Lord of Pets

Chapter 200: Insect Coffin

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As of the vicinity of the crystal building area, Bai Wushang's income from this trip covers all kinds of materials, about 50,000 gold coins.

This is the net profit calculated after excluding all amortized losses.

Then, what will happen to the income of the wild dog mercenary group in the ruins?

Looking forward to it!

Cleaned up a piece of debris, the kind that exceeds 200 square meters.

The three-eyed ape, the antlers, the black marsh crocodile, and the poison dart frog stand all around, acting as bodyguards.

Xue Zilin did not participate, and guarded the earth snail in the underground lair alone.

According to the promise, he gave up all the proceeds from the trip to the ruins, together with the previously distributed, all of them were reversed.

In other words, Bai Wushang, Suobina, Jiang Feng, and An Xiaorou will divide everything and share the account!

"The income from the last part must be the bulk, no less than 120,000!"

Bai Wu was sad and determined, and raised a smile.

This is still to say less, the net worth of ordinary wild dogs is 20,000 or 30,000, and the big dog and the second dog... How can it be doubled?

The number of people is superimposed again, and the total amount of funds exceeds 400,000, or even 500,000!

This does not include the 100,000 resources that Xue Zilin returned.

This does not include the treasures that may be hidden in the crystal building.

Just thinking about it, Bai Wushang felt that the recent efforts were meaningful.

Even if it is dangerous, the greater the risk, the greater the benefit, it is worth it!

"In advance, the basic distribution ratio of the four of us is, I 3, Jiang Feng 2, Xiao Rou 2, Wu Hu 2."

"The last remaining 10% will be counted as the holder of the relic information and the leader, and added to Jiang Feng's head."

"If you have any objection, you can raise it." Sobina said sternly.

A moment of silence.

All agree on the principle of distribution.

After all, in terms of overall contribution value, it's fair.

Each person received three or four storage rings.

Blood contracts one by one, pour out the items.

Then, at the cost of suffering a slight mental backlash, he took the initiative to split the ownership of the ring.

Signing too much is not a good thing, it is not necessary.

However, Bai Wushang directly claimed a ring from Ergou.

It was a blue-black jade ring, and the condition looked very new, as if it had just been bought.

The space capacity inside is more than 120 cubic meters, and the second-hand price will not be less than 11,000 gold coins.

For Bai Wushang, the original 30 cubic meter ring was no longer enough.

Just bought it two months ago.

The faster the equipment is eliminated, the better.

This just shows that as the Master, Shiro Wushang's growth rate is changing with each passing day.

Complete replacement quickly.

In the light of the eyes, the huge open space that had just been vacated became full again, and there was no way to settle.

At first glance, there really is everything, there are so many, all in a mess.

The four of them took a while to sort and summarize them by category, and they were immediately pleasing to the eye.

Ore, melon and fruit elixir, insect eggs, insect corpses, biological organs and parts, insect-shaped artworks...

There are also a large number of personal items, such as books, clothes, accessories, tools, equipment, food, flue-cured tobacco, talismans, arcane scrolls, etc., countless.

The most eye-catching among them is an amethyst worm coffin.

About ten meters long and six meters wide, it looks like a stag beetle.

Compared with the parent body of the crystal building, the two cannot be more similar!

"No wonder... It's clearly Xu Rong's tomb, but I can't find any tombstones, coffins, and burial rooms..."

An Xiaorou's eyes shone brightly, "The big dog is really good enough to dig up all the people and coffins, tsk tsk..."

Rough inspection without injury.

This worm coffin is divided into an outer coffin and an inner coffin.

The outer coffin was tattered, with obvious holes and cracks, as well as signs of being corroded by soil.

The inner side is relatively intact, basically not damaged, and the preservation degree is high.

The reason why it is judged to be a "coffin" is because this is not an ordinary amethyst, it is extremely pure, and it is vaguely translucent.

If there is nothing you can see, a slightly corroded corpse, wearing a gorgeous dress, is lying in the center.

"each time……"

The little bug worm quietly got out of the little rabbit's claws and stuck out his head.

Six small eyes stared blankly at the purple worm coffin.

Seeing its expression, Bai Wushang's expression moved.

Could it be that this is the birthplace of Xiaoci?

If the three ancient insect eggs were placed in the outer coffin by Xu Rong as a burial, it would also be reasonable.

Most of the time, it is still ruthless, and there is a problem with the sealed formation.

Then, the eggs in the tomb recovered one after another, further accelerating the collapse.

"Take it apart and take a look. Although it is the tomb of the ancients, it is very offensive."

"But... we are not kind and innocent people. It is too hypocritical to take care of this and that, and it is unnecessary."

Sobina showed the demeanor of taking the lead and greeted the black marsh crocodile to open the coffin.


A predator flicked its tail, and the already fragile outer coffin was torn apart.

A large number of insect egg residues fell out, and the corruption was extremely serious, and there were no remaining living individuals.

Just by the outline, Bai Wushang couldn't judge anything.

But if you think about it with your feet, the burial objects that can be selected by Xu Rong are at least the top 7-star mortal bones.

There might even be a special worm egg with an 8-star mortal bone level, second only to the ancient species.

"These, shouldn't you eat them too..."

Bai Wushang glanced at Xiao Zongzhong and remained calm.

Seemingly aware of the master's meaning, Xiao Ci hid back in his jacket pocket with a little guilty conscience.

Indeed, a large part of it went into its belly.

When they first hatched, they were really hungry, and they worked hard day and night to eat.

Until a certain stage, the little bug is ready to taste the second "super delicious egg".

The other party unexpectedly recovered, with a tendency to break eggs, and the movement was huge.

Xiaoci tried it twice, and found that the khaki ball was as hard as a stone, and could no longer be chewed.

To be on the safe side, it drilled out of the already corroded and damaged purple shell and slipped into the outside world.

At this point, the door to the new world has been opened, and the adventures of insects have been opened.

Seeing the appearance of the little guy, Bai Wushang judged that his guesses were inseparable.

At this point, there is not much to say.

Bai Wushang only hoped that these high-quality eggs that he ate could become Xiaoci's deepest accumulation of blood vessels and help him soar to the sky.

Get rid of distractions in your mind.

Back to business.

The outer coffin disintegrated, extremely simple.

Then there is the inner coffin, not the kind with a cover, but a fully enclosed type.

The black swamp crocodile restrained a bit of strength and carefully smashed it down.

For fear that if you are not careful, you will damage the contents inside, and you will do something wrong.

However, its worries are a little bit superfluous.

It can survive in the snail's nest to this day, and it can not be completely damaged under the flow of time.

The hardness of this inner coffin is far stronger than that of the outer coffin, beyond imagination.

The black swamp crocodile continued to increase its strength, and when the fire was full, its minions went hand in hand, biting desperately.

Only slight scratches are left.

The three-eyed magic ape, poison dart frog, antler wind horse, ghost fire... all tried to open it in their own way, but they all ended in failure.

Helpless, Jiang Feng used the communication talisman to bring in a rescuer.

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