Lord of Pets

Chapter 201: Scroll of Mystery, Amber Fossil

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The rescuer was named Dreadclaw Bear, and Xue Zilin called him "Big Bear".

It has recovered forty-five times out of ten, and its mental state is acceptable.

With a roar, the claws slipped.

A harsh friction sounded.

However, the damage caused by the Dereclaw Bear was only five or six millimeters more than that of the Black Marsh Crocodile.

But at least, everyone saw the hope of success.

A relentless, persistent, relentless scratching.

The Dreadclaw Bear's claws were almost bald, and he bared his teeth, almost furious.

This guy is not some kind of patient race.

After working on it for an hour, I couldn't figure it out, and the anger came up.


Finally, the inner coffin had a key breakthrough, opening a large opening that was one person wide.

He silently received a large basket of top-quality animal meat as a reward.

The Dreadclaw Bear hid his merits and fame, rumbling away, returning to Xue Zilin's side.

Bai Wushang, Jiang Feng, and An Xiaorou couldn't move their eyes.

In addition to the corpse, there are many things in the inner coffin.

Not much to say.

But each one is not mediocre.

Six esoteric scrolls.

All packaged and brand new.

Three amber fossils.

Each piece is the most beautiful work of art bestowed by nature.

The frozen insect body is lifelike.

Among them, there are many ancient insect forms that Bai Wushang cannot name.

Items of this type,

It is an indescribable true history of the extraordinary world.

It seems to be telling humans about the life of the Zerg community in the prehistoric forest for tens of thousands of years and beyond, as well as the past evolutionary process.

A box of clothes in different colors.

Don't look a little faded, the patterns are probably from the hands of the masters, depicting the Zerg with thousands of postures.

Or beautiful and generous, or powerful, or domineering...different styles, different changes, different characteristics.

In addition, there are exquisite decorations, pendants, handmade clay sculptures, seals... They are probably all personal belongings in front of Xu Rong.

Bai Wushang rummaged through everything, stunned and sighed in his heart.

These fancy funerary objects are all made of superb craftsmanship.

Even after years of washing, it has not been able to save the best state.

It should be more than enough to take it out and sell it for hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

The price is high!

From the beginning to the end of human society, it is the master and the beast who occupy the core and dominant position.

These items that can't improve their own strength and can't help cultivating them may be a bit too much to say that they are leftovers, but they are not too bad.

Being able to have such a value is enough to show that Xu Rong is pampered and... rich and willful!

"Everything has something to do with bugs, it's a disease... I'm obsessed..."

An Xiaorou muttered to herself, still unable to understand the behavior pattern of such a person.

Wearing gloves, Sobina grabbed an amber fossil and played with it, asking everyone:

"This stone... What's the price on the market? I haven't seen it much."

Jiang Feng has some experience and explained:

"This kind of thing is mainly used in the research field, and there are a large number of scientific researchers trying to revive ancient creatures."

"...Of course, few have succeeded, that's too difficult..."

"The specific value depends on the age and the corresponding Zerg species."

"Theoretically, the average price of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan is the norm, and we can evaluate it according to this."

Bai Wushang was listening.

However, his mind was not on the amber fossil at all.

Compared with wealth, if there is something more direct that can be transformed into strength, it is what he needs most.

For example, the Scroll of Secret Art, in terms of importance, is second only to, or even surpasses, beasts in some cases.

Therefore, while Jiang Feng and Sobina were chatting, Bai Wushang initially completed the corresponding assessment.

"These six secret scrolls are more or less related to the Zerg."

"Four of the books are of the Soul Servant level, and two of them are mysterious generals...I can't test the latter, so please ask Brother Lin for help."

The so-called arcane scrolls actually have no specific morphological characteristics.

It may be based on animal skins, or it may be jade, metal, bones...anything is possible.

The choice of carrier is often meaningful.

For example, these six books are all made of insect carapace as the bottom, and they are made by adding accessories and smelting, and they feel very special.

It is worth mentioning that, except for the extremely rare and precious "mother scroll", the rest of the secret scrolls are the re-engraved versions of soul power.

Its use value is only one-time and cannot be used twice.

Bai Wushang had the experience of learning and mastering the "Fire Armor", and the whole process was still fresh in his memory.

Once this type of item is triggered, it will give the holder a complete "soul power operation plan experience" carved into the depths of the soul.

Similar to daigo initiation, forcibly mastering the key steps required to cast spells.

Such as soul power flow rate, quantity distribution, quality requirements, flow direction, etc., etc., are very complicated.

By talk alone, by demonstration alone.

No matter how talented you are, it is like being blind, and the efficiency is horribly inefficient.

Thus, the Scroll of Secret Art came into being.

This is the experience that the predecessors spent painstakingly re-engraving.

After the initial absorption of the master, it is equivalent to increasing the innate proficiency to 50%.

Then through the exploration and repeated attempts of the day after tomorrow, you can improve little by little.

until fully grasped.

The final success rate is over 95%.

Nothing more than the length of time, as well as the issue of talent.

Hearing that there are two mysterious generals, Sobina raised her brows, not too surprised.

As the descendant of the Xu family, this collection is far below her expectations.

"Generally, you still spend money on thousands of worm eggs, and it's a lot of fun to collect worms, raise worms, and hide them?"

Sobina's thoughts were tumbling.

She actually had a little fantasy in her heart, wanting to see if there were ancient insect eggs in the burial.

Unfortunately, it was not found.

Plus the supplies of wild dogs that have been sorted out before.

This idea can be completely strangled.

Thinking like this, Sobina stretched out her finger and clicked through the four scrolls one by one.

After thinking about it, I randomly picked one of the other two and held it in my hand:

"Let's leave the Soul Servant level to you. I want a Mysterious General level to prepare for the future."

When the words fell, her eyes fell on Jiang Feng, and it was his turn to make a choice.

Jiang Feng made the same action, touching the scroll with his fingers, injecting a trace of soul power.

In this way, it is possible to perceive the name of the sealed secret technique, thereby obtaining a preliminary judgment.

"Insect Wings, Glittering Butterfly Powder, Bee Eye, Sweet Temptation... It seems that they are all secret techniques that have never been seen before, and the names are not very mediocre!"

An Xiaorou followed the probe, her eyebrows danced, and there was a faint aura surging.

Of course, there are a lot of secret techniques on the market.

However, secret techniques of the same level are also divided into good and bad.

Starting from the actual use, including cost performance, rarity, learning difficulty, price, whether there are auxiliary expenses... These are all references for the selection of the master.

As an elite development idea, Bai Wushang and others cannot learn the ability of bad street, low practical rate, and incompatible with their own pet beasts.

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