"There's only one talent card left!"

Su Wen took out the last talent card that was reserved.

This talent card is called Traceless.

[Item: Traceless Talent Card]

[Rank: Yellow Rank God Rank]

[Function: You won't leave any traces anywhere!No life can find out the clues of your existence through the Yellow Rank and lower means.] 】

[Note: This talent card can be obtained after it is dripping blood.] 】

Su Wen directly broke the limit of the Traceless talent card.

About half an hour later.

The Traceless Talent Card was increased to 3 turns by Su Wen's broken limit.

He spent 9,453,900 stat points again.

"Huh, this Traceless talent is simple!"

Su Wen's eyes were a little straight after seeing it.

Although I don't think it's worth it.

But this talent does work.

[Item: Traceless Talent Card]

[Grade: 3rd Rank of God]

[Function: You won't leave any traces anywhere!No life can find any trace of your existence through the 3rd Rank and the lower level.] 】

You can sense that someone is following you, but you can't cut off your connection. 】

[Note: This talent card can be obtained after it is dripping blood.] 】

"There is only 1 listening buff at 3 revolutions!"

Su Wen muttered.

He used the talent card on his blood. 300 Buzz!

The moment after using the Traceless Talent Card.

He passed this talent.

Sensing a force, it was detecting his clues on the side of the Great Rift in the Abyss.

This trace is being created by the other party through the poisonous plant of the Red Poison.

Find his location.

This perception is very strong and obvious.

He felt that even if he raised the Traceless Talent to 3 turns and 72 grades, he would still not be able to cut off the traces.


Even people with no combat experience can see the clue of this trace.

The current perception gave Su Wen a wake-up call.

But he didn't care too much.

Because the Abyss Demon Deities are now unable to enter the Lord Space of the Blue Star through the Great Rift.

Can't get in.

The other minions and shrimp could not affect Su Wen at all.

Only then did Su Wen look at his attribute panel.

[Name: Su Wen]

[Class Lord: Flower Language Gunsmith Lord (God Rank, One Turn)]

[Support Class: Fangshi]

[Rating: 50 (99.9%)]

[Lord points: 1 Jing 7900 trillion 400 billion]

[Flower Elf Reputation: 5320]

[Dragon Country Prestige: 500,0115W.]

[Blue Star Reputation: 111,000]

【Flower gas: 50W】

[Lifespan: 15200 years old]

[Title: Flower Language Overlord (Only)]

[Auxiliary Fire Refining: Unrefined]

[Third Sequence: Eternal Flame (God Rank (MAX), Ability: Domination +100, Strategy +100)]

[Bloodline: 3rd Transformation Divine Rank Ancestral Dragon Bloodline MAX (4780 times defense, 4780 times strength, 4780 times speed, 4780 times dynamic vision, 4780 times agility; invincible golden body for 40 seconds, invincible for 40 seconds. Immune. )】

[Holy Body: 2 turns to 24 rank god rank flower divine body MAX (5000 times long-range crit, 53000 times range, 53000 times ultra-long vision, god level void breaking, 2 turns 22 grade god rank bloodline deterrence, holy body perfect control, god level poison element immunity, god level natural affinity, god level flower and plant control, god level defense, natal flower language mark *4 .flower language mark amplification of all skills, 2 times the effect increase of flower language mark]

[Attributes: Strength 200W+4505600;Agility 200W+1222800;Spirit 200W+6144000;Constitution 200W+1632600] (Alatao + Ying)

[Equipment: Love Saint's Infatuation Ring]

【Territory: Lingxiao Palace】

[General Knowledge: Elementary Flower Language (Automatic Fusion), Book of Flower Language (Mastery MAX), Infinite Magazine, 1 Turn 24 Divine Debate, Fang Shi Knowledge Basic]

[Common Passive Skills: Yellow Tier Weapon Mastery, Yellow Tier Body Protector Aegis, Yellow Tier Immunity Mastery, Yellow Tier Self Healing, Level 13 Heavenly Divine Language (MAX)]

[Normal Action Skills: Yellow Rank Military Body Fist, Yellow Rank Great Wilderness Knife, Yellow Rank Seven Star Sword, Second Rank God Level Instant Shadow (MAX)]

[Career skills: 1 turn 24 Rank Ranged Attack Mastery (MAX), Yellow Rank Flower Language Inscription (MAX), 1 turn God Rank Special Skill Meteor (MAX), 2 Turn God Rank Special Skill Decomposition Star Like Rain (MAX), Hundred Flowers Kill, Flower Falling Rain, Special Skill Night Release, Special Skill Dongfeng] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Military Array Skills: First Rank God Rank General Battle (MAX), First Rank God Rank Breaking Army Formation (MAX)]

[Auxiliary Skill: Not Active]

[(BDCH)Divine Power: Turning Dragon]

[Talents: 1 turn 24 rank to obtain attribute points every day, 2 rank god rank resurrection, yellow rank five elements escape method, yellow rank basic buff, yellow rank knowledge gain, yellow rank control buff, yellow rank attack skill buff, yellow rank special skill buff, god rank dragon wing, nine rank god rank cicada prophet, 2 turn 3 rank god rank sage fusion. 3 Rank Upgrade Talents, 3 Rank Forced Peel Talents, 3 Rank Natal Flowers, 3 Rank Stealth, 3 Rank Traceless]

[Hidden Talents: Attribute Amplification, Kill Monsters to Obtain Attribute Points]

[Attribute: 96,487,142]

"In terms of talent, all of them have been promoted to the 3rd rank of the gods!"

Su Wen once again set a goal for himself.

Iron also needs to be hard.

Talent is related to his overall quality.

Naturally, it is a priority to improve talents.


He began to break the limits of his talents one by one.

Among them, 1 turn 24 every day to obtain attribute point talent to promote to 3 turn god rank, costing 9.1 million 1200 attribute points.

The resurrection of the 2nd rank god rank and the promotion to the 3rd rank god rank cost 9.45 million attribute points. []

There are six yellow-level talents: the Yellow Rank Five Elements Escape Method, the Yellow Tier Basic Buff, the Yellow Tier Knowledge Buff, the Yellow Tier Control Buff, the Yellow Tier Attack Skill Buff, and the Yellow Tier Special Skill Buff.

Each costs 9,453,900 attribute points.

A total of 56,723,400 attribute points were spent.

Upgrading to the 3rd rank of the god rank costs 9,452,000 attribute points.

The promotion of the 9th rank cicada prophet to the 3rd rank god rank cost 944 3000 attribute points.

These 10 talents cost Su Wen a total of 94,169,600 attribute points.

He now has 2,317,542 attribute points left.


He still only has 2 turns and 3 grades of god rank sage fusion left, and he has not completed the plan to promote to 3 rank gods.

Look at the panel in front of you.

Su Wen let out a long breath: "This wave of flowers is really worth it!"

This moment.

His body was undergoing drastic changes.

This is especially true for the buffs of passive talents.

It also makes his body structure, cell density, metabolic speed, body, control of strength, nerve response, and so on carry out earth-shaking changes in all aspects.

The change was painful.

To relieve the pain.

He looked carefully at each of the talents that had just been promoted.


[3 Transformation God Rank Obtain attribute points every day: 850 points, and obtain them once every 90 minutes.] 】

"Whew, the time has changed, the number of points has increased, that is, I can get ...... 24 hours a day"

Su Wen looked at the talent of obtaining attribute points every day, and couldn't help but calculate excitedly: "I can claim 16 times in 1 day, and I can get a total of 13,600 attribute points!"


This calculation.

Su Wen's face was full of smiles.

The corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his ears.

It's just pretty cool.

"In the future, after the entire attribute panel is promoted to 3 turns, you can give priority to improving this skill!"

Su Wen muttered softly.

He looked at the other talents again.

[3 Resurrections of the God Level: You can resurrect 74 times a day.]

Buff: No Tracking!Your resurrection cannot be tracked or located by anyone.

Buff: Curse Elimination! Upon resurrection, all Poison Curses are removed.

Buff: Seal Removed: All Soul Positioning Marks are removed after resurrection.

You can choose to resurrect in place, or you can leave your blood in a specific place and choose to resurrect in the place where your blood remains!]


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