Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 840: I Have Never Seen Such An Arrogant Robber.

Zhou Yan sealed Huo Ling'er. Now she is like an ordinary person. Even if she wants to commit suicide, she will be stopped by the mysterious formation.

Zhou Yan then lifted the yin and yang cage, released Uncle He and others, and unlocked the seals on them, saying:

"You go back and tell the Fire Saint Monster King that when his daughter admits her mistake to me, I will let her go back. Don't worry, I won't kill her."

Uncle He stopped the guard who wanted to take action, thought for a moment, and then asked: "Can I tell you your name?"

"My name is Zhou Yan. People from Canglan Continent, I believe you can easily find out." Zhou Yan has no need to hide, why should he hide?

You only need to hide your identity when you are weak. Now that he is not afraid of anyone, there is no need to hide his identity.

"Zhou Yan, you are the number one in the world in Canglan Continent!"

Uncle He had obviously heard of Zhou Yan. After all, only one person in the lord continent could be given such a title.

Zhou Yan's name has become known to many powerful people as he has done more and more things throughout Myriad Worlds.

After hearing Zhou Yan’s self-registration number, some of the Monster Race onlookers watching from a distance were surprised and some were confused.

"Is this human famous?"

"I heard he was quite powerful. One person killed tens of thousands of strong men."

"Fuck! So fierce!"

"The number one in the world in Canglan Continent. Only the most outstanding people can be called such, you should know."

"He is such a person, no wonder he is so strong."

"Don't worry, no one dares to impersonate me yet." Zhou Yan replied.

"I will report the truth to the Fire Saint Monster King. Please take more care of Your Highness during this period."

Uncle He and others understood that this person was indeed not something they could deal with, so it was better to go back and report him.

"Tell the Fire Saint Monster King that you'd better not bother me recently, otherwise I can't guarantee that the Fire Spirit Demon Girl will feel better."

Zhou Yan is going to do something big with Qian Shun recently. After he finishes all the things, he can slowly spar with the Fire Saint Monster King.

"I will report the truth to the Fire Saint Monster King."

Uncle He looked at Princess Huoling again, and finally left here helplessly.

Huo Ling'er didn't say much. She believed that her father would definitely rescue her from this guy.

Zhou Yan put away Huo Ling'er's chariot. This was a powerful Saint Weapon. It was quite extraordinary in both attack and defense.

"That's mine, give it back to me." Huo Ling'er said very dissatisfied when he saw that his chariot was taken away.

"As a prisoner, you should have the self-awareness of a prisoner. You are not qualified to bargain with me now." Zhou Yan glanced at Huo Ling'er.

Ignoring Huo Ling'er's yelling, he directly sealed her mouth, making her mute and could only open her teeth and claws.

Zhou Yan was very happy to see Huo Ling'er unable to speak a word, and said, "Look, this is much better. If you don't want to be a mute all your life, just be obedient."

Huo Ling'er obviously couldn't be obedient. She now looked like that kind of rebellious girl, and she was also the kind of person who wouldn't shed tears when she saw the coffin.

When she saw the coffin, she would only think about dying with others. She would also find someone to support her when she died. Not only was she stubborn, but she was also cruel to herself.

Such a person should not be spoiled and deserves to be beaten!

Although this matter is Qian Shun's, it can be considered settled now.

The Fire Saint Monster King is no longer in the mood to care about Qian Shun, and has turned all his attention to himself.

Zhou Yan began to inscribe the formation, and mysterious and profound formations continued to form in the air, eventually forming a complete transmission channel.


Zhou Yan left Beast World directly with Huo Ling'er and returned to Canglan Continent, and even returned to the villa of Ziwei Academy.

Huo Ling'er opened his mouth and kept making gestures, trying to speak.

"You said you were hungry and wanted to eat dirt. It turns out you grew up eating dirt." Zhou Yan began to translate based on Huo Ling'er's gesture.

Huo Ling'er was so angry that he was half-dead. Who grew up eating dirt? You are the one who grew up eating dirt. Your whole family grew up eating dirt.

Poor Huo Ling'er was fuming, but unfortunately he couldn't say a word and could only keep gesticulating. The key was that he didn't even have the strength to hit Zhou Yan, so he was completely at the mercy of others.

Zhou Yan sat on the sofa, looked at Huo Ling'er, and continued to translate: "Oh, you said you wanted to take a bath and asked me to help you take off your clothes. If you take a bath, just take a bath. Why do you want me to help you take off your clothes? I'll take your clothes off." As a prisoner, you still want to sleep with me!"

Huo Ling'er's face turned red with anger, and he almost fell down in anger. He gritted his silver teeth, clenched his small fists, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

Zhou Yan was very happy when he saw Huo Ling'er like this, and continued: "You continue to draw, and I will continue to translate. I have plenty of time to amuse the monkey now!"

Huo Ling'er understood that Zhou Yan did it on purpose. He said this on purpose just to make her angry.

Huo Ling'er was so angry that she closed her eyes and lay on the sofa, never wanting to talk to Zhou Yan again.

Zhou Yan teleported Huo Ling'er to his own territory, and then locked him in a room full of formations. For Monster Race like them, they can't die without eating or drinking for a month. Zhou Yan didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Even if she kicked and banged around the room now, it would be useless. No one outside could hear or see her.

Zhou Yan said to Qian Shun: "The matter has been resolved."

"It was solved so quickly. It really belongs to you. How did you solve it?" Qian Shun was very surprised and wanted to know what happened. The matter was solved in less than a day.

"It's very simple. Just tie up Huo Ling'er and tell the Fire Saint Monster King not to bother me. Otherwise, I will break up and the matter will be solved."

Zhou Yan told Qian Shun his solution.

When Qian Shun heard this, he was shocked: ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙

I asked you to solve the problem, but you ended up kidnapping money!

The key point is that you arrogantly told my father not to bother you!

He also threatens others and will tear them apart if they bother you!

I have never seen such an arrogant robber!

"Ah! I didn't ask Zhou Yan to kidnap him. This matter should have nothing to do with me, right?"

Qian Shun always felt that this matter was getting more and more complicated. He felt that not only was his situation unsafe, but it would become more dangerous at any time.

"Where did you lock people up?" Qian Shun asked.

"It's locked up in my territory. Don't worry. It's very safe. She can't escape." Zhou Yan said confidently.

I am riding a horse to ask you for your safety?

I'm asking you if she can escape?

You are so confident.

"How do I feel that the Fire Saint Monster King will lead his army to deal with you at any time?" Qian Shun expressed his worries.

"You said you were going to deal with me, why are you nervous?" Zhou Yan asked nonchalantly.

Qian Shun's face turned ugly. He felt that it was a mistake to hand this matter over to Zhou Yan from the beginning.

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