Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 191, Eating Sun Shangxiang

After returning to the territory, Zhou Yan found that it was already very late.

But he is a qualified lord. No matter how late it is, he must first build the building.

A lot of buildings were obtained from Ye Ming, and there was even an S-quality copy.

He started building these replica buildings.

Territory tip: "Build [Hare Forest], [Hare Forest] evolves into [Hare Copy]."

Territory tip: "Build [Undead Cemetery], [Undead Cemetery] evolves into [Undead Cemetery Copy]."

Territory prompt: "Build [Dark Elf], [Dark Elf] evolved into [Dark Elf Copy]."


There are fifteen dungeons in total, and each dungeon is S Level or above.

Among them, the S Level [Dark Elf] building has evolved into a RRR-quality copy.

After upgrading these dungeons to Level 20, they all require the same material to continue upgrading, which is the Void Stone.

No one was selling this kind of material, so he had nowhere to buy it. He could only see where this kind of material could be found.

Then, he took out the [Arena] that had no buildings before and started building it.

Territory prompt: "Build [Arena], [Arena] evolved into [Martial Arts Space]."

He checked this [Martial Arts Performance Space] and found that the quality of this building was still R quality.

This building is very strange. If you practice confrontation in it, even if you die, you will not really die. It is a space where you can act.

This building is still very useful and can be used for actual combat training.

It can also train everyone's fighting skills, and they won't die anyway, which is very useful.

He started to upgrade the building. After upgrading to Level 20, he needed space stones to continue upgrading.

The scope of the entire [Martial Arts Performance Space] has become larger, and many environments can be simulated for combat, but the space is still too small.

"Where can I buy this space stone?"

Not all materials are for sale in Myriad Worlds, and this space stone is one of them.

The night was long and he was always lonely.

He came to [Lingqi Courtyard] and met a person. After the other person saw him, he quickly said: "Meet the lord."

"Shang Xiang, when did you come back?" Zhou Yan did not expect that she would return to the territory.

"I came back at six o'clock in the afternoon." Sun Shangxiang replied.

She had just gone to the [Hot Spring Villa] and finished bathing in the hot springs. Her hair was still a little wet. She was not wearing any equipment. She was wearing a Han Dynasty palace dress, which was quite different from her usual appearance.

She looks more like a woman than a heroic female general.

Last time he wanted to go to Sun Shangxiang, but when he saw that he was practicing, he let him go.

This time I met her, I couldn't say anything to let the beauty slip away from my hands.

"I have a problem that I want you to help solve." Zhou Yan said.


Sun Shangxiang really thought that something was wrong with Zhou Yan, but she was simply tricked into the room by Zhou Yan.

Then he asked: "I wonder what problems I can solve for the lord?"

Zhou Yan stepped forward, stared at her with fiery eyes, and said, "My problem is that the territory has developed like this and there is still a lack of future successors, so I want you to help."

Sun Shangxiang was confused for a moment and said, "I don't quite understand. Can you explain it more clearly?"

Zhou Yan stepped forward directly, hugged the other party, and said, "Now you understand."

Sun Shangxiang was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of Zhou Yan's words. He was silent for a moment, and then, under Zhou Yan's surprised gaze, he kissed his lips directly.

Sun Shangxiang actually took the initiative!

As an experienced driver, Zhou Yan could not let the other party take the steering wheel.

So, Zhou Yan took the steering wheel and started to drive towards the tunnel...

Another stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth continued to gather in the two bodies, and then Zhou Yan began to break through the realm again.

From the Martial Dao Fortieth Layer day, he has been promoted to the Martial Dao Forty-Second Layer day.

He has been stuck in Martial Dao Thirty-Ninth Layer for a long time, and this time he finally broke through.

Good times, beautiful scenery, endless spring.

The next day, the two woke up.

Zhou Yan said to the tired Sun Shangxiang: "Have a good rest today and don't do anything."

"I have a request." Sun Shangxiang said.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse." Zhou Yan replied.

Sun Shangxiang smiled and said: "I want to form a women's corps. I can choose any women in the territory."

Zhou Yan was surprised. He didn't expect Sun Shangxiang's request to be this.

Naturally, he would not refuse and said: "Of course, no problem. As long as they are willing, those people will be at your command. If you need anything, you can get it from the territory. You are now one of the mistresses of the territory. You have this authority." .”

"Thank you, Lord, for your support."

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are already husband and wife, so don't be so polite."


Sun Shangxiang smiled, very beautiful.

Sun Shangxiang was very satisfied. She had already had the idea of ​​forming a women's army, but she just didn't find a good opportunity.

Her dream is to form a women's army and then fight on the battlefield.

The other soldiers in the territory are each very powerful, but they are not trained by her personally.

She wanted to personally train a military unit that was completely her own style.

"Have a good rest." Zhou Yan got up first and then came outside.

A maid prepared everything for him.

He was now fully capable of living the life of an emperor, but he didn't.

Mainly, I haven't fallen to that level yet.

The territory is currently lacking a lot of things, especially Apex Level heroes, which are still lacking.

After all, [Tongque Terrace] can only summon female heroes, and it is also a place for women in his harem.

He still needs to build more barracks, hoping to get a building that can summon other heroes.

There are too many heroes in his mind that he wants to summon.

There are more than a dozen dungeons in the territory, and he has already ordered people to notify them. Now it is the busiest place in the entire territory. Many people go into the dungeon every day to gain soul coin experience.

At this moment, Diao Chan, Si Teng and Hua Yuerong found him together, all with smiles on their faces.

"Looking at you, there must be something good you want to tell me, right?"

Zhou Yan asked.

Diao Chan chuckled when she heard this and said, "Congratulations to the lord for gaining another confidante."

Si Teng and Hua Yuerong were a little melancholy. They appeared quite early, but the lord didn't do anything to them, and they felt a little disappointed.

"Tell me, you must be looking for me for something." Zhou Yan asked.

"Lord, yesterday's prospecting equipment has detected a place with High Level mineral veins. I don't know whether to mine it or not."

Si Teng said quickly.

"Oh, High Level mineral vein, this must be mined. Didn't we rescue many people a few days ago? Let them mine it."

They've both learned a lot of life skills, so that kind of thing is perfect for them.

Especially those orcs, each of them is strong and can eat. Now is the time for them to play their role.

"Sister Diao Chan and I think so too. Since you agree, I will make arrangements." Si Teng hurriedly made arrangements.

"Go." Si Teng was still very lively and even cuter.

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