"As expected, fighting is inevitable. It's a pity that Miss Zhirou's fleet is not here. They are suitable for fighting on the front battlefield."

As Qin Sui spoke, she encouraged herself.

"But Sui Sui can do it herself!"

"Special fleet, enter the assassination combat mode!"

As Qin Sui's order was issued, the special fleet, which was originally difficult to detect by the detector, instantly disappeared in front of Alma.

"Where are the people? Where did the fleet just now go?"

Just as Alma asked the question.

A transparent wave suddenly flashed across the screen, and then a warship of the garrison fleet exploded instantly.


Alma looked at the last message sent back before the warship exploded.

An armor-piercing warhead accurately penetrated the innermost kinetic weapon ammunition depot of the ship, so that the entire fleet exploded instantly.

To achieve this, the opponent even used only one solid bullet without charge.


Another transparent wave flashed, and the garrison fleet exploded another warship.

The same means, the same tactics.

If it happened only once, it could be considered a coincidence, but it was hard not to associate it with something when it exploded so many times in a row.

The two warships did not even have the same internal layout, but the other side could always blow up the ammunition depot accurately.

This gave Alma the illusion that the other side knew her very well.

"Well, well done!"

In the command ship of the special fleet, Qin Sui cheered and praised the warship that carried out the assassination without hesitation.

On the screen in front of her, the 13,000 warships of the special fleet had surrounded the entire garrison fleet in the center.

At the same time, the modeling of each warship of the garrison fleet appeared on the screen of the command ship.

The Eldar starship did not realize that the other side was scanning next to it.

The detailed data and internal structure of those ships will be carefully restored to the database of the command ship of the special fleet.

Once the hull is completely scanned and the modeling is successful.

It loses all its value.

The nearby special fleet will detonate the opponent's ammunition depot without hesitation, completing a relatively profitable single kill.

Just as the special fleet continued to attack the garrison fleet like a ghost.

In front of them, there was suddenly no way to continue moving forward.

"It's a dead end."

Looking at the road blocked by armor in front of him, Qin Sui tilted his head.

The core is the most important place in a sky-high fortress, and Alma naturally couldn't rest assured that the other party was exposed in the internal structure of the garden fortress.

Therefore, the quantum matrix is ​​also the only facility in the garden fortress that is protected by internal armor.

"It's almost done."

Qin Sui muttered.

"What the lord wants is right in front of us, so let's finish it quickly."

"Special fleet, enter siege mode!"

[Authority detected: Special fleet commander Qin Sui]

[Execute your order]

Two electronic sounds rang out, and more than 10,000 warships of the special fleet instantly lit up with a faint light, and energy was being transmitted to the command ship through the jump.

It was not until then that Alma saw the full picture of the special fleet with her own eyes.

There are more than 10,000 warships scattered throughout the Garden Fortress, filling it up!

Even many warships are like cockroaches, densely attached to the internal structure of the Garden Fortress, performing scanning work.

He looked at the number of special fleets, and then looked at the garrison fleet he sent out.

Alma almost couldn't help but burst out with a swear word.

Because in his eyes, the number of garrison fleets is not even one-tenth of the special fleet.

That is, they can't see each other.

Otherwise, they should have known that they are swimming in the enemy's ocean!

"No, why don't they attack the garrison fleet at this time?"

Seeing that the other party still did not directly clean up the garrison fleet after revealing its true identity, Alma couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Indistinctly, he had a bad guess in his mind.

Subconsciously turned on another mode of the detector.

Under the detection of the energy flow detection mode, Alma clearly saw.

All the energy of the entire fleet of the special fleet is gathering on a battleship.

And the position that the battleship was aiming at.

It was his core!

[Alarm, alarm, high-energy signal detected. ]

[Alarm, Garden Fortress is at risk of melting]


As the alarm sounded louder and louder, Alma's heart tightened.

But at this time, Qin Sui's command ship had completed the energy storage, and what was going to happen next would not allow him to have time.

[Siege mode is ready, 100% energy storage, launch! ]


A strong beam of light directly burned on the inner armor protecting the core.

Instantly, all detectors detecting the inner armor sent out a melting alarm.

[The inner armor is being damaged, the degree of damage is 30%, 44%, 62%]

Just then, the picture of the inner armor disappeared in front of Alma.

Instead, another alarm was issued.

[The inner armor is overheated, triggering the melting protection, and all intelligent detections are completely offline. ]

At this moment, Alma could not see the health of the inner armor at all, and could only anxiously wait for the results.

Fortunately, the inner armor that he had high hopes for did not disappoint him.

Although it is unknown how much health is left in the end, the inner armor still survived this terrifying attack that gathered all the energy of the entire special fleet.

Alma breathed a sigh of relief.

It will take a lot of time for the opponent to charge again.

This time he can just...

Suddenly, Alma was stunned.

In the command ship of the special fleet, Qin Sui looked at the screen, the inner armor that survived the full-strength attack in the siege mode.

"Didn't it break through?"

"Then, let's have another shot!"

As he said, Qin Sui started the siege mode again.

[Sui Sui has more than enough: When this unit is the commander, the number of times our energy weapons can be fired before overheating increases by 10% (at least one). ]

This time, the siege mode does not require charging.

The violent beam was instantly fired again from the main gun of the command ship, destroying the inner armor of the Garden Fortress with a devastating force.

At the same time, a gorgeous giant Rubik's cube-shaped facility was revealed in the inner armor.

"What a beautiful toy."

Looking at the sci-fi appearance of the quantum matrix, Qin Sui's eyes lit up.

"This thing should be the core that the lord needs. Sui Sui likes this thing very much."

[Start traction mode]

The quantum matrix was taken out from the core position of the Garden Fortress and stored on the command ship of the special fleet.

At the same time as the quantum matrix was taken away, the assault fleet successfully broke through the outer armor of the Garden Fortress.

One starship after another drove in from the outer armor and entered the internal structure of the Garden Fortress.

At this moment, even if Alma wanted to stop it, she was powerless in the face of the two fleets that had joined.

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