Qian Shun's face became more and more ugly, he slapped his head fiercely and said, "What sin have I done!"

"When will we set off!" Zhou Yan said to Qian Shun with an indifferent expression.

Qian Shun looked at the news and fell into deep thought...

This bastard didn't care at all, and even asked when to leave?

Well, I have to leave early.

Thinking of this, Qian Shun immediately sent a message to his small team. The content of the message was as follows: "Brothers, the matter has been completely resolved. Let's set a time and set off immediately. The longer we delay, the worse it will be for us." It’s a disadvantage.”

If the Fire Saint Monster King really comes after him, he will have a few friends to help him. Qian Shun feels that as a friend, he should bear the same burden.

After hearing what Qian Shun said, they discussed setting out tomorrow. They were all ready anyway, they were just worried about Qian Shun.

After the discussion, Qian Shun immediately said to Zhou Yan: "We set off tomorrow. I really hope the journey goes smoothly."

"Don't worry, those who believe in me will live forever!" Zhou Yan replied.

Do you believe you will have eternal life?

Do you think you are a god?

On the other side, when Uncle He and others returned to the Palace of Fire Saint Monster King, they immediately began to report to Fire Saint Monster King. Unfortunately, unfortunately, Fire Saint Monster King had already begun to retreat in order to suppress his own strength.

Uncle He is so anxious, but unfortunately there is nothing he can do. It would be even worse if it disturbs the Fire Saint Monster King's retreat and causes his realm to become unstable.

"Princess Fire Spirit should be fine," Uncle He thought.

Princess Huo Ling can't die, it's so uncomfortable.

She couldn't speak and could only move around in a small room. She had smashed everything she could smash, but it was a pity that no one paid attention to her.

Princess Huoling has been waiting for her father to save her, but now she can only curse Zhou Yan in her heart.

Zhou Yan has already asked for leave. Anyway, for students like him, the teacher completely leaves it up to Zhou Yan to decide on the class.

Who makes Zhou Yan so good?

He is really excellent!

After agreeing on a meeting place with Qian Shun, Qian Shun insisted on teleporting to Lord Continent with Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan knew that Qian Shun was afraid of death, but Qian Shun insisted that this was for better arrangements.

After meeting Qian Shun in a hotel, Zhou Yan was stunned. Qian Shun was wearing a black hat, Western cowboy clothes, and a beard on his face. He was dressed like a Westerner.

"Did you go for plastic surgery?" Zhou Yan looked at the other person and couldn't help but laugh. This guy dressed like this is so funny, okay?

"It's a necessary disguise to give you a haircut." Qian Shun would not say it was because he had too many enemies.

Because there is so much business, even Qian Shun himself doesn't know how many people have done business with him. Every time he goes out, he disguises himself as a different person.

Only at the trade fair will Qian Shun return to his original appearance.

"Are we ready to go?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Of course, let's go." Qian Shun said.

Zhou Yan began to carve out the formation, which made Qian Shun curious: "Aren't you going to teleport directly to the territory?"

"Didn't you give me the approximate coordinates? Wouldn't it be faster to send them directly?" Zhou Yan replied.

Qian Shun was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "I didn't expect that your kid knows a lot of things!"

Zhou Yan began to carve formations, forming a series of mysterious and mysterious formations. Ancient formations were carved out by Zhou Yan.

Looking at these formation patterns, Qian Shun said with satisfaction: "You are a good boy. You can even obtain such ancient formation patterns. It is good to have money, you can buy everything."

If his strength allowed, Qian Shun really wanted to "do business" with Zhou Yan, but Qian Shun knew that if he really did this, he would probably be the one who would be "doing business" with.

"What does this mean? These formation patterns are just drizzle." After Zhou Yan finished carving the formation, he began to say: "Don't worry, even if this formation is unstable, it will be half disabled at most and will not die."

Qian Shun, who was about to enter the formation, immediately changed his expression after hearing Zhou Yan's words, and then said, "Why are you so stupid!"

"Let's go, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? After all, you, an old boy, have reached the level of a demigod, but you are so afraid of death!"

Zhou Yan forced Qian Shun into the teleportation formation. He would not just talk casually. This Qian Shun was really scared.

After the light flashed, the two came to the transmission channel. Qian Shun looked at the stable space channel and said angrily: "You guy, you actually lied to me that the space is unstable!"

"Who knew you were so afraid of death?" Zhou Yan replied.

Qian Shun said nothing.

Tens of seconds later, the two came to an unfamiliar place. Zhou Yan observed the location and said, "The location shouldn't be too far off. Let's fly there."

Qian Shun came here and said, "Come with me."

The two people turned into two rays of light and flew towards a certain mountain peak.

After a long time, the two came to a black mountain peak.

"This mountain peak is a bit weird. Where is it?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

"A long time ago, this mountain peak was a Transcendent Level sect. Later, it declined, and everything around it was plundered. Only this mountain peak was left, which was left by a certain God Realm powerhouse."

Qian Shun explained to Zhou Yan, which shocked Zhou Yan and asked: "Didn't it say that the powerful gods will not appear in the lower world? How come there are still traces of the powerful gods?"

Zhou Yan was very curious and looked at Qian Shun.

"Haha, didn't I say it before, from time immemorial." Qian Shun replied.

"Early in the ancient times, oh, it turns out that in the world of lords in the ancient times, there were powerful people in the divine realm."

Zhou Yan understood, and then asked: "How many years ago is it from now?"

Qian Shun: "..."

"Did you learn history in vain?" Qian Shun asked.

"The history books only record things from ancient times to the present. The modern period is ten thousand years from now, and the ancient times is one hundred thousand years from now. There is no introduction to the ancient times." Zhou Yan answered.

"There have been so many changes in the history books. When I was studying, the history was recorded as far back as ancient times."

Qian Shun didn't expect that so much time had passed and so many history books had changed from generation to generation.

"Ancient times?" Zhou Yan asked, "Representative of the history class, please explain it to me."

Qian Shun replied: "The modern period is 10,000 years ago. The period between 10,000 and 100,000 years ago is called the ancient times. The period between 100,000 and 1 million years ago is called the ancient period."

"The ancient period is the period between one million and ten million years. The ancient period is between ten million and one hundred million years. As for the period 100 million years ago, it was the Mythical period."

Zhou Yan clapped his hands and said, "How old are you this year?"

"What year am I..." Qian Shun almost revealed his age and immediately said: "Little brat, don't ask about other people's ages."

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