Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 192, Luocheng, The Ancient Capital

Now that the High Level mineral vein has been discovered, we definitely need to stay here for a while.

He said to Diao Chan: "Since you have time, let's arrange for those who have successfully transferred jobs to go out to hunt monsters and get more treasure boxes."

"I have already made arrangements and informed Chen Qingzhi that there is no need to rush back. Sister Zhen Mi is still out hunting monsters."

Diao Chan replied.

High Level mineral veins are very rare, and the competition in the entire market is also very high. Since it can be discovered, it must be mined before leaving here.

There are not many High Level materials in each world, and there are still many people competing. Even if he can access the Myriad Worlds, he will still face many competitors.

Therefore, he can only buy little by little, and by accumulating in this way, he can upgrade the building.

He explained many things to Diao Chan, and then said: "I have to leave the territory and go to school to register."

"I'll leave the territory matters to you. If you have any questions, please contact me." Zhou Yan said.

"Well, don't worry, I will take care of it."

Zhou Yan hugged Diao Chan and told Xiaowei to arrange for people to go to other worlds to process transaction information on his behalf.

He would greet those people in advance.

In this way, he would be able to relax a lot.

Communicating with the heart of the territory, he returned to Canglan Continent.

After leaving home, he didn't know if he could come back again, so he tidied up the house and covered everything in the room with cloth.

Then he turned on his phone, which showed hundreds of missed calls, but he ignored them.

Instead, he directly purchased a ticket to Los Angeles, closed the door, and took another look at this place.

"I'm leaving..."

Zhou Yan didn't know what he felt in his heart, maybe it was melancholy, parting, and reluctance, all five flavors were mixed.

He still knocked on the doors of the surrounding neighbors and told them that he was leaving and asked them to take good care of him.

"Good boy, go ahead, your road is far away."

"If you get caught outside, come back at any time. This will always be your home."

"Grandpa Niu has nothing to give as a gift. These are the clothes that Grandpa Niu specially bought. You can take them with you."

"Take care of yourself out there."

The neighbors all took out the gifts they had prepared a long time ago. They did not give anything very expensive, but they were very considerate, as if they were treating their own juniors.

Zhou Yan did not refuse and accepted the gift. This was their sincere wish.

As always, they had taken good care of him since he was a child. Even if he was admitted to the four major colleges, they would still be as usual, which made him very happy.

The neighbor's Aunt Zhang called her son back. The other party drove a taxi and she had to take him to the airport.

A few minutes later, Aunt Zhang's son rushed back.

When he heard that Zhou Yan was going to the airport, he rushed all the way back and enthusiastically let Zhou Yan get in the car.

After seeing the reluctant eyes of his neighbors, Zhou Yan finally left this small town and headed to a larger city.

When he arrived at the airport, Brother Zhang said goodbye to him and asked him to go home often.

He didn't bring anything with him, and all the things his neighbors gave him were put into the territory.

After waiting at the airport for a while, he got on the plane, and his destination was Los Angeles.

Luo City is known as the ancient capital of ten thousand years, and it has remained immortal after hundreds of thousands of years.

Just because every ancient building in Luo City is engraved with the pattern of Godfiend.

These formation patterns are extremely powerful, and there are quite a few of them. Legend has it that countless Godfiend warriors left their own Martial Dao experiences in Luo City. Those different formation patterns were left behind in order to strengthen Luo City when they left. Mark of.

No one has ever seen the real Godfiend, but they are real.

Moreover, the prerequisites for becoming a Godfiend are also clearly recorded in the textbooks.

Only by raising the level of the territory to the full level, raising one's own level to the full level, and then cultivating the realm to the highest level can one be able to extradite the heavenly tribulation.

Only by overcoming the heavenly tribulation can we truly Transcending Tribulation Ascension and lead the people of the entire territory to a higher world.

But there are too few people in the entire Canglan Continent who can really do it.

It may not be possible for one to appear in several decades.

The difficulties in this are really too great.

However, a few years ago, there was a lord from the Shenlong Kingdom who succeeded in Transcending Tribulation Ascension.

He was a great farming lord who cultivated many new types of seeds for the entire world of lords, and was known as the 'Father of International Farming'.

When that lord ascended to Ascension, the whole country celebrated, shocking the whole world.

Because few farming lords can survive the natural disaster, but he did it.

This made the Shenlong Kingdom's status in the entire world rise again.


Everything was fine on the plane. After getting off the plane, he called a taxi based on the address and asked the taxi to take him there.

As soon as the other party looked at the address, he said, "You are the student who just entered Ziwei College this year, right?"

The other party said with certainty.

"Yes." Zhou Yan replied.

The taxi driver smiled and said, "Transportation is prohibited in that place. I can only take you to the outer city. You can only figure out the rest by yourself."

"Oh, there is such a thing, it's quite strange." Zhou Yan felt very surprised.

The driver replied while driving: "I have sent many students like you over the years, and they all had the same reaction as you at the beginning."

"But Luo City is no different from other places. It is a place blessed by Godfiend. The center of the entire Luo City cannot be entered by ordinary people. It is really guarded too strictly."

"And if you go into that place, hey, you will feel like you have returned to ancient times..."

The taxi driver started talking endlessly about things in Los Angeles. It was going well in the past and sounded quite reliable.

However, when Zhou Yan later heard him say that he had met Godfiend, Zhou Yan knew that the other party was bragging.

Godfiend is so easy to see.

How can the Godfiend in the upper realm of Ascension easily descend to the lower realm.

But he didn't point it out either.

Aren’t ordinary people like this?

If you can't even brag, then what's the point of living?

After arriving at the destination, the other party asked him to study hard. If he became a Godfiend, he would be happy for the other party.

Zhou Yan felt that the other party must be saying: If he becomes Godfiend, the other party will have more bragging rights.

This is the fun of ordinary people, wasn't he like this before?

In front of him was the ancient capital of Luocheng.

There is not a single building within a few hundred meters of Luo City, only roads.

A few hundred meters away are tall buildings.

These high-rise buildings were built around Luo City, surrounding the entire ancient capital. Looking down from a high altitude, you can even see that these buildings are very regular, like some kind of formation.

The entire ancient capital of Luocheng is full of ancient walls, which have gone through eternity and tell the vicissitudes of history.

This city wall looks like it was newly built, but the materials and materials are definitely not something that can be made in modern times.

It seems ordinary, but if you sense it carefully, you will find that there is a very powerful formation pattern engraved on it.

It is covered with various powerful divine patterns, which are all methods left by the ancient Godfiend.

It adds a bit of Spirit Partitioning mystery to this ancient capital.

It is these snake demon formations that make these city walls last forever, as if they were new.

Why did they arrange this method?

What secret is hidden here?

There are tens of millions of speculations about the ancient capital of Luo City on the Internet.

Vehicles are not allowed inside, but bicycles are allowed.

Moreover, he also discovered that he could ride a horse in the ancient capital of Luo City.

This actually surprised him a little.

That means his [Lightning] can also be ridden.

People entering and leaving Los Angeles need to show their identity. Many people hold their IDs and verify them on the automatic verification machine before entering.

There were hundreds of fully armed Shenlong Kingdom lord warriors around, and each of them exuded a powerful aura.

There is not a single photo of Ziwei Academy on the Internet. Everyone only knows that this academy exists and that it is in Luo City, but no one knows where it is specifically.

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