Lord of Pets

Chapter 241: Distortion

"It turns out that this skill is used to summon low-level goblins..."

Bai Wushang was stunned, and he figured it out in an instant.

The finder compass is still within its expiration date.

Therefore, in his perception of the sea of ​​consciousness, batches of green light spots quickly surrounded him.

Quantities...start in four figures!

It's like a huge magnet that keeps pulling weaker goblins one after another.

"Aju, prepare to fight!"

Bai Wushang re-summons the Three-Eyed Demon Ape.

Immediately afterwards, his eyebrows twitched and he looked towards the left.

Under the moonlight, a wisp of green shadow stepped forward and quickly rushed in front of him.

"What happened, how did you get into such a big battle?"

An Xiaorou was puzzled, she found it along the fireworks.

There was too much noise on the way, and Lujiao Fengju's spiritual sense was madly warning that there was a big crisis.

"I found a suspected mutated complete goblin with very special abilities."

"The kind that can hatch and give birth to cubs, hundreds of thousands at a time, very abnormal."

Bai Wushang briefly narrated, and then succinctly said:

"Don't get close, the other party is crazy, I can't escape."

"The current plan - waiting for teammates, especially Big Brother Mu, must have him take action."


An Xiaorou responded and summoned the Skeleton Ape at the same time.

After a few days of absence, the undead great ape has grown stronger.

The strength has improved, reaching the late stage of the mature body.

However, the distance between the two apes was close, and the gap immediately became apparent.

The Three-Eyed Demon Ape is obviously taller, stronger, and more powerful.

Shape changes, more eye-catching.

"Hey? Your magic ape has also advanced? So fast?!"

in crisis,

An Xiaorou still couldn't help complaining.

How can the gap between people be so big!

Judging from this situation, the "Mutant Demon Ape" in the middle stage of the mature body and the ancient species "Electric Blade Mantis" are probably no longer a match for Bai Wushang.

After all, he's a second-year leader.

At this moment of difference, An Xiaorou's mood is still quite difficult to tell.

"Yeah, I worked hard for a long time, plus a little luck."

Bai Wushang smiled slightly, and did not continue to engage in this topic, his eyes fell into the distance.

At the end of the line of sight, countless goblins were either climbing or jumping.

Holding the bone weapon in his hand, he screamed and charged continuously.

That energy was like the blessing of a bloody crazy goblin, with a high-spirited and excited look.

"These goblins... something is wrong!"

An Xiaorou didn't know the specific abilities of the Goblin Empress.

But she could tell at a glance that these goblins, who started to attack in groups, were in some abnormal state.

Their pupils have a faint dark green flickering.

It's not that he's delirious, it's more like he's beaten with blood, full of fighting spirit, and he's not afraid of death.

"Is that the cry?" She responded quickly and asked for inquiry.

Bai Wushang nodded slowly, "No mistake, it should be some kind of summoning and guardian skill!"

As if remembering something, he reminded:

"Your fireworks, or ignite them all."

"This wave of beasts, two or three people, three or five people, I'm afraid they won't be able to eat, so I need to call everyone."

"Okay." An Xiaorou was neat, her hands and feet were quick, and three little suns rose again.

Within seconds.

The rest of the teammates who arrived nearby probably had the same idea.

Fireworks exploded.

For a time, the moon lost its color.

The picture of twenty or so light clusters blooming at the same time is a little shocking.

This scene can definitely convey the support message farther and clearer.

Able to attract the attention of more teammates, as far as possible to call everyone to come.

Did everything that could be done.

Shiro Wushang dikes in the direction of the Goblin Queen.

After all, he is a "troublemaker", it is possible to be hunted down or attacked.

On the one hand, together with A Zhou, Xiao Ci, and An Xiaorou's antler wind horse and skeleton ape, they fought against the beast tide together.

Super chaos, start in an instant!

Through observation, the number of blue eyes and white eyes accounted for more than 95% of the goblin army.

But again, there are quite a few variants mixed in.

There are all kinds of species, the level of life is uneven, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but it should not be underestimated.

Fight for two minutes.

Bai Wushang discovered many teammates one after another.

The roar of beasts, the sound of collisions, the explosion of flames... There are battles everywhere, and circles of battles gradually take shape.

It seems that he has a plan in mind, and he can slaughter with ease.

Only Bai Wushang's brow wrinkled deeper and deeper.

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, countless light spots are still coming.

Never stop, never stop.

"Wouldn't it be the goblins that summoned the entire mountain range? That's too exaggerated..."

With speculation in his heart, Bai Wushang's face suddenly stiffened, and he quickly incited the insect wings to flash sideways.

A sturdy tentacle smashed rocks and drilled out of the ground.

Not as bare as the previous pursuit.

The tip is attached to a thin goblin cub.

However, what made Bai Wushang and An Xiaorou shudder was that there was a bright red, blood-like liquid flowing in the translucent tentacles.

Inject quickly into pups.

Then, the cub's body bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xiao Ci, cut it off!"

Bai Wushang made a decisive decision and shouted loudly.

He could vaguely guess the scenarios he might face, and no matter what, it was full of dangers.

The tentacles must be stopped or interrupted!


Thunder wings fanned, and the electric blade was raised.

The "one-word slash" that contained Xiaoci's all-out blow was blocked by the ten tentacles that appeared.

The toughness of the tentacle is compared to the complete body, but it is actually very general and can be easily destroyed.

The problem is that the electric blade mantis is only in the early stage of maturity and lacks sufficient development time.

Even if it contains the power of thunder and lightning, it can't be cut off completely, and it can be broken in half.

The antlers sprinted from the other side, trying to smash the pup that ballooned like a balloon.

Still unsuccessful, the same ten tentacles appeared from another direction.

Transformed into an existence similar to a tentacle cage, protecting the screaming goblin.

Try hard for nearly half a minute.

Finally broke through the tentacle's blockade.

But...it's too late!

A blue-eyed goblin that was originally the size of a baby and was in the early stages of a juvenile.

He grew to eight meters in size, became bloated, and turned into a big, bloody fat man.

With four fat arms and four eyes on his stomach, he glared fiercely at Bai Wushang and others.

"What the hell is this?"

An Xiaorou is pretty and pale.

In her perception, this monster, born out of nothing, was tyrannical, evil, chaotic, and weird.

Its breath is extremely unstable, and the blood that flows uninterruptedly seems to die at any time.

But, there is no doubt that the life level of this deformed monster is above the mature body!

This is a complete body!

Even if it is far less than the black evil tiger, it is not even comparable to the black devil dog he has ever seen.

But to be honest, for An Xiaorou and Bai Wushang, this monster is extremely tyrannical!

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