Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 869, Treasure House Of The Ancient Dynasty

Jin Ye destroyed the flowers with ruthless hands and killed an imperial daughter, then turned into a golden light and flew back to Zhou Yan's shoulder, asking: "Brother, my strength has become a lot stronger, right?"

"It's just a matter of killing a brainless woman and a lion. That's enough for you. You still have a long way to go." Zhou Yan replied.

Jin Ye also knew that his current strength was still very low and there was still a long way to go, so he asked, "Where are we going?"

"The palace of the ancient dynasty. There are some good things in the space ring of the ancient emperor, but the real treasure house must be in the palace of the ancient dynasty. Go and see what you can get."

Zhou Yan slowly walked towards the imperial city of the ancient dynasty and met a military general. He was radiating a powerful light and holding a Spirit Weapon in his hand. He looked at Zhou Yan and said, "General First Grade of the ancient dynasty. Shan Xing is here, and if he wants to enter the palace, he must step on my corpse."

"Okay, I will meet your request." Zhou Yan said.

"I'll do it, I'll do it," Jin Ye rushed out again and said, "She looks much stronger than the stupid woman before. She should be more interesting."

Shan Xing held a spear in his hand, burst out a burst of light, and fell hard towards Jin Ye.

In a competition of strength, Jin Ye will not be afraid of the opponent. Dragon Race's physical body is strong. Even though Jin Ye is not big now, its power should not be underestimated.

Jin Ye stretched out a paw and directly blocked Shan Xing's blow, and then asked with a look called God's contempt: "That's it?"

Zhou Yan always felt that this look was strange, and then he remembered, isn't this the look he used before?

"Watch the move!" Shan Xing was also very surprised. He didn't expect that this little thing was no bigger than an arm, but it was so strong.

Shan Xing brandished his spear, and launched powerful spear skills one after another. The sound of piercing the air resounded throughout the void, and the spear storm danced in all directions, creating a storm.

Jin Ye blocked the opponent's spear with one claw after another. No matter how powerful the opponent's attack was, he could not cause any damage to it.

Shan Xing's violent shooting skills are indeed very strong, but when faced with Jin Ye's powerful Dragon Race, it seems a bit inadequate.

Shan Xing turned into a piece of blue light and formed a deep-sea crab. The huge crab rolled up the nine-day waves, and two huge pincers attacked Jin Ye.


Jin Ye condensed the golden light to form a giant golden dragon claw. The hundred-meter-long dragon claw fell from the sky, caught the blue crab in its claws, and then crushed it.

Jin Ye released golden light again, forming a huge dragon's tail and swung it towards Shan Xing.

The golden dragon swung its tail and erupted with a terrifying sound that shattered the sky. When Shan Xing reacted, he could only block the weapon in front of him.


The terrifying impact force violently threw Shan Xing out and hit the wall of the Imperial City of the Ancient Dynasty, triggering the prohibition circle on the wall of the Ancient Dynasty.

If it weren't for that forbidden protection, I'm afraid the walls of the imperial city would be shattered by the energy.


Shan Xing received a huge attack. He held the spear with one hand and continued to say angrily: "Shan Xing is here, kill!"

This is an admirable enemy.

Jin Ye turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Shan Xing.

The light penetrated Shan Xing's body, and he fell in front of the palace wall of the ancient dynasty with a spear in his hand.

Zhou Yan stepped forward and looked at Shan Xing's eyes, which should be a look of helplessness.

A flame appeared in Zhou Yan's palm and said: "Don't be my enemy in the next life."

The fierce flames burning Shan Xing's body also foreshadowed that the ancient dynasty would eventually become history and a passerby for a period of time, just like his body.

Not many people will remember the history that has disappeared. Only those who exist can pursue their own glory.

"Fire the arrow!"

The generals who guarded the ancient dynasty did not escape or leave, they were still persisting. Even though the general Shan Xing had died in battle, they still held on until the last moment.

Zhou Yan waved his hand, and the many soldiers behind him rushed towards the ancient dynasty. Facing the roaring arrows, they exploded with divine power, turned into a piece of energy, and rushed towards the arrows.


The arrows turned into pieces, and these attacks could not withstand the soldiers who were like gods and demons. They flew up and came to the city wall of the ancient dynasty, and started fighting with the imperial guards of the ancient dynasty's imperial city.

The battle ended quickly. The combat effectiveness of these soldiers was indeed good, but compared to Zhou Yan's personal guards, there was still a huge difference.

Zhou Yan's soldiers quickly rushed into the palace of the ancient dynasty and cleaned up those who resisted.

Zhou Yan summoned the White Tiger and the nine-headed Golden Lion King, sat on the White Tiger, and rushed towards the palace of the ancient dynasty like a king.

This was the first dynasty that Zhou Yan attacked. The entire ancient dynasty was magnificent and built with the best materials.

Countless soldiers of the ancient dynasty were killed along the way, and Zhou Yan walked all the way towards the ancient dynasty.

Those who resisted were killed, and the remaining palace maids and eunuchs could survive as long as they surrendered.

Xiao He, Fang Xuanling, Zhang Zhao and other civil servants from the territory also brought a large number of people from the territory to the palace, and then said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, just leave all subsequent matters here to us. .”

Zhou Yan nodded. They had already discussed how to deal with these people. They would definitely not kill them, but they could not let them go. Zhou Yan had no principle of letting his enemies go.

There are so many single soldiers in the territory. Palace maids and the like can be betrothed to the soldiers in the territory. As for the men, this is not simple. The territory also lacks all kinds of labor force. Let them dig mines.

Zhou Yan walked towards the Palace Treasure House of the Ancient Dynasty. When he opened the Palace Treasure House of the Ancient Dynasty, Zhou Yan looked at the contents inside.

Zhou Yan looked at the piles of gold and silver jewelry calmly. These things no longer had much appeal to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan mainly looked at the precious treasures of the ancient dynasty.

There are many treasures among them, including tens of thousands of various Spirit Weapons, thousands of Saint Weapons, and several fake Divine Weapons.

It's a pity that this huge ancient dynasty didn't even have a Divine Weapon. It was really poor.

However, there are a lot of materials for refining Divine Weapon, which makes Zhou Yan a little satisfied.

These materials can be kept by Ou Yezi, and they can be used directly after he can refine equipment above the pseudo-Divine Weapon.

In addition to these, there are countless precious Spirit Treasures in large quantities, as well as many High Level buildings, all of which have become Zhou Yan's.

The Ancient Dynasty was also a dynasty of lords, and the lords used quite a lot of things.

After Zhou Yan read it, he took away all the things. These things could hardly make Zhou Yan change much. After all, Zhou Yan had seen so much of the world now.

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