Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 175, Mountain Spirit Warrior

A mountain elf climbed up a tree. After seeing a soldier, he jumped down, clenched the wooden stick in his hand with both hands, and attacked the soldier.

The soldier encountered attacks from many mountain elves and was surrounded by mountain elves, but he was very powerful. Every time he swung his sword, several mountain elves died under his sword.

He didn't pay attention to the mountain spirit above him.


The stick fell on the soldier's head, making a crashing sound.

The mountain spirit thought that he could kill the soldiers in this way. After landing, he happily boasted to his companions around him: "Look, you are no match for them, but I am still better!"

But seeing the frightened eyes of its companions, the mountain elf looked back.

Seeing that the soldier was intact, he even looked at it with a strange look.

It understands.

It was a look of contempt.

Mountain spirit: "ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙"


This mountain spirit was chopped down.

There are many such examples. The attacks of these mountain spirits do not break the defense at all, and the soldiers have ignored their attacks.


The reconnaissance aircraft transmitted back the picture, and Zhou Yan saw many mountain spirits coming towards him.

"Are the big troops coming? Hey, these mountain spirits seem to be different from these mountain spirits."

The mountain spirits in front of them were low-level and weak in strength. They held wooden sticks and posed no threat to them.

But in the images transmitted back from the screen, the group of mountain elves behind them were holding iron weapons and wearing leather armor. They were taller than the mountain elves in front of them and looked more like warriors.

"Do these mountain spirits also distinguish different types of soldiers?"

Zhou Yan guessed.

These mountain spirits are more like logistics soldiers looking for food.

Those mountain spirits in the back are like fighting mountain spirits.

"It's quite a lot."

From the picture, it could be seen that there were a lot of these mountain spirits, and the large jungle was shaking. He strongly suspected that the entire mountain was the territory of these mountain spirits.


A series of horn sounds sounded again in the distance.

The mountain spirit horn soldiers here also blew their horns after hearing this sound.

They are determining the location and are rushing here at full speed.

"Kill at full speed and prepare to meet the enemies behind!" Zhou Yan ordered.


The soldiers accelerated the pace of the battle, killing these mountain spirits without leaving a single piece of armor at a speed as fast as the wind and the remaining clouds.

The mountain elves began to flee. After Zhou Yan ordered to chase them for a while, he ordered to stop the pursuit and collect treasure chests to ambush them.

They still have time to craft simple traps and wait for the mountain goblins to attack.

An hour later, the mountain spirits who fled in the distance came back with a large army.

Zhou Yan inspected these new monsters.

[Monster: Mountain Spirit Warrior]

[Quality: Elite]

[Race: Goblins]

[Level: Level 35]

[Special: None ]

[Introduction: A physically strong mountain elf, a soldier used by the entire mountain elf race to fight. ]

These mountain elf warriors are Level 5 higher than the mountain elf. They also have weapons and leather armor, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger.

However, these mountain elf warriors had no formation at all, and rushed towards the soldiers in a chaotic manner.

Suddenly, the mountain spirit in front fell into a trap, tripped, and was trampled to death by the mountain spirit behind.

A huge tree fell from the sky and killed several mountain spirits.

Many mountain spirits fell directly into the pit, and were trampled to death by the mountain spirits behind them.

These traps are very limited, and there are still too few when facing the overwhelming mountain spirits.

Suddenly, sharp arrows fell from the sky and struck at the mountain spirit.

The soldiers had already climbed up the trees, holding bows and arrows, shooting at these mountain spirits.

Zhou Yan directly exploded the spiritual power in his body, forming a sword energy all over his body. These sword energy were like substance, shining with cold light and extremely sharp.


Zhou Yan used Qi to control his sword, urging the sword Qi to attack the mountain elf army.

The sword energy turned into a storm, turned into a very terrifying energy, and rushed straight ahead. The towering giant trees were unable to block the sword energy, and were penetrated, broken, and knocked down one after another.

Continuous towering ancient trees fell, their torsos destroyed by this terrifying sword energy.

The sword energy swept through the jungle like a tornado, like a giant dragon.

Wherever the sword energy passed, everything was reduced to nothing, leaving nothing behind.

A circular passage formed on the ground, like a giant snake moving forward.

The sword energy storm flew directly one kilometer away before disappearing.

This is the SSS-quality "Sword Controlling Technique". This is just one of the attack methods using sword energy in "Sword Controlling Technique".

High-quality skills require a lot of spiritual power to master and learn.

With Zhou Yan's current Martial Dao Thirty-Ninth Layer strength, he cannot unleash his full strength.

There were a huge number of mountain spirit warriors all over the mountains and plains, but Zhou Yan only killed a small part of them.

He has thousands of soldiers, and every wave of arrows attacks can kill a lot of enemies, and the soldiers attack very quickly. The mountain elf warriors suffer numerous casualties. With their numerical advantage, they come to the soldiers tree. Down.

Then, they froze.

The trees chosen by the soldiers are all very tall. Their short bodies require a long time to climb up.

When they climb up, it's just a matter of sword for the warriors.

So, the soldiers waited for these mountain spirit warriors to climb up to seek death. One after another, the mountain spirit warriors kept falling from the trees, and more mountain spirits kept climbing up.

There are also mountain spirits who want to cut down these trees, but this will take a lot of time.

The soldiers on the trees can still carry out continuous shooting attacks, specifically shooting the mountain spirits who cut down the trees.

Even if they succeeded in cutting down this giant tree, the soldiers were agile and easily jumped to another giant tree the moment they fell.

These mountain elf warriors were dumbfounded. How could they fight?

You can't attack the enemy at all.

There are a lot of mountain elf warriors, but for the warriors, it's just a matter of attacking a few more times.

The soldiers even felt that killing in the trees was boring, so they gathered a group of people, jumped down from the trees collectively, formed a battle formation, and pushed horizontally against these dense mountain elf warriors.

The mountain elf warriors were unable to resist this terrifying soldier, and were killed one after another.

Then, more and more soldiers began to jump down from the trees and fight back against these mountain spirits.

Although there are many mountain elf warriors, they are no match for the soldiers.

Zhou Yan alone can kill a large number of mountain spirits every time he takes action.

These mountain elf warriors are still relying on their large numbers and want to eliminate them, but they are always the ones eliminated in the end.

An hour later, more than half of the mountain elf warriors were killed or injured.

The soldiers took the initiative to kill these mountain elf warriors, and finally killed these mountain elf warriors and began to flee.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Zhou Yan chose to let the soldiers pack up their loot and leave, waiting until daylight the next day to continue killing the remaining mountain spirits.

There are so many of these mountain spirits, I believe there will be many good things in their base camp.

He released the reconnaissance aircraft and began to search for the specific location of the base camp of these mountain spirits.

Today's harvest is good, I got tens of thousands of weapons. Although these weapons are of low quality, they can be remade to create better equipment.

(Author: I went to the hospital during the day. That’s it for today. Everyone, take a rest early!)

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