Lord of Pets

Chapter 220: Muscle Goblins

After Bai Wushang went hunting for free, the first wave of goblins he encountered was quite large.

Over 100!

Judging from the loot dragging behind them, they had just won a battle and killed dozens of even weaker blue-eyed goblins.

"Guluda! Guluda!"

When the nearest goblins found traces of humans and great apes, they howled with excitement.

Their voices are generally sharp and harsh.

It's like a piece of scrap metal rubbed over and over and mixed with some weird, messy tones.

Very ugly.

"No! Tower! Tower! Tower!"

The leader of this group of goblins is a middle-stage "muscle goblins".

Elite 1 star, five meters tall.

This size is like standing out among a group of yellow-green dwarfs, thriving.

Not to mention its sturdy limbs, broad shoulders, and bulging muscles.

There is a world of difference from the pointy face, monkey cheeks, hunchback and thin and wretched appearance of ordinary goblins.

Sensing the restlessness of the cubs, the muscle goblin turned his head, and naturally saw Bai Wushang and the black great ape dozens of meters away.

With a grin, he waved the huge mace in his hand and slammed it on the ground.


It seems to be a horn to launch an attack, with seventy or eighty blue eyes and twenty or thirty white eyes.

Temporarily leaving the prey in his hand, oooooooooo rushed up.

Among them, there are also four other relatively special goblins.

They are a bit smaller than Muscle Goblins, but also over three meters in size.

The whole body is pale red skin, and even has abdominal muscles.

Big nose, long ears, no hair.

A pair of pupils were bloodshot, and the fangs were exposed, fierce and mighty.

This is the "Warrior Goblin"!

In the early stage of full maturity,

The quality of the bloodline is either a mortal bone-level 8-star, or a 9-star.


The Three-Eyed Demon Ape and Bai Wushang were surrounded in a blink of an eye.

The latter remained calm and calmly summoned the Fire Armor.

He holds a shield in his left hand and a knife in his right.

The former no longer suppressed his nature and roared.

The third eye between the eyebrows opened instantly.

Heavy Eyes - Out of Control Eyes!

For a long time, Aju has used the calm pupils dominated by blue.

Thanks to its effect, you can keep your mind pure in the face of strong enemies.

At the same time, perception, judgment, physical coordination... have all been qualitatively improved.

Auxiliary other skills, you can also play high-value punches, and the overall cost-effectiveness is the highest.

However, this does not mean that the red-dominated eye of the runaway is weak and useless.

The Eyes of Out of Control are more suitable for Shiro Wushang to open when he is acting alone.

Don't worry about accidentally hurting your teammate's beast, you don't need to look forward to use it, that's enough to be handy.

Then, its most suitable fighting form is war, melee, and team battle!

Especially, the crushing battle!

The blazing red is in the middle, and the blue fades, becoming a spinning ball as a foil.

Traces of pale red mist spewed out, formless, colorless, and silent.

But in the shortest time, it covered an area with a radius of 50 meters of the Three-Eyed Demon Ape.

If it is said that A Zhou, who has opened the eyes of calm, has a faint attitude of "virtuous king" and "mingjun".

Then in the out-of-control pupil mode, it is more like a "tyrant" and a "fierce emperor".

Of course, Aju did not activate the strongest state, such as blood boiling, rock arm, etc., did not need to be activated at all.

In terms of form and momentum, it is far from reaching its peak.

Even so.

Every punch, every slap.

There must be flesh and blood flying and bile bursting.

To exaggerate a bit to describe it, it is like holding a sharp weapon with an adult man, and then being surrounded by a group of two or three year old kids.

It's clamoring and provocation again, full of malice.

But in the real fight, the characteristics of the five scumbags were exposed.

No goblin could withstand a single attack from Aju.

Even if it is an ordinary collision, an ordinary straight punch.

It was destined to be torn apart and could not die again.

"Bang bang bang bang-"

In just thirty or forty seconds, black-green blood splattered everywhere.

Hundreds of teams were easily destroyed by a third.

Including two warrior goblins.

As a result, nearly half of the blue-eyed goblins reacted abnormally.

Some were frightened and trembling.

Or slow behavior, or indecision, chaos.

What's more, regardless of the leader's survival, he just ran away.

Trying to run away, and trying to survive.

Under normal circumstances, this is very difficult to happen.

Because it will trigger the wrath of the leader, once caught, it will end badly.


The head of a white-eyed goblin was cut off with one knife.

Bai Wushang raised his eyes and glanced, his face was calm.

These unnatural reactions must originate from the out-of-control pupil.

The actual function of this pupil is to continue to exert mental influence.

It breeds and amplifies negative emotions, thereby enticing the victim to act irrationally and abnormally.

The longer you are around Aju, the easier it is to be influenced.

But the problem is, these goblins are too weak.

It's easy to erode their sensory perception.

Even, they didn't find out that they had abnormal changes.

as far as the eye can see.

As the leader, the anger of the muscle goblins exploded like a barrel of dynamite,

Part of it is really angry.

The other part was also deteriorated by the out-of-control force field.

Then, he turned his mace and killed several blue-eyed goblins who escaped.

Staring at the bulb-sized eyes, he charged towards the Three-Eyed Demon Ape with a sullen look on his face.

A Zhou didn't even look at it, smashed the two little guys with his backhand, and punched the muscle goblin's forehead.

Immediately, the skull cracked and sunk down.

The other party was unbelievable and did not react at all.

too fast……

Why is it so fast and so painful...

A Zhou glanced, good guy, a double punch didn't die.

As a leader, there is still something.

So, it packs another punch.

I saw the king die.

The rest of the goblins finally couldn't hold back anymore, screaming and howling.

Most of them don't even want their weapons, and run wildly with their bare feet.

More extreme, jumping down the steep hillside.

Bai Wushang glanced at the height, and then calculated those rugged rocks, there was no chance of death.

It's really... Enough!

the other side.

With the help of the dark wave ball and the hidden shadow, Zhou tried his best to hunt down the escaped goblins.

Even though Bai Wushang was helping, unfortunately, it couldn't be perfect.

The number of real kills only accounted for 80% of the total.

"It's not bad. After all, it has a numerical advantage, and it is difficult to kill them all."

Bai Wushang does not demand.

At the same time, he motioned to A Zhou to do this.

If you spend more time chasing and killing the little ones, the income is too low and it is not worthwhile.

The first battle was a great victory, as expected.

Next, sweep the battlefield and harvest the spoils.

The flesh and blood of ordinary goblins are of extremely low value, they taste stinky, and they do not have any nutrition.

There is no need for collection, and there is no value for sale.

Only variants, such as Warrior Goblins and Muscle Goblins, still have some research value.

Adding up the five, three or four thousand gold coins can't escape.

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