Chen Tao chose the location and threw the ranch out. After the ranch model landed on the ground, it grew into the wind. In the blink of an eye, an original-style ranch appeared in Chen Tao's territory.

The pasture is very large, no less than 3,000 square meters at a glance, and a mount has been spawned in the pasture.

Chen Tao casually opened the panel of an eight-legged giant wolf.


[Deformed Warg]

Quality: green

Level: 1 (0/50)

Gender: Male.

Force: 30

Spirit: 10

Skill: Bite.

Movement speed bonus: 50%.

[Description: A genetically mutated giant wolf, wild and untamable, may turn back on its owner at any time. ]


Then Chen Tao looked at several strange creatures that seemed to be made up of several animals. There were some with the head of a bird and the body of a crocodile, one with the head of a horse and the body of a spider, and one with the body of a large ostrich but with the head of a dog, but none of them had the same attributes. very good.

There were dozens of horses of various colors in the pasture. Chen Tao simply made a summary list and sorted by quality. The results were all blue sky and white clouds.

"It's a waste of time that I didn't sublimate directly."

Worry, worry.

How to relieve worries?

Only cheating!

As the colorful divine light dispersed, another pasture appeared.


[Time and Space Ranch]

[Function: Every once in a while, some creatures that can become mounts will be brought from various time and space, and the highest quality mounts of Heavenly Gold can be produced]

[Refresh time: 23:59:23]

[Description: A pasture given to his followers by a powerful god disappeared out of thin air one day. ]


"My dear, my brother is so developed that he can produce mounts of Heavenly Gold quality."

"It refreshes every 24 hours, which means you can draw a prize once every 24 hours."

"Let me, grandpa, get the result of the first lottery at Kangkang Time and Space Ranch."

Chen Tao directly opens the summary panel of the farm and sorts by quality.

There was actually a golden mount on it.


[Beauty Spider]

[Quality: Gold]

[Level: 1 (0/500)]

[Force: 30]

[Spirit: 17]

[Skills: Chasing Wind, Winding Thread, Charm]

[Talent: Can equip human weapons and armor]

[Movement speed bonus: 75]

[Description: The upper body is a beautiful woman, and the lower body is a giant spider, hence the name. It often tempts human travelers with its upper body, and then catches and eats them when they approach. ]


At this time, the three- to four-meter-tall beauty spider was slowly approaching Chen Tao outside the guardrail. When it was close enough, it spun silk towards Chen Tao, but it was blocked by the guardrail.

"Damn it, you fucking want to eat me."

It's unreasonable. You still want to take advantage of me in my territory. I'll give you what you're used to.

At that moment, Chen Tao jumped into the guardrail, jumped up and threw a huge blow at the fusion point between the beauty spider's body and the spider's body.

The beauty spider was whipped far away, causing the strange creatures nearby to run around in shock.

Of course, there were also a few bold people who looked at Chen Tao with curious eyes.

The beauty spider that flew out had already stood up and started spinning silk towards Chen Tao again.

Chen Tao didn't use much force just now. After all, he was a golden mount. It would be a pity to slap him to death.

Chen Tao did not dodge the flying spider silk, but waited for the beauty spider to finish spitting and break all the spider silk with force.

Then he took off and started to jump towards the place where the Beauty Spider was whipped just now. There was another big fight.

This time Chen Tao used a little more force, but the beauty spider didn't get up again for a long time.

“Where on earth are you going to ride this thing?”

After studying it for a long time, Chen Tao stood on its huge spider belly.

The beauty spider had just gotten up and wanted to resist. Chen Tao raised its two fighting hands and slapped it. The beauty spider immediately withered and stopped resisting.

Trying to control the beauty spider, although it was not smooth at first, things got better after Chen Tao raised his arm a few times. After Chen Tao let it carry him around the field, he ordered it to jump out of the fence with him. .

The rest was just blue sky and white clouds, which had no value in Chen Tao's eyes. Sister Lu and the others had already gathered around, but after checking the creatures in the pasture, they all left disappointed and waited for the next opportunity.

Only Sister Guan seemed to be very interested in those strange creatures, but after learning that they were going to be used as mounts, she had to leave.

Chen Tao also promoted the Beauty Spider to four generals, but none of the four female generals were interested in it.

Only Sister Lu circled it for a few times, then shook her head and said: "The qualifications are just right. Although the appearance is strange, it runs too slowly. Master, you should ride it yourself."

Chen Tao discovered that when Sister Lu was nearby, the body of the beauty spider would tremble slightly. If it were not suppressed by Chen Tao, it might choose to run as far as it can.

At this time, the Luo sisters' request to add friends came to Chen Tao's mind. Chen Tao thought about it and agreed. After all, in terms of task rewards, Chen Tao felt that he had taken advantage.

Then the two sisters each sent a thank-you note to Chen Tao.

What surprised Chen Tao was that the contents of their essays were exactly the same.

Chen Tao also politely responded to both of them and ignored them.

Now comes the important part. Chen Tao can finally summon the Big Dipper Red Cavalry that he has longed for.

When we arrived at the Red Cavalry Camp, the recruitment restrictions above disappeared.

Chen Tao waved his hand and summoned 100 people to check their attributes. If their attributes were good, he would recruit more.

As the camp gate opened, a hundred warriors wearing red lacquer armor, carrying various long-handled weapons and short bows on their backs, led their respective horses and lined up and walked out.

Their horses are equipped with heavy Great Xia style red lacquer horse armor, and there are also arrow pots and sabers hung on the horses.

After seeing that their horses were all in normal shape, Chen Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were not the strange creatures in Time and Space Ranch.

However, the knight with the short bow is indeed equipped with a heavily armored horse, which is a bit Anomaly.

"Greetings, my lord!" Hundreds of knights lined up to salute Chen Tao.

The horses neigh and the knights are mighty.

Four female generals gathered around again.

But Chen Tao was in trouble again, not counting Sister Sun and Joan of Arc.

Who should lead this Big Dipper Red Cavalry?

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