Lord of Pets

Chapter 222: Ranking on Day 1

The fastest flying speed of "Insect Wing" is not much different from Bai Wushang's full-strength running.

At most, it is slightly higher than the first line due to the unobstructed relationship.

For this secret technique, speed is not its advantage.

But dexterity is!

With the addition of insect wings, Bai Wu's flexibility has increased sharply, and it is no longer limited to the limbs and waist and abdomen.

When fighting, whether it is to take off to avoid, or to move around.

There are more options.

Bai Wushang was quite satisfied with this secret technique, and it was definitely worth the money.

On the other side, the battle broke out extremely rapidly.

The "Battle Axe Goblin" took the lead in killing the three-eyed demon Aju.

All bullied to the door, as the leader, how can you tell him to swallow this anger?

Of course, greed is also at play.

With such a large body, it is a beast breed that has never been seen before.

The meat...maybe quite delicious!

"Ludathi! Baga Baga!" (Kill it! Divide the meat to eat!)

"Lu! Lu! Lu!"

The little cubs shouted excitedly, and with their weapons, blocked the nearby retreat, not giving a chance to escape.


Bai Wushang showed a meaningful smile, and he continued to slay the weak blue-eyed goblins without any hesitation.

If the killing efficiency of Aju is 10.

Then he is only between 1~1.5, completely incomparable.

But it doesn't matter, he wasn't the main force in the first place.

Fighting side by side, on the one hand, is to increase the speed of killing the enemy.

On the other hand, he is also familiar with the fighting mode of Insect Wing, and simultaneously strengthens the fighting experience.


The fight lasted twenty minutes.

Mature mutant goblin,

Except for the two "digging in the ground" that slipped too fast, the rest were all slaughtered.

As for the price paid, Aju suffered serious injuries.

But relying on strong resilience, there is no serious problem.

Abandoning chasing and killing the fleeing juvenile Goblins, Bai Wushang directly counted the spoils.


Three in the afternoon.

The wind howled, the lightning flashed.

The torrential rain, which had been brewing for a long time, finally poured down.

Raindrops the size of beans, shaped like a curtain of water running through the heavens and the earth, are full of white flowers and fog.

Bai Wushang was wearing special rain gear.

It was a black waterproof robe, which could keep out the wind and the cold, and it was a must-have item for survival in the wild.

It can cover most of its body well, with only one pair of eyes exposed.

Oh no...it's two pairs!

The little rabbit Galaxy, since birth, saw such a big rain for the first time.

Of course I don't want to miss it, I want to have a glimpse.

So, Guangming directly pressed against Bai Wushang's cheeks, approached the gap in Bishui Robe, and pulled hard to look out.

This also caused Bai Wushang's right face to stand out when viewed from the side.

It's like being punched by someone and bulging up a big bag.

"Grumbling! Σ(o?д?o?)"

Looking at the magnificent and vast scene of heaven and earth, the little guy's big silver-white eyes were stunned, and he was dazed.

Until a purple lightning as thick as a snake python raged from the sky, tearing apart the clouds and mist briefly, tearing the sky apart.

Then, a deafening thunder sounded.

Xiao Budian stuck out his tongue in an unfinished state, and quietly burrowed back into Bai Wushuang's chest.

"Aju, you haven't seen it before?"

Bai Wushang asked curiously.

The latter was swept away by the torrential rain, and the hair on his whole body was wet.

He was also a little dazed, three-pointed in surprise and seven-pointed in amazement.


Azu responded.

It has lived in a secret realm since childhood, the weather is good, and it has never seen extreme weather.

Violently refreshed the original concept, naturally quite shocking.

"This kind of weather is actually quite common in the extraordinary world."

"And it's not the most extreme, far from rising to the level of 'disaster'."

Bai Wushang explained.

Then lead Aju to continue to search the nearby area.

With shrewd, capable, well-behaved and cute little bunny.

Coupled with the unparalleled bravery and the strength of the team to act as the three-eyed magic ape.

Bai Wushang found two more nests and killed nearly 170 goblins.

Checked the time, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's almost there, let's get here today, let's go down the mountain."

This is an action plan agreed in advance by Mu Tianxing's collaborative group.

On the first day, no matter what, you must return to Xingtie Town by nine o'clock in the evening.

The primary purpose is to communicate information and reconfirm that the difficulty of hunting goblins is not too different.

Whenever someone finds an anomaly, this stage can be put forward in time, and then the entire hunting plan can be adjusted.

To put it bluntly, this is an opportunity to correct mistakes.

Although many times the effect is minimal, it is dispensable.

Its meaning and importance cannot be denied.

The way down the mountain is relatively easy and not strenuous.

There is a saying, "It's easy to go up the mountain, but it's hard to go down the mountain".

However, this phenomenon is unlikely to happen to the Master.

Especially on Bai Wushang.

If it weren't for the heavy rain affecting the entire ground, making it muddy and slippery, it might have been faster.

At 8:30 in the evening, Xingtie Town.

The goblin hunting team of Shanhai Academy, all assembled.

Except for a few students, there were obvious bandages and ointments on their arms and cheeks, and they seemed to be slightly injured.

The rest of the people were either calm or in high spirits.

It is generally the same as in the morning when it is about to fight.

End the meeting, everything is normal, no surprises.

However, Bai Wushang shared some information indirectly.

Above the mountains, the number of goblins is far more exaggerated than in the middle and lower parts, this is a confirmed fact.

However, this torrential rain is either accidental or lucky.

Indirectly blocked the activities of most goblins.

They don't like rain, and the weak get sick from it.

The end result, easily abandoned by the tribe.

Therefore, if it is not life and death, they basically hide in their nests.

For example, yesterday's bad events such as the outbreak of animal disasters and impacting villages and towns are very difficult to happen these days.

Bai Wushang and the others just need to kill with peace of mind, pay with all their strength, and complete the task according to the original plan.

In addition, Mu Tianxing invited the mayor Gang, the head of the Iron Shark mercenary regiment, A Sha, and the outstanding refiner, A Ran, as notaries to supervise the hunting ranking.

Bai Wushang's results on the first day were very unsatisfactory, even lower than he expected.

Accumulatively killed 500+ juvenile goblins and 40+ mature mutants.

Finally, the quality is estimated, and the comprehensive score is calculated.

The ranking held by it can only be ranked 19th!

In a team of 30 people, this is a level below the mid-range.

Carefully compare the strengths and achievements of your competitors.

Undoubtedly, apart from Mu Tianxing's ceiling strength, the strongest are the three deacons of the law enforcement team.

Everyone is an existence on par with Sobina, or even stronger.

They have already stood at the pinnacle of this stage of Soul Servant, and as far as their eyes can see, they are Profound Generals!

And then some people, Bai Wushang is not very familiar.

However, seeing that An Xiaorou can only be ranked 12th is enough to show the terrifying ability of the group in front of her.

"Tsk, there is no simple character! This competition is a bit difficult..."

Bai Wushang's thoughts were tumbling, and he sighed a lot: "Fortunately, it's only the first day, there is still a chance, and you can catch up..."

In fact, his grades are not bad.

In a group of senior masters who are like wolves like tigers, they are ranked in the middle and lower reaches, not the bottom.

It has attracted a lot of attention.

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