Of course no one will give the correct answer (for now). With [Goddess' Mercy], there should be no shortage of good cavalry in the future.

Wait until there are more than two types of cavalry, or the number of cavalry in your hand reaches a certain level, and then designate professional heroes.

After spending another 400,000 Void Coins to recruit 200 Big Dipper Red Cavalry, Chen Tao opened their unit panel.


[Big Dipper Red Cavalry]

[Quality: Purple Gold]

[Level: 1 (0/200)]

[Strength: 250 (25×1000%)]

[Spirit: 100 (10×1000%)]

[Equipment: Red Cavalry Arms (Set) Red Riding Equipment (Set)]

[Talent 1: Beidou]

[Talent 2: Death Expulsion]

[Extra talent: Connecting branches with the same spirit]

[Skill: Big Dipper Red Cavalry skill tree]

[Riding: Big Dipper Red Cavalry Riding]

[Description: In order to drive away death, the ancient empire formed two teams of cavalry, one of which was the Big Dipper Red Cavalry. They believe that only death can drive away death. ]



[Quality: Crimson Gold]

[Attributes: greatly increase basic force, slightly increase basic spiritual attributes, greatly increase force growth, slightly increase spiritual growth. Unlock the Big Dipper Red Cavalry skill tree. ]

[Description: The unique talent of the Beidou-type arms ends death in the name of death! ]


[Death expulsion]

[Quality: Purple Gold]

[Attributes: Increase the growth of force value, increase the attack power of Big Dipper Red Cavalry, reduce the damage suffered by cavalry and mounts, and will not be affected by fear-type effects. ]

[Description: Only death can expel death. ]


[Same Qi Lianzhi]

[Quality: Purple Gold]

[Attribute: Link the souls of several Big Dipper Red Cavalry together to share the damage suffered. Each group can have up to seven people and at least two people. ]

[Description: Don't think you're fighting just one person. ]


[Big Dipper Red Cavalry Riding]

[Quality: Purple Gold]

[Attributes: When riding a mount, the attack power is increased by 30%, the movement speed is increased by an additional 30%, and the damage taken by the mount is reduced. ]

[Description: Big Dipper Red Cavalry's unique riding skills can bring out the mount's potential. ]


[Red Riding War Horse]

[Quality: Same as Big Dipper Red Cavalry]

[Level: Same as Big Dipper Red Cavalry]

[Strength: 200 (20×1000%)]

[Spirit: 100 (10×1000%)]

[Skills: Gale, Hard Skin, Endurance Strengthening]

[Description: The war horses uniformly equipped by Big Dipper Red Cavalry are connected with the Red Cavalry soldiers. ]


A few lucky people were called from among the spectators and asked to take Chiqi to familiarize themselves with the territory.

Later, Chen Tao came to [Evil Vanquishing Sword Village] and gave out 300,000 Void Coins with a wave of his hand, recruiting 200 Evil Vanquishing Sacred Swords.

Then continue to walk to [Mansion of Exile] and add elite shadows to 300.

Finally, of course, it’s Chen Tao’s favorite basketball girl.

In one breath, the War Warrior's hut was upgraded to Level 30, and then 500,000 Void was given, directly increasing the number of Basketball Girls to 3,000.

Let the war attendants wandering around take the new basketball girls to the temple for pilgrimage and get familiar with the territory.

Presumably, after this, the temple's faith points will grow faster. Chen Tao can't wait to meet the owner of the Basketball Girls. Her mind will definitely be broader than the Basketball Girls.

At this time, Chen Tao only had a little more than 90,000 Void Coins left on him.

Looking at the few Void Coins left, Chen Tao had a lot of thoughts.

Once again, go back to before liberation.

Fortunately, there may still be another 2 million in income after 40 days, which slightly reduces Chen Tao's depression caused by losing money and making people happy.

Although the difficulty of the mission is unknown, it indicates that no matter how difficult the missions below Level 50 can be, the worst is to run away.

Chen Tao didn't believe it. He could be controlled by something when he mapped a hero with a 10x attribute bonus. If it didn't work, he would be resurrected, not to mention that the opponent would also give him resurrection items.

Chen Tao's territory at this time also seemed a little small because of the sudden arrival of thousands of people.

Chen Tao upgraded the harem and apartment a few levels. After making sure the room was enough, he used all the remaining experience to upgrade himself.

After Level 30, the lord's territory will increase by 2,000 square meters for each level, and after Level 40, the territory will increase by 5,000 square meters.

Chen Tao used up all his experience and only upgraded to a little more than Level 37, but he also added an area of ​​14,000 square meters.

In fact, the first way to quickly expand the territory area is to buy territory area expansion items.

The market price is generally around 78 to 12 Void Coins per square meter.

It's a pity that Chen Tao only has less than 100,000, which he still has to use to maintain the operation of the base or prepare for emergencies.

After thinking about it, there are only those thousands of pieces of blue sky and white clouds in the warehouse that can be exchanged for some money, as well as those blue and white quality job transfer certificates.

As for those high-quality job transfer certificates, Chen Tao didn't plan to sell them for the time being, for just a few reasons.

First, if there are new heroes that can be used in Late Stage, they can also increase their strength.

Secondly, Chen Tao believes that you should always put something valuable on your body. Chen Tao is not too short of money now, and besides, he has Myriad Worlds, so he can sell it when he really needs money.

Moreover, if there are new heroes that can be used in the future, it can also enhance the strength, especially the Purple Gold quality job transfer certificate.

Chen Tao first equipped the Beauty Spider with two weapons, a set of armor, and four pairs of shoes, all of which were blue quality equipment.

Then he took all the remaining things he wanted to trade and entered the Myriad Worlds celestial sphere again.

Because he had few acquaintances and was not familiar with the market, Chen Tao chose to dive into trading posts.

After half a day of research, Chen Tao found that his career transfer certificates could all be sold at a good price. The green bone control career started at 15W.

And the Flesh Scholar proves that because you can use flesh and blood to make soldiers, you can directly kill about 30.

After calculation, the income is about five to six hundred thousand.

Chen Tao did not hesitate and directly opened several trading posts in the trading options, choosing an anonymous fixed price without bargaining, and the rest was to wait slowly.

As for the remaining blue sky and white clouds, Chen Tao chose to directly find a large commercial bank to package and sell them.

The main reason is that the level of these equipment is not high and there is no separate sticker for sale value.

Moreover, the business can eat them all at once, which saves a lot of work.

After making the decision, Chen Tao began to browse the information of each business firm.

In the end, he chose a trading company called "Wonderful Trading Company" for no other reason than he clicked on it randomly with his eyes closed.

As Chen Tao clicked the button to enter the business, a white light enveloped Chen Tao's body. The next moment, Chen Tao appeared in a gorgeous lobby. There were a few counters in the lobby, and there were also many "black cloaks" walking around. .

At this time, a brown robot waiter walked towards Chen Tao.

"Welcome, how can I help you?"

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