Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 190, Cooperation Is Possible

Zhou Yan put away the auction lists and said, "There is nothing wrong with these lists. Well, I would like to ask, is there any whereabouts of the building I asked you to help acquire last time?"

Ever since he knew the function of those copies, he had been thinking about it.

He also asked Xiaowei to help find a world similar to this one, hoping to obtain the corresponding building.

As long as you build more copies, you can save a lot of soul coins in the long run.

But he knew he wouldn't be able to collect much in a short time.

This thing is not a big cabbage, you can have as much as you want.

"We have received some, but not many. After all, no one wants that kind of building, and there is no one on the market to collect it. We have just started collecting, so naturally there are not many, but our boss is already doing his best to collect... ."

Gao Jin said quickly.

Zhou Yan quickly asked: "How many buildings have you collected now?"

"There are only two, and the quality is very low." Gao Jin replied.

"It doesn't matter if you have two, bring them over and show them to me." Zhou Yan said quickly.

Gao Jin took out the two copies.

Zhou Yan checked and found out that of the two buildings, one was E-quality [Hare Forest] and the other was C-quality [Undead Cemetery].

He put it away. He didn't care about quality, as long as it was available.

But Gao Jin didn't think so.

How did he know that Zhou Yan's territory could evolve all buildings.

Therefore, he felt that he had not collected enough things and was very embarrassed, fearing that the other party would not make a deal with him.

"I can see that you guys are trying your best. Just two seats. Just help me pay more attention in the future."

Gao Jin was very happy after hearing this. He didn't expect Zhou Yan to be so good. He quickly said: "Don't worry, I have already arranged a lot of manpower. As soon as there is news about these buildings in the market, I will buy them as soon as possible." Down."

"Then can we discuss future cooperation?" Gao Jin asked.

Naturally, he would not refuse a lucrative business.

Besides, he also needs to cooperate with the other party and ask the other party to help collect replica-type buildings.

They are the most powerful shops in the world. If they can't collect it, let alone others.

He began trading other items with the other party, which benefited both of them.

Two hours later, Zhou Yan left [Longyao Store].

Not long after he walked out of [Longyao Store], a person stopped him, seemingly coming specifically for him.

When the other party turned around, Zhou Yan remembered that this person was the guy with the aura of the protagonist at the auction last time.

This protagonist's aura was naturally a wild guess on his part.

"Are you looking for me?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Hello, my surname is Ye, and my name is Ye Ming." The other party introduced himself and extended his hand.

Depend on! A guy named Ye is accompanied by a beautiful woman. Such a guy is not the protagonist of this world. What the hell is wrong with me!

There is a saying: There are thousands of protagonists in the world, half of which are the Ye family and the Lin family.

However, where I, Zhou Yan, am, the other protagonists will step aside for me!

Zhou Yan also stretched out his hand, shook it with the other party, and said: "What a coincidence, my surname is also Ye, and my name is Ye Wen."

Ye Ming: "(・_・)ヾ"

"Can you come and sit at my place for a while? I want to make friends with you." Ye Ming said.

"It's easy to talk about. I won't refuse the deal." Zhou Yan replied.

Ye Ming was surprised and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people."

Ye Ming smiled, waved and said, "Please."


Zhou Yan followed the other party and left.

Soon someone told Gao Jin that Zhou Yan was asked to leave by Ye Ming. Gao Jin said: "Don't mess with that kind of people. Whoever Mr. Zhou wants to cooperate with is their own freedom. Let's take care of ourselves." Just do it.”

He is not a fool. To offend two people with unlimited potential is to seek death.

He just needs to do his own thing.

Ye Ming also opened a shop, also on the bustling street, called "Stars Ten Thousand Miles".

Although the shop is smaller than [Longyao Shop], it has a lot of things inside, all kinds of items are available, and the business is okay.

After walking upstairs, a beautiful woman had already made tea inside. She was one of the people beside Ye Ming when he was at the auction.

After seeing Zhou Yan coming, the woman quickly stood up and said, "I have made tea for Mr. Zhou. I hope you are satisfied."

Zhou Yan smiled, and the other party even found out his name.

There's nothing embarrassing about him.

Isn't there a saying that says so?

Shameless, invincible.

Goose...I seem to be scolding myself.

The two sat down.

Zhou Yan said directly: "Cooperation is possible, but I need various buildings. As long as you can help me acquire what I need, cooperation will be easy."

Ye Ming smiled: "Mr. Zhou is quick to talk, and I won't be verbose. I just sent people to collect a lot of those buildings before. I thought they were of no use, but I didn't expect them to be useful now."

"That quite surprised me."

Zhou Yan was really surprised. He was indeed a guy with the aura of a protagonist, who knew how to collect things that others didn't need.

Ye Ming was also very straightforward and took out more than a dozen buildings.

Zhou Yan took a closer look and was overjoyed to find that one of them was also an S-quality copy.

Although he was happy in his heart, there was no excitement on the surface.

I have no choice but to go out and rely on acting.

"Mr. Ye Ming is very sincere. If you need anything, just ask."

With items from Myriad Worlds, no matter what the other party needs, he can buy it.

"We need all kinds of weapons, armor, jewelry, blueprints, job transfer scrolls, and skill books." Ye Ming also replied.

"This is easy to say, then we can discuss the price in detail."

Zhou Yan would naturally not refuse. He could buy as many of these things as he wanted in other worlds.

Next, it is a matter of the two of them negotiating the price.

Ye Ming is also very sincere and wants to have long-term cooperation with him. These buildings are sold to him at the lowest price, which is no different from giving them away for free.

They discussed for several hours before shaking hands with satisfaction and adding each other as friends.

"See you next time."


Zhou Yan left with satisfaction.

Having more than a dozen dungeons can reduce the number of soul coins needed to upgrade many soldiers.

The level of soldiers is always the most troublesome issue that troubles all lords.

They were able to upgrade several of their heroes to full level, but they were unable to fully upgrade a powerful army.

Even Zhou Yan couldn't do it himself. This required too many soul coins.

Therefore, every lord did not dare to summon more troops because he could not afford them.

New lords usually only dare to raise between a hundred and five hundred soldiers now.

Unlike him, the number of soldiers now exceeds 30,000.

Even a lord who has been developing for ten years would never dare to summon so many soldiers.

Every time one more soldier is summoned, countless more money will be spent.

From soul coins to spirit coins, equipment, food, drink, and wages, this is a huge expense.

The soldiers summoned do not need to be paid?

Do you think that every soldier summoned has 100% loyalty and does not need a penny?

Except for Zhou Yan's territory, no one else's territory in the world has this benefit.

Therefore, Zhou Yan is a lord who relies on cheats to develop.

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