into the altar.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion came over him. Qin Haoran shook violently, spat out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the ground.

"This is..." Zhou Yan looked up and was immediately frightened.

Around the ancient altar, there is a dense array of runes, like a dense spider web, spreading all over the entire altar, emitting terrifying fluctuations that make people feel uneasy.


From the altar, there was a roar that shook the earth, as if a beast from the ancient times was resurrected, exuding a deep demonic power.

"not good!"


In an instant, a cloud of gray mist spewed out from the altar, condensing into a ferocious armored corpse.

Veins appeared one after another. The armored corpse's arms were bent, and its nails were as sharp as swords, glowing with a sharp sheen.

Then, the armored corpse swooped out, like a meteor, heading straight for Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan punched out and hit the armored corpse's chest hard. The punch was like thunder, shaking the void.

However, the body of the armored corpse was strong and undamaged. It only stagnated for a moment, and then a claw was shot out, and the sharp Wind Blade roared and tore the air.

call out!

Zhou Yan's expression changed, and he moved half a step to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow.

"This armored corpse has extraordinary strength, comparable to the Divine King's fifth stage Martial Apprentice, and its speed is extremely fast. I am no match for it."

Zhou Yan's mind changed rapidly, he quickly judged the situation, immediately changed direction, and fled into the distance.

"You can't escape."

Seeing this, the armored corpse smiled coldly, kicked hard with the soles of his feet, and rushed quickly, chasing Zhou Yan.

"Damn it, how could it come after me..."

Zhou Yan was horrified and became more and more anxious as scenes flashed through his mind.

In the past, when he was practicing martial arts, he encountered a ferocious beast, which injured him on the spot and almost killed him.

Later, his father fled with him and passed by a tomb, where he discovered that the corpse buried in it turned out to be that of his ancestor, an Innate Realm martial sect.

The corpse was completely preserved and crystal clear, as if it were carved from jade.

From then on, Zhou Yan learned that his ancestor was a Martial Saint whose cultivation had reached the peak of the Innate Realm, and was only a little short of being able to break through to the Martial King level.

However, Zhou Yan's parents suffered a misfortune, and his ancestor passed away in anger, leaving only his lineage.

Due to various reasons, Zhou Yan's lineage withered and declined, and eventually disappeared from the public. Not even a single martial arts secret book could be passed down.

"This map is very important to me..."

Zhou Yan groaned and gritted his teeth. Since he had encountered it, he naturally couldn't miss it.

"Zhou Yan, don't have any illusions. This is the tomb of our ancestors. How can you break into it without permission?"

Suddenly, Qin Haoran shouted coldly: "If you dare to offend your ancestors, you will be punished by heaven and suffer all kinds of torture. Life will be worse than death..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's face turned ugly and he was angry, but he did not dare to show it.

Zhou Yan knew that in the long history, many royal nobles had offended the tombs of their ancestors because of greed. As a result, they were punished by heaven and were eventually killed.

In front of the ancestors of the Qin Family, no one can compete and can only retreat and ignore them.

"Zhou Yan, stop dreaming!" Qin Haoran continued to shout: "Today, the ancestral mausoleum belongs to my Qin Family, and you can't get involved."

"Get away!" Zhou Yan was furious, but had no choice but to retreat.

"Jie Jie... I want to leave, but it's too late."

Suddenly, Qin Haoran smiled strangely and stretched out his hand to grab the ancient altar.


In an instant, a bright spiritual light rose from the top of the altar, turned into a spiritual pattern, and enveloped Qin Haoran.

"Spirit formation?"

Zhou Yan was shocked and exclaimed, recognizing the mystery of the spirit pattern. This is a High Level spirit array, specially used to defend against invasion by foreign enemies. It is extremely rare.

"Oops, this altar actually contains a spiritual array!"

In a moment, Qin Haoran reacted with a bitter look on his face. This spiritual formation was extremely strange and contained unpredictable power.

"Qin Haoran, don't you want to get the inheritance from your ancestors? Now, the opportunity is in front of you. You don't cherish it, but refuse it. This is extremely stupid."

The next second, the bright spiritual pattern on the top of the altar trembled and burst into dazzling light. Wisps of brilliance flowed like a tide, sweeping in all directions and forming a light curtain, locking Qin Haoran firmly.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light flew towards Qin Haoran and landed on Qin Haoran's shoulder. There seemed to be a suction force, trying to drag him over.

"Ah, help..." Qin Haoran screamed repeatedly and struggled hard, but to no avail.


When Zhou Yan witnessed this scene, he sneered, his eyes flashing with cold light.

In Zhou Yan's heart, Qin Haoran is a waste and is not qualified to receive the inheritance from his ancestors. Only he is qualified.

As long as Qin Haoran is trapped in the mausoleum, death will be waiting for Zhou Yan.

"Hmph, a waste like you is worthy of being called a descendant of my Zhou family. You have completely disgraced the Zhou family's ancestors." Zhou Yan cursed viciously in his heart.

Zhou Yan knew very well that although he was the only son of the family head, he was a descendant of the common people and had a humble status, which was completely different from Qin Haoran.

In the past, the two of them had been fighting for many years. They had a deep hatred for each other and wished they could get rid of it quickly.


While driving, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on the hills next to him, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

On the hills, there are several Spirit Medicine plants, emitting a strong fragrance.

"It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were intense, he licked his lips and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect that I met Spirit Medicine here, which would be an advantage for me..."

After finishing his words, Zhou Yan took out a dagger, carefully picked a few Spirit Medicine flowers, and put them in his arms.

Then, he glanced at another spiritual grass, his eyes burning and full of fire.

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