"Although I don't like challenges."

"But occasionally challenge or something..."

Suddenly, Huan Zhirou's voice paused.

In Gao Qiang's vision, something strange happened in the Garden Fortress where Alma was.

Ripples appeared inside the Garden Fortress.

Another fleet belonging to the Brilliant Empire suddenly appeared inside the outer armor and directly crossed the quantum state barrier of the Garden Fortress.

[Remove the ghost state, the special fleet is in place and can launch a raid at any time. 】


Qin Sui's confused face appeared in Gao Qiang's communication.

Looking at Gao Qiang and Huan Zhirou, Qin Sui blinked cutely.

"Actually, I wanted to help you with the assist, but it seems that I accidentally rushed too far."

"But it doesn't matter!"

"Sui Sui can do it alone!"

After that, Qin Sui made a cheering gesture towards the screen, and then the figure disappeared with the closed screen.

"Report, the special fleet is raiding the enemy's Sky Fortress."

Listening to the information sent back by the front-line fleet

"Ah, ah?!"

Huan Zhirou slapped the console and stood up.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing, what are you doing!"

Then Gao Qiang saw three huge question marks appear above the special fleet in the projected simulated universe picture.

[Request to retreat]

[Request to retreat]

[Let me enjoy the economy alone]

However, facing the question marks constantly raised by Huan Zhirou, the special fleet continued to attack as if they could not see them.

"She, she is a bastard!"

Huan Zhirou punched the console again with an angry face.

And before Qin Sui made any big moves, she issued an order for the assault fleet to attack with all the troops.

This time she did not think about any tactics.

Because she knew that since Qin Sui had already driven the fleet into the interior of the Garden Fortress, if it was a little later, she would have nothing to do.

[Attack with all the troops! ]

The assault fleet drove towards the Garden Fortress in a mighty manner, and countless gun barrels fired at the same time, emitting dazzling rays of light that almost illuminated the entire universe.

With enough attack sources, even the quantum barrier gradually lost its strength.

The concept field manipulator cannot manipulate a probability to zero.

Therefore, even if the quantum barrier offsets most of the artillery fire, some of the artillery fire still directly attacks the outer armor of the Garden Fortress.

[Warning, outer armor damaged, damage degree 12%, 27%, 31%...]

[Warning, affected by EMP weapons, outer armor repair program offline, concept field manipulator influence probability decreased. ]


Looking at the various data of the Garden Fortress, Alma was shaken by the energy field.

There are too many warships attacking him.

The quantum barrier cannot protect him. If the concept field manipulator loses its function again, then the remaining outer armor and internal structure will be like paper.

If it is an ordinary fleet, Alma does not need to panic.

But facing a fleet with a rough estimate of tens of thousands of starships, he really does not believe how long the structure of his Sky Fortress can withstand.

Even with the territory bonus of the Sky Garden, it is still the same.

"Defense is not a solution after all."

Erma estimated in her heart.

It has not been long since Gustav asked for help. Most of the fleets should be supporting Gustav's Light Meteorite Peak Fortress, and it is impossible for them to spare their hands to support him.

Therefore, he can only rely on himself now.

If he wants to keep the Garden Fortress, repelling the enemy is the only thing he can do now.


Erma was shocked by the energy field, and he had made a decision.

[Quantum Matrix, enter attack mode]

In an instant, the quantum state barrier covering the outside of the Garden Fortress shrank suddenly, allowing the artillery fire to hit the outer armor of the Garden Fortress piece by piece.

In response, tunnels leading to the unknown suddenly appeared on the road where the assault fleet was moving.

When those tunnels appeared, they would not only block the surrounding beams and kinetic weapon projectiles, but also directly swallow a starship, and then disappear without a trace.

This is the attack form of the quantum matrix, the quantum entanglement cluster.

Erma can easily destroy any warship that dares to attack through quantum entanglement.

Any defensive means would be vulnerable to the attack of this technology.

If there is any disadvantage, it is only the narrow attack surface.

The area covered by this attack method is very small.

In the space battlefield, the warships of each fleet are very far apart. Unless in extreme cases, there is no situation where two warships can be destroyed in one attack.

The quantum matrix can only launch ten attacks at the same time, so it is necessary to completely abandon the quantum state barrier as a defensive means.

This is also the reason why Alma did not directly use the quantum entanglement cluster at the beginning.

He did not have even one percent of confidence in keeping the fleet in front of him.

The number of the opponents is too large, far exceeding the limit that the quantum matrix can handle.

As for now...

Glancing at the rapidly decreasing outer armor structure value of the Sky Fortress, Alma could only pray.

Pray that the opponent will lose patience first.

He is now completely bluffing, trying to make the opponent understand that forcibly attacking the Garden Fortress will pay a painful price that the opponent cannot afford.

This is his hope of victory!

However, at this time, another red warning suddenly popped up in front of Alma.

"Warning, the inner ring of the Garden Fortress is under attack!"


Alma quickly called up the screen of the attack source, and saw a huge fleet of warships looming in the screen.

The most important thing is that the opponent broke through all the outer defense networks of the Garden Fortress almost without her knowledge.

And it has approached the position of the stars in this galaxy.

Where, but the key place where the core of the Garden Fortress is stored!

"Quickly stop them there!"

Under Alma's anxious order, the remaining starships drove out from the inner wall of the Garden Fortress and went to the core position for support.

These are all his bottom-line fleets.

According to the strength of the Garden Fortress, Alma did not expect that humans would attack him in advance, so naturally he did not prepare any backup.

"Hope, hope that these are enough to deal with them."

While muttering, Alma stared at the trajectory of the fleet that broke into the fleet.

Until now, the internal detectors of the Garden Fortress have found it difficult to fully image it.

This also made Alma a little flustered.

It is impossible for humans to have such technology.

So who is the other party!

While Alma was thinking nervously, the remaining fleet of the Garden Fortress finally rushed all the way to the rear of the special fleet.

"Oh, we were discovered."

Qin Sui knocked his head and laughed.

"I am really unlucky."

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