Lord of Pets

Chapter 223: Sky Vision, Mysterious Ritual

Luo Youyuan was also there at the same time, and his pet beast race, type, and strength were obvious to all.

Must be the best among the freshmen.

Even among all the second-year students, he can still be ranked in the middle.

But, based on these.

Contains the speed advantage of Shadow Leopard.

Luo Youyuan can only be ranked 25th.

In such a comparison, Bai Wushang's results are really not bad.

It can even be said that it is quite good!

After all, growth time is limited.

The natal beast is also an auxiliary treatment type, and there is no way to directly participate in the battle.

The third beast is said to be a variety of insects.

As long as it does not evolve, it will never provide assistance.

That leaves the familiar mutant ape.

One ape, one person, hunting 500+, or quality and quantity.

This achievement is difficult for anyone to pick on.

But the perpetrator himself, Bai Wushang, is not satisfied!

After all, no matter how an outsider evaluates it, it cannot reverse his cognition and pursuit of self.

Because they can never replace themselves, they can never experience the pressure and desire that belong to him.

So regardless of the questioning, regardless of the praise, Bai Wushang smiled and didn't take it too seriously.

His goal is not here.

Even if it is a small goal in front of you, you must rank in the top five in order to obtain customized equipment.

"More killings, higher levels of exploration efficiency are needed..."

Bai Wushang thought silently.

Two or three in the middle of the night.

Many people are in good condition and have plenty of energy.

So after a short rest, he set off again and climbed the Goblin Mountains again.

This includes Bai Wushang.

At this time, it was still raining.

In the evening, the climbing road, which could still be called a road, was unbelievably muddy.

In some places, there were even collapses and talc.

Changing to a human with ordinary physique, going up the mountain at this moment is tantamount to actively seeking death.

Even the Master started to be a little more cautious so as not to get into trouble.

"It seems that this torrential rain won't stop in a short time, and it is likely to continue for several days..."

Bai Wushang waited and watched for a moment, thinking about it.

Then, without hesitation, he was as sensitive as an ape, and as light as a flying swallow. He applied 90% speed and charged upward.

It didn't take long for her to surpass one senior.

The other party was stunned for a moment, because the view was blocked in rainy days, and everyone was wearing similar protective rain gear.

I didn't see the halal face, I just said that he was a stronger senior.

But after thinking about it for a while, he found that it didn't match his face.

Because the outstanding ones in memory all have riding pets, and there are few who do it alone.

"Just relying on the physical body, walking like a fly in this environment... Who is this person?"

One, two, three... More and more people came up with this idea one after another.

Bai Wushang thought too much.

He is concentrating all his attention, dashing frantically, climbing higher in the mountains.

For others, the torrential rain has become a hindrance.

So had to slow down to avoid making low-level mistakes.

But here in Bai Wushang, the impact is really negligible.

Isn't the enhanced spatial perception ability used to face this situation?

Where the gap in the soil is too large, stepping on it will not be able to borrow strength, but will fall into the mud pit;

Where the ground is irrigated by water, there is a problem with the structure, and it will collapse when touched;

Where the geology is unscathed, still solid and stable, without any abnormality...

These are also part of spatial perception.

The surroundings of Bai Wushang were like a big net.

The closer you get, the sharper the details.

Of course, it is too subtle, and he can't detect it.

However, such as living organisms, moving individuals, dangerous traps, high energy fluctuations, etc., it is difficult to make mistakes with a little attention.

It was already his instinct.

With this ability to avoid simple roadblocks, wouldn't it be easy?

After all, he didn't see through his eyes.

This is another dimension of repression.

Bai Wushang didn't even summon Aju.

Plan to wait until you've climbed into the mid-section, near the danger zone, before releasing it.


The second day of the hunt, from morning to night.

Bai Wushang was diligent and diligent, almost trying his best to find the lair and collect the goblins.

The number of gains was nearly double that of the first day.

Reasons for having more time cannot be ruled out.

But it is true that the efficiency has improved, and the progress of the teammates has been madly chased.

The rain is still falling, and there is no tendency to stop.

Even, violent storms, lightning and thunder, never stop.

And just like that, the second day passed.

Bai Wushang did not return to Xingtie Town, and there is no need to go back for the time being.

Supplies are abundant in all aspects, just take indirect rest, eat regularly, and adjust your state.

Other teammates, probably.

The endurance of a Soul Servant-level Master could not last for only one day, that would be too shabby.


Day three.

Bai Wushang's hunting fell into a short-term bottleneck.

In one morning, only two nests were found, and the number of kills barely exceeded 210.

A little too slow!

Looking at the higher mountains, Bai Wushang's eyes were shining, and he decided to take another step.

Get ready to start, real desperate!

He can eat all the goblin tribes he finds at this stage.

Even if he suffers serious injuries, there is no doubt that the result will be A Zhou who will win.

Further up.

It can be expected that the strength of goblins will be stronger and more dangerous.

And...more benefits!

Not long after, Bai Wushang frowned slightly.

He saw that the dark clouds in the sky not far away seemed to be much thicker than those around him.

The faint blue-purple lightning, crackling, seems to be more shining than the surrounding.

This scene is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

This is because the current sky is a similar scene, everywhere, and it is a bit visually fatigued.

For the past two days, my ears are also semi-deaf. Except for the sound of rain and thunder, it is difficult to hear other changes.

Therefore, without careful investigation, Bai Wushang did not notice the abnormality in that place.

This is what A Zhou accidentally discovered when he used his double pupils and a clearer vision to find a suitable mountaineering direction.

"What will it be?"

Bai Wushang passed through a lot of thoughts.

Most likely, some extraordinary creatures with special attributes are fighting and using skills.

Of course, this can't be concluded, and I dare not guarantee it.

Maybe it was the birth of some kind of heavenly material or earthly treasure, or some kind of elixir that matured, resulting in an associated vision.

You can't know the truth without seeing it with your own eyes.

"Let's take a look."

Bai Wushang didn't want to miss it.

He now has the means to counteract the risk, a little riskier, a little more aggressive, and it's not a big problem.

After turning over the two low hills, the strange scene in the sky became more and more conspicuous.

Bai Wushang's pupils shrank suddenly, what did he see?

It turned out to be a group of goblins, forming a big circle, holding some kind of special ceremony!

"Goblin Sacrifice... Hammer Goblins... Armored Goblins... Good guy, so many variants..."

"The number of ordinary goblins here is probably more than 500? It's enough to be called a large tribe..."

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