Lord of Pets

Chapter 221: Take the bunny to raid the house!

For muscle goblins and warrior goblins.

Bai Wushang didn't take all the bills, it took up too much space.

It is enough to collect internal organs and spinal bones, which are the only two high-value parts.

Draw down three or four knives, and you can easily get it.

Then, cut off their heads.

He also cut off all the right ears of the goblin corpses scattered nearby.

This part is used as a mission kill certificate and is reserved for competitive rankings.

Regarding custom equipment, Bai Wushang still has some thoughts, and he must fight for it.

Start the journey again.

You can find a path up the mountain at will, and from time to time, you can encounter a group of goblins.

As few as ten, as many as hundreds.

A quarter of an hour slow, thirty seconds fast.

He hasn't met any opponent that A Zhou can't eat, and even getting injured is an accidental event.

As it approached noon, the sky was still as dark as evening, as if ink had been splashed, and it was lifeless.

The dark clouds are getting thicker and denser, and there is a faint sound of thunder, which is dull and restless.

Heavy rain is coming.

In connection with it, Shiro Wushang found that there were fewer and fewer goblins wandering around.

There is a high probability that they are hiding in habitats such as burrows, tree holes, mountain caves, and wall caves, and are unwilling to face the scouring of heavy rain.

"The next step is to adjust the search direction, look for potential goblin nests, and try to catch them all at once..."

Bai Wushang communicated with Aju through a contract.

Actually this is fine.

The torrential rain had little effect on him.

Aju is not a fire attribute, nor is he a fragile constitution that is weak and weak in the rain.

This kind of weather cannot stop their progress.

What's more, hiding in the nest might be easier to catch.

Bai Wushang now has too many ways,

to find their traces.

The most reliable and direct, such as the "Second-Order Finding Compass".

He now has two of these things.

In the past month, the Academy Colosseum has also harvested a small amount of gourmet cells one after another.

Draw the treasure chest three times, two extraordinary recipes with unclear effects, plus a repeating God of Cooking item - the finder compass.

However, there is no deviation in the information presented.

Bai Wushang only needs to lock on the species "Goblin", and he can accurately obtain the location information of monsters in a large area around him.

This is the top detector, used well, multiplier with half the effort, and profitable.

However, Bai Wushang is temporarily retained, and he is ready to consider using it after Xiaoci evolves.

After all, this is a one-time item, and its preciousness is self-evident.

Even if there are two, if they are all activated in the Goblin Mountains and only used to hunt low-end species of goblins, it would seem a bit extravagant and wasteful.

Bai Wushang had other options.

The Galaxy's "earth detection", the spatial perception attached to the God of Cookery's talent "chilled storage".

These are exploratory abilities that can be coordinated and put to good use.

Although certainly not as extreme as a finder compass.

But it is barely enough, and the efficiency is not too bad.


A bare flat ground covered with a huge stone.

There are countless messy footprints nearby, and the traces are very new.

Galaxy's little paw pressed on the ground, closed his eyes to perceive, and then raised his ears.

"Master, there are a lot of life fluctuations below, it is the nest of green monsters!"

"It's a big help, really good." Bai Wushang scratched its chin, "Get ready to fight."

Reached back under the little guy's furry stomach, lifted it up, and placed it on his shoulders.

Then, take a few steps back.



Needless to say, the Three-Eyed Demon Ape lifted the boulder in front of him and threw it several meters away.

A two-meter-wide, dark and unrealistic hole, but with a stinky smell of corruption, was exposed.

Bai Wushang listened carefully, there was a faint sound, but it was extremely slight.

There is no abnormality in spatial perception, indicating that the hole is very deep and the capacity is not small, and there is no way to fully detect the bottom.

Activated a detonating talisman and dropped it without hesitation.

A muffled explosion.

Immediately, mixed voices came and went, from far to near.

One by one, green and yellow skins gushed out from the hole.

However, it is like catching turtles in urns and killing pigs in cages.

The first twenty or thirty goblins were destined to deliver food.

A jet-black ball that was spinning at a high speed was ejected from A Zhou's mouth and smashed into the black hole.


More violent explosions, screams, screams, wailing, roars... a mess.

It seems that the entrance is too dangerous.

The ground around him cracked, and several new passages appeared.

The mutant goblin with three pot belly, sallow body, and frog-like skin rushed out first.

Their palms are flat, like two shovels, which can easily break through the ground.

His eyes were cold, his expression was not good, and he kept screaming at the three-eyed ape.

This is the "Dug Goblin".

A variant that digs holes and builds nests.

Most of them, as team assistants, generally do not go out to hunt, but are only responsible for guarding the house.

And the caves that were built by hand were destroyed, and they were undoubtedly the most angry, and they were extremely emotional.

And then, more goblins drilled out along the tunnel opened by the burrowing goblins.

There is a "Stinky Goblin" with a fat ball shape and many air holes all over its body.

A "vine-armed goblin" whose half body is covered with vegetation and whose arms are turned into green vines.

The leader is a late-stage, elite-level 1-star "Battle Axe Goblin".

Small in size, but with a metallic sheen from head to toe.

The weapon in his hand is not the bone rod, bone spear, and bone hammer that can be seen everywhere.

Rather, it is similar to a companion, a special axe that is condensed through its own bones and flesh and blood, and it is cold and unstoppable.

"A Zhou, your rival, go all out!"


The blood flames rose, and the three-eyed magic ape switched to the "Blood Qi Boiling" + "Out of Control Eye" mode.

Do not retreat, do not evade, attack customers first, and attack first.

The goblins in this lair, in terms of overall quantity and quality, are the most powerful group that Bai Wushang has encountered so far.

So he didn't dare to take it lightly. After triggering the fire armor, he tried to activate the "worm wings".

This secret technique is not stable to master, but fortunately, it was successfully activated this time.

Four translucent energy wings appeared on both sides of his shoulders and extended outwards.

Just looking at the shape, it is a bit close to a butterfly.

In the dark, a mysterious and mysterious feeling emerged.

With the thought of his heart, the wings behind him quickly flapped, driving the whole body to fly.


Bai Wushang let out a low voice.

Adjust the direction, bypass the strongest variants, and kill the ordinary goblins at the larval stage.

Insect wing activation state, after testing and preliminary excavation.

The actual effect was different from what Bai Wushang envisioned at the beginning.

The flying ability it gives the holder is actually not particularly good.

You can't fly too high, you can only fly low.

At this stage, it is more than 30 meters above the ground, not to say that it cannot fly, but mainly because of the stability deviation and easy to lose control.

In addition, especially in areas such as atmospheric air and high pressure, it is best not to use it forcibly, as there will be higher risks.

It can't dance freely and unrestrictedly like some extraordinary birds.

However, this secret technique also has a core advantage.


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