"Your Majesty is getting more and more powerful!"

"You can deprive yourself of rank!"


"It's going to be completely quiet in the territory!"

"I'm going to study hard too!"

"It can't be like this anymore!"

In the medical laboratory of the territory castle, Yu Feiyu was sitting at the desk, flipping through the medical books Su Wen gave her, and couldn't help but sigh while reading.

She quickly got into the state of learning.

Sand, sand, sand!

Soon the sound of writing could be heard in the room.

Fish non-fish do have some ideas and experiences of their own in this course.

She records questions and answers while also having her own thoughts.

There was also a pile of notes on the desk that she had completed.

"No! You can't form skills if you go on like this! You have to deepen the imprint of knowledge!"

After Yu Feiyu finished writing, she read it carefully, she shook her head and threw away what she had just written, and started answering again for the second time.

Su Wen looked at it for a while.

It's not interesting to find that fish are not fish.

He traveled to various parts of the territory in stealth.

Mike, the butler, is telling civilians to be disciplined, honest, etc.

And trumpeted the ability that Su Wen could deprive the ranks.

This made the civilians even more in awe of Su Wen.

Dandan, the magician, studied magic books in the blacksmith's shop.

He's working on a magic array.

Beside him was a pile of tools with engraved formations.

There was also a pile of discarded sword weapons next to it.

For ordinary people, these weapons are all knives that sharpen iron like clay.

But for Dandan, it was all a failure of his practice of magic array.

Look at the serious study of the balls.

Su Wen nodded and left.

After a walk around the territory.

He found that everyone was quite well-behaved.

Especially in the Monastery of the Holy Light.

This time.

Already on leave civilians entered it to worship piously and became one of the believers in the churches of the monastery.

The work of the court is also carried out in an orderly manner.

Because the Holy Cult Army is in the same place as the Judgment Army, the attribute templates are exactly the same.

The factory has just completed commissioning and is in the process of commissioning the production line.

The first batch of biomaterials was also sorted at the Trophy Sorting Center and stored in the material workshop.

The workers of the Material Workshop extracted the materials from the warehouse and began to extract and divide the demonic materials.

Everything in the territory is going on in an orderly manner.

After Su Wen returned to the room.

He looked at the record on his desk.

"It's time to fulfill Sun Shangxiang's request!"


Su Wen looked at the blueprint warehouse he had taken from the black market.

Barracks, drill towers, and shooting ranges are not part of the Heavenly Dao structure, and can only be purchased from the bazaar or other markets.

Su Wen searched for it.

Finally found three satisfactory drawings.

[Drawing: Barracks]

[Rank: 0]

[Composition: school grounds, camps, cafeterias]

[Area: 50 km]

[School: 40 km]

[School Equipment: Field Runway, Obstacle Runway, Basic Drill]

[Campsite: 8 8-storey barracks, each covering an area of 250,000 square meters]

[Garrison: 20,000]

[Restaurant Building: 1 building with 3 floors. 】

[Gain: Increase the cohesion and centripetal force of the army, and promote the soldiers to always be in a state of readiness.] Steadfastness +100】

[Building materials: 10,000 tons of metal, 100,000 tons of stone, 10W tons of wood]

Seen the drawings of the barracks.

Su Wen was first in the large open space behind the sacred barracks.

This drawing was used.

And the construction of barracks was increased.

"4 hours? It's going to cost you attribute points to shorten the time!"

Su Wen muttered softly, not wasting resources on this.

He looked at the drill tower again.

[Drawing: Drill Tower]

[Rank: 0]

[Composition: All-terrain exercise simulation space]

[Simulation effect: no death experience after death, exit the exercise directly]

[Exercise realism: 40%]

[Personal Drill Mode: Yes]

[Squad Exercise Mode: Yes]

[Clan Drill Mode: Yes]

[National War Exercise Mode: Yes]

[Summary of experience in support of war: Yes] (If you read violent novels, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Floor area: 1,000,000 square meters]

[Building Materials: 100 Phantom Jade Cores, 1,000 tons of metal, 1W tons of stones, 1W tons of wood, 1 Phantom Crystal for military exercises]

Su Wen looked at the blueprints of the exercise tower and once again found the materials needed for its construction among the many treasures.

Among them, the Fantasy Jade Core is mainly used to arrange the core materials required by the Illusion.

It can be used to confuse the real with the false, and it can even construct the corresponding thinking illusion according to the thinking of the person who has fallen into the illusion, which makes people indulge in it and cannot extricate themselves.

The Auxiliary Phantom Crystal is a necessary module for the summary of the war experience of the exercise tower.

It has auxiliary guidance in summing up and deducing exercise experience, pointing out shortcomings, and military law.

It is a semi-intelligent Taling assistant.

Suvin likewise used the drill tower drawings next to the barracks.

and increased its construction time.

"Seven hours?"

Su Wen's eyes moved.

Instead, he took out a drawing of the third shooting range.

[Drawing: Shooting Range]

[Tier: 0]

[Composition: Shooting range, armory, simulated training ground]

[Training effect: familiarity with firearms, mastery and mastery, improve shooting skills, accuracy and shooting skills, shooting requirements and reaction training in different scenes]

[Shooting range: 1W square kilometers, live ammunition]

[Armory: Basic All Kinds of Ranged Armory]

[Simulated training ground: virtual scene training center, virtual weapons and bullets, real war shooting target experience. 】

[Total floor area: 1W square meters]

[Range Type: Inner Space Type]

[Building materials: 10 fantasy jade cores, 500 tons of metal, 2W tons of stones, 2W tons of wood, 1 ownerless god ring]

The shooting range is the most expensive of the three buildings.

He is precious in the Lordless God Ring.

This is after the death of the god who owns the kingdom of God.

His Ring will become the Lordless Ring.

This tier has a different storage space than the Storage Ring.

This type of space is often used as a building with an interior space, such as a shooting range.

Of course.

Certain buildings can also be done in other ways.

Gain inner space.

After Su Wen finished arranging the shooting range.

The range has been increased again.

After that's done.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The construction of the range took 6 hours.

Complete layout and construction.

Suven returned to the Lord's Castle.

Sun Shangxiang, who was following Qi Na to inspect the territory, stopped in the air.

She looked at the three newly constructed buildings in her territory and couldn't help but look surprised.

"General Qi, has our majesty's speed always been so fast?"

Sun Shangxiang asked softly: "This kind of speed of increasing the resources of the army is simply too cool!"

It was the most efficient lord she'd ever seen.

This is going to be left with the lord she had served before.

The lord will definitely calculate first.

Then we will meet to discuss it.

Finally, start cutting back on food and clothing.

I want to complete the construction of three buildings.

The fastest will take two days.

Qi Na said with a smile: "Our Majesty's speed has always been fast, you would never have imagined! The territory of Lingxiao Palace has been less than a month since it landed!"

As soon as these words came out.

Sun Shangxiang couldn't help but widen his eyes, and couldn't help shouting: "How is this possible?"

Look around.

The entire territory is made up of high-rise buildings.

Everything in the territory is also in order.

There is no shortage of materials and resources.

Subordinates also have rich rewards.

How could such a rich territory be less than a month under construction?

If Qi Na doesn't say it.

She believes that the territory has been in business for at least a few decades.

This is also the reason why Su Wen, the lord, is good at business.

Qi Na said solemnly: "That's true! Although these seem to be incredible, our majesty is the one who creates miracles!"

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