After destroying the palace of the ancient dynasty, Zhou Yan left the territory and returned to the territory. The rest was left to the people in the territory to handle the rest. He no longer needed to personally command.

Although the imperial city of the ancient dynasty was destroyed, there were still so many cities in the country and so much wealth that they could not let go. Zhou Yan was a frugal person and would never waste these things.

Hundreds of millions of soldiers throughout the territory have been mobilized. These armies are attacking the cities around the entire ancient dynasty with the imperial city as the center.

It would take a long time to completely capture it. During this time, Zhou Yan was attending class while watching the entire ancient dynasty slowly being annihilated in his own hands.

Although the countries around the ancient dynasty did not take action, they were all watching the development of the matter.

After many people in the ancient dynasty heard that the imperial city had been destroyed, they began to take their wealth and flee to other countries around them.

These countries did not refuse and accepted all these people.

"This Zhou Yan is indeed too powerful. One person and one territory can actually destroy the ancient dynasty that has been passed down for countless years."

"I heard that Zhou Yan killed everyone and not only demolished the entire palace of the ancient dynasty, but also took away everyone in the imperial city."

"The other party's territory is indeed large enough to have so many soldiers. The number of soldiers dispatched from the other party's territory is no less than 500 million!"

"With so many soldiers, many of whom are flying troops, they have already conquered half of the ancient dynasty's territory."

"If we gather these civilians, they won't be hated by Zhou Yan."

"Don't worry, we have asked the other party and they are not interested in these civilians at all. What the other party wants is the destruction of the entire ancient dynasty, but we don't want to take action at this time."

"This Zhou Yan will not occupy the Ancient Dynasty. After he destroys the Ancient Dynasty, he will take away all the wealth of the Ancient Dynasty, and will not take away the rest at all."

Zhou Yan naturally would not stay in the ancient dynasty. After the ancient dynasty was completely wiped out, his goal had been achieved. As for establishing a country here, Zhou Yan had never thought that his goal was the divine world, so how could he stay in this place? Woolen cloth.

Zhou Yan's attack on the ancient dynasty quickly spread to the entire Lord Continent, which shocked countless people.

One person dares to take action to destroy an ancient country. How powerful is this to be able to do it?

Many people didn't believe it at first, but as they started investigating, they got real information, which made many forces start to feel restless.

Especially the Dark Dynasty, which had taken action against Zhou Yan, they were all shocked.

The ancient dynasty, which was almost as powerful as them, was actually wiped out like this.

What's next?

It must be them, because their country is also in the Godfiend continent.

The people of the Dark Dynasty began to feel restless. They had to be afraid. After all, Zhou Yan's strength was not blown out, but revealed by killing.

The fall of the ancient dynasty will not take longer. At the current speed, Zhou Yan will only need two months to clean up the entire ancient dynasty.

After Zhou Yan completely cleans up the Ancient Dynasty, I am afraid that the next target will be the Dark Dynasty.

In the Dark Dynasty Palace, the entire Dark Dynasty royal family was full of sadness.

The current emperor of the Dark Dynasty, Rusk Laurie, has begun to summon officials from the entire Dark Dynasty.

"We will definitely be Zhou Yan's next target. According to intelligence, Zhou Yan has completely eliminated all hostile forces in Canglan Continent."

"It won't be long before the ancient dynasty is destroyed. If we can't take action in time, I'm afraid our fate will be the same as the ancient dynasty."

Rusk Lowry told everyone the seriousness of the matter, hoping that everyone would come up with a solution.

The whole dark hall began to have a heated discussion, and the civil servant said: "Your Majesty, I think we should take the initiative to seek peace, send envoys to discuss with Zhou Yan, and ask him what price he needs to pay to avoid this war."

"Hmph! Your Majesty, our Dark Dynasty is not one of those useless ancient dynasties. We must not sue for peace. We should take the initiative to gather all our forces. As long as Zhou Yan dares to come, there will be no return for him."

As for the military attache, he is not afraid of war at all and is very confident and decisive.

"Are you all blind? The entire ancient dynasty is no match for Zhou Yan. He only has one territory, and it is about to be destroyed. What are you going to fight with?" the civil servant retorted.

"Our Dark Dynasty has no examples of retreating, and we must not retreat. Otherwise, how can our Dark Dynasty gain a foothold in the Godfiend Continent?"

The military attache still insisted on his idea. If the entire country was forced to surrender by Zhou Yan's territory, then their entire country would be too shameless.

"Everything can have a beginning. Do you really have to risk the people of the entire country and the hundreds of thousands of years of foundation of the entire Dark Dynasty before you regret it?"

The civil servants still insisted on seeking peace. This matter was no joke. They had already made a comparison and had no chance of winning.

If there was a chance of winning, how could their Dark Dynasty bow their heads? It was precisely because they could not see any certainty of victory that they wanted to avoid destruction.

"Begging for peace, begging for peace, begging for peace, you civil servants only know how to retreat. If we retreat one step today, we will retreat a second step in the future. Do we want the entire Godfiend continent to see our joke?"

"All our generals are ready to fight to the death. As long as we don't fall, we will always stand at the forefront of the battlefield."

All the military attachés of the Dark Dynasty stood up and said to Rusk Lowry: "We ask for a fight and swear to defend the Dark Dynasty to the death. As long as we do not fall, the other side will not try to destroy our country."

The civil servant said angrily: "If you can't stop even one of his moves, the entire Dark Dynasty will be destroyed because of your words. Your Majesty, temporary forbearance is necessary. There is no need for us to fight to the death with Zhou Yan. "

"We don't believe that the other side has such great strength. Besides, you completely look down on our own country's military and our strength. Can't our military attache protect our country?" the military attaché continued to retort.

"If you want to start a war, you have to look at who the opponent is. Shouldn't you see how perverted the other's territory is? Every attack is enough to kill a demigod. The opponent is invincible in the lower realm. In order to prevent the entire country from being destroyed, So what can I do if I tolerate it?”

Seeing the civil and military officials in the entire palace getting into a fierce verbal dispute, Rusk Lowry also fell into deep thinking.

Is it war or peace?

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