Zhou Yan's skills are all of S quality at the lowest, and "Sword Control" is as high as SSS quality. Every time he releases it, he can kill all the cat demons that appear.


"It's the boss!"

From the cave, a cat demon twice as big as the elite cat demon emerged. It was very fast and turned into a shadow and rushed towards the soldiers.

A rain of arrows descended from the sky, covering all the cat demons that had just appeared.

Not a single cat demon could stand up.

Including that boss.

boss: (╯﹏╰)b......

It's just a level 40 bronze boss, how can it withstand such a fierce attack.

There are quite a few cat demons in this cave, and several bosses appear later.

But they are all at the leader level.

After a few hours, they ended the fight.

Start cleaning up this battlefield.

I harvested a lot of treasure chests this time.

After the soldiers changed jobs, they all acquired basic collection skills, which did not require him to do it himself.

Only useful materials such as crystal cores, cat claws, and cat teeth can be collected from the cat demon's corpse.

Its body has no value.

After being busy until daytime, he gave the soldiers two hours to rest before setting off.

Although not every monster can collect dark crystal cores, there are a lot of these monsters, and he still got a lot.

These dark crystal cores are relatively rare in the entire Myriad Worlds compared to other attribute crystal cores, and their prices are relatively high.

Some dark crystal cores were also purchased in [Treasure Room], but the number was not large.

He must have kept these crystal nuclei for his own use.

Maybe he'll need it one day.

After resting, they headed towards a mountain peak.

That mountain can be seen from a distance, it is quite high.

Kill monsters all the way to the foot of this mountain.

The soldiers put their war horses into the mount space. The mountain road was not easy to walk, so they could only go up on foot.

There must be monsters in this mountain, and only with monsters can there be harvest.

They took out their weapons and slowly went up the mountain. They felt the ground shaking. Zhou Yan asked doubtfully: "Is it an earthquake?"

"No, it's not an earthquake!"

Zhou Yan quickly said to the soldiers: "Be careful of the monsters on the ground!"

The soldiers quickly looked towards the ground. The soil was rolling continuously, as if something was emerging from the ground.

Everyone grabbed their weapons and were ready to take action at any time.

"call out!"

A monster emerged from the ground. Zhou Yan looked at it and his eyes were stunned. (꒪Д꒪)

He quickly said: "Wait!"

[Monster: Groundhog]

[Quality: Normal]


[Level: Level 1]

[Special: None ]

[Introduction: A group of prairie dogs that love to drill holes and are harmless. ]


One after another, prairie dogs emerged from the ground and looked at the people on the ground with cute expressions.

Groundhog: “(´△`)???”

Soldiers: "(O_O)???"

Zhou Yan ordered the soldiers to continue moving forward without embarrassing these little guys.

Several soldiers took the lead to head towards the mountain. Zhou Yan also used an intelligent aircraft to conduct reconnaissance in front, and soon gained something.

They discovered the monster.

And there are quite a few.

This is a group of strange-looking monsters. They are green and ugly. The whole face is more like a triangle. The chin is very pointed, has sharp teeth, and the ears are very pointed. They are about one meter tall. They hold wooden sticks and are wrapped around their lower bodies. A simple fig leaf made of animal fur.

The key is that these monsters had a lot of prairie dogs on their hands, and they were all smashed to death.

These monsters feed off prairie dogs.

He suddenly understood why those marmots had escaped. It turned out that these monsters were chasing them.

These monsters don't even spare Level 1 prairie dogs. (▼ヘ▼#)

"Ready to fight!"

Zhou Yan ordered.

He wants revenge for those cute prairie dogs.

The soldiers immediately began to prepare for battle, with shield soldiers, spearmen, sword soldiers in the front row, and archers in the back row.

They all squatted and hid in the jungle.

There was a lot of movement in the jungle on the mountain. A group of monsters were holding wooden sticks, looking for traces of prairie dogs everywhere, and heading down the mountain.

Zhou Yan can also check the attributes of these monsters.

[Monster: Mountain Spirit]

[Quality: Normal]

[Race: Goblins]

[Level: Level 30]

[Special: None ]

[Introduction: A group of mountain spirits who like to eat small animals. ]

It turned out to be a mountain spirit, belonging to the goblin race.

The level is only Level 30.

After these mountain spirits approached the attack range, Zhou Yan ordered: "Let go!"

A row of bows and arrows flew past, shooting each mountain elf to the ground.

The mountain elf was caught off guard by the sudden attack, suffered heavy casualties, and howled again and again.

They were not afraid of being killed. Instead, they raised their wooden sticks angrily and started to kill the soldiers.

Courage is commendable, but strength is not. This kind of suicidal behavior is no different from a moving target.

There are many mountain spirits all over the mountains and plains.

And they actually called their companions. One of the mountain spirits took out something like a horn, stood on a high place, and started to blow.


The sound spread quite far, startling the birds in the forest.

Then, another identical horn sound came from the distance, and they actually knew how to use this method to give early warning.

He could have prevented the other party from blowing the horn.

But why should he stop it?

Wouldn't it be better to let the opponent drive half a day to get here and be killed by them?

These mountains have been brave and fearless for a long time and suffered heavy casualties.

Only then did they realize that this rain of arrows could not be broken through, and then they began to retreat.

"Are these mountain spirits leaving?"

Zhou Yan asked the flying instrument to detect in the distance to see if these mountain spirits wanted to escape or surround them.

He said to the soldiers: "Collect the treasure boxes, advance steadily, and don't spread too much."

They moved forward quickly, collected all the treasure chests on the ground, and then pursued the mountain spirit.

These mountain spirits did not escape. After seeing their pursuit, they began to hide and prepare for a sneak attack.

"Be careful of these mountain spirits sneak attacks, they are hiding."

These mountain elves are small and difficult to spot if hidden.

But he wasn't worried about the soldiers being in danger.

Can wooden sticks break defenses?

It was obvious that the opponent's wooden sticks could not break the soldiers' defense at all.

The archers in the back row changed to short swords, and the pikemen also changed to long swords that were more convenient for combat.

Zhou Yan had a lot of money, and each soldier owned several weapons, all of which were of gold quality.

The heroes' equipment has already begun to be replaced with platinum quality sets.

A piece of platinum-quality equipment, even the worst, requires eight million spiritual coins, and there are very few on the market. It will take some time to purchase enough equipment.

The soldiers soon entered the area where the mountain spirits ambush.

But they never know how powerful this army is.

As soon as he appeared, he was killed by the soldiers before he could take action.

It was a very bad ambush.

Those who died were all mountain spirits.

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