Lord of Pets

Chapter 224: The Dance of the Sacrifice, Miniature Thunderclouds

Bai Wushang deliberately made a half-circle and approached the sky phenomenon from the other direction.

Although extra time wasted.

But it turns out that doing so is not aimless and has value.

Now, he was on a desolate low hill.

Looking down from the top, you can just get a panoramic view of the scene below.

- All are goblins!

It is densely packed, black and dense, and the total number exceeds 500!

The straight-line distance between Bai Wushang and them is about a hundred meters.

And in the middle is a slope whose angle is infinitely close to 75°, and it is difficult to rush to the front immediately.

A high degree of suppression, pouring rain, coupled with a serious and cautious way of exploration.

Bai Wushang hid himself very well and did not reveal his position for the time being.

He was lying on the ground holding his breath, quietly watching the every move of the goblins below.

center of sight.

Nearly thirty mutant goblins formed a large circle like wooden stakes.

They are standing.

However, outside them, countless blue eyes and white eyes knelt on the ground.

Despite the pouring rain.

Fanatical eyes, firmly condensed on the inner side of the circle.

There, a special "ceremony" is being held.

Three goblins with snow-white skin and similar body shape to adult masters are dancing enthusiastically.

Sometimes it swings its tail like a swimming fish, sometimes it roars like a lion and tiger, sometimes it spreads its wings like a flying eagle, and sometimes it crawls like a worm.

This is a special dance, or a special skill - "Dance of Sacrifices"!

The actual effect is not clear enough.

Because of different races and different individuals, mastering this skill may have very different effects.

But... Shiro Wushang knew that these three white goblins were called "Goblin Sacrifice".

This is a spell-type extraordinary creature.

Among all the variants of Goblin, the number is relatively rare and relatively precious.

In addition to mastering the element attributes that are compatible with themselves, the most wonderful thing about them is that they can assist the growth of low-level goblins.

This also led to the fact that goblin sacrifice is a top strategic resource in any goblin tribe.

Generally speaking, as long as the life level is in place, there is the qualification to be the leader.

I saw three white goblins dancing in the torrential rain.

The snow-white hair hangs down to the waist, and the roots are translucent, as soft and delicate as a young girl.

Bai Wushang's eyes were slightly lost.

Not because of the charm of the dance.

It was the Goblin Priest who was in the center and had a stronger physique.

The element attributes that are friendly seem to be closely related to thunder and lightning.

This is so rare!

The other two ends are likely to be wind and water.

On their body surfaces, there are arcs, whirlwinds and water currents surging respectively.

With the strange and enchanting dance, it has a somewhat god-like attitude.

"Their properties are very consistent with this thunderstorm..."

Bai Wushang's face was a little dignified.

Gently raised his head, this piece of sky, the clouds are darker and thicker.

The frequency of lightning strokes is also much higher than other areas, and thunder can be heard every half a minute.

Observe silently for ten minutes.

Bai Wushang was sure that this was the masterpiece of the three goblin priests.

Their sacrificial dance is slowly pulling the power of nearby thunder, water, and wind.

Finally, visible to the naked eye, a dark corrugated cloud split from the sky.

Wrapped in the crackling lightning, it descended several thousand meters and hovered nearly three hundred meters above the goblin's head.

Bai Wushang's whole body was tense.

Compared to Goblin Priest, he has a height advantage, so he is closer to the miniature thundercloud.

How do you feel?

It's like an active war killer, placed next to you.

Even if the target you are aiming at is not you, you will subconsciously feel that it is very dangerous and dare not take it lightly.

"Da da da!"

The three-headed goblin priest stopped dancing, his face was pale, but he looked very excited.

The one at the head condensed an electric whip out of thin air and threw it on the ground with force, smashing the ground to pieces, and the sludge splashed.

It stalked its neck, bared its teeth and grinned like a maniac.

Looking around, he howled again: "Da La Da La!"

"Da da da!"

The mutant goblins who formed a large circle roared, their eyes were savage, and they were emotional.

And then, the outermost juvenile goblin also began to shout loudly.

The sound that erupted in an instant was on the same level as the wind and thunder, and it was deafening.

"Unsurprisingly, this thunder-type goblin priest is the leader..."

"The quality of the bloodline is generally not lower than the elite level of 1 star, and it is likely to be 2 stars."

"Unfortunately, the distance is not enough to detect it directly."

"But! The level of life is the peak of the mature body, that's not wrong!"

While Bai Wushang analyzed it, he saw the sacrificial leader slammed down with another whip.

Immediately, the frantic shouting ceased, and no one dared to speak at will.


The priest leader stretched out a finger and pointed at a blue-eyed goblin.

The latter was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

Get out of the herd, get into the mutant encirclement excitedly, and walk to the side of the sacrifice.


It was lying on the ground, its body could not help trembling, as if waiting for something, expecting something.

The sacrificial leader drank and looked up at the sky.

The miniature thundercloud above his head is only fifteen meters wide.

But if there is a strong person who is more sensitive to lightning, you can find it.

The breath of this thundercloud, although dangerous.

But compared to the real thunder of the sky, it is not a star and a half.

Weakened countless times!


A blue-violet lightning bolt the size of a baby's arm fell.

It landed directly on the forehead of the selected blue-eyed goblin.


Bai Wushang, who was peeping in the dark, twitched the corners of his mouth unnaturally.

Good guy, the movement is so big, but the effect is not strong at all.

At this moment he also vaguely discovered.

This group of miniature thunderclouds, in terms of power and power, cannot be compared with real lightning.

It is more like a mixture of goblins sacrificing their own energy and some of the power of heaven and earth.

even so.

The blue-eyed goblin at the peak of the juvenile body couldn't bear it either.

Rolling on the ground with rolled eyelids, it quickly turned into a twitch, and finally stopped struggling.

Half of his body was scorched black, and his death was extremely miserable.

The whole process, no more than fifteen seconds!


The sacrificial leader smashed the corpse into pieces with one foot as if he had not seen it.

Then he pointed his finger at the second goblin, which was a blank eye.

A similar scene played out again.

However, this white eye lasted for nearly half a minute, dying a little slower, but also more painful.

Third head... Fourth head... Fifth head... Sixth head...

For a large goblin tribe, the peak of the juvenile is not the highest combat power.

But reluctantly, it is the mainstay.

So the number is nowhere near as small.

Bai Wushang witnessed it with his own eyes, one after another, as if he was going to die.

No goblins refused, and no goblins dared to refuse.

There may be some fear.

But when the eighth blue-eyed goblin, bathed in thunder and lightning, his whole body glowed with light.

The overwhelming fanatic scream resounded again.

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