Lord of Pets

Chapter 242: Blood Corpse and Ghost Claw

"In just thirty or forty seconds, strengthen the initial stage of a larval body to the early stage of a complete body?"

Bai Wushang pursed his lips, recalling the attribute panel of the Goblin Empress.

And then lock on the unknown skill called "Super Hormone", which may be the root cause of this scene.

In the eyes of cognition-

【Name】: Blood Corpse Goblin (Wild)

[Race]: Monster World, Spirit, Goblin, Aberration

[Life level]: The initial stage of the complete body

[Bloodline Quality]: Elite 2 stars

[Status]: Life is coming to an end / loses his senses / serious injuries / bleeding / mad / empress puppet...

【Wisdom】: None

[Characteristics]: Painless Body/Softness/Savage Power…

[Skills]: Strangulation, Explosive Step, Boom, Four Arm Fall, Crazy Hammer...

【Gourmet Cell】: 108

Taking a glance, Bai Wushang quickly concluded.

This violence breeds and intensifies violence.

It may not matter to the Goblin Queen, at most it consumes some kind of special energy.

But for this living cub, it is equivalent to destroying everything in it.

Paying the price of lifespan, enduring huge pain, and finally becoming a "distorted species".

This type of existence is considered a close relative of the mutant species, but it belongs to a special malignant mutation.

The only benefit is that it gets stronger.

Bai Wushang knew very well that this kind of power was only temporary and superficial.

This "Blood Corpse Goblin" may only live for a day, or even a few hours.

The meaning of its existence is no longer in the hands of oneself.

Under the forced birth of the Goblin Queen, it became a "super thug" and "killing machine".

Even if the bloodline quality is only elite 2 stars.

far below the average level of the complete body,

Can be summed up as "lower quality".

But in terms of strength, unless A Zhou or Xiao Ci are promoted to the peak of the mature body, it is difficult to match them.

"We can't beat it, and we can't even add it up, slip!"

Bai Wushang didn't have the thought of "fighting first, and then escaping".

Why, the current battle plan is to delay time on the basis of self-protection.

A little bit of ability to do a little bit of things, no need to be swollen and fat.

Needless to say, An Xiaorou didn't intend to joke about the pet's life.

Drive the antler wind horse to a strong wind, and rushed out first.

Break through the encirclement of a group of goblins, and look for teammates in the area where the light group has risen the most.

Bai Wushang flew to the mid-air about thirty meters, and followed behind.

Unsurprisingly, this aberration monster is a power melee creature.

It is basically safe to keep a distance and avoid the edge for a while.

So he didn't let Xiaoci forcefully drag him to escape at full speed.

At this stage, there is a lack of lightning energy replenishment.

The power of thunder and lightning, you can save it.

After all, the follow-up battle has not yet begun.

On the other side, Aju launched a latent shadow, bypassing hundreds of goblins.

When the whole body was a little empty, he got out again, and then strode on the ground.


The eight-meter-high Blood Corpse Goblin was chasing him far behind.

Its speed is not slow, if there is no external force, it must be faster than the three-eyed magic ape.

But because he didn't have the skills of latent shadows, he faced boulders, big trees, and even a crowded army of goblins.

It has been slowed down, restricted, and hindered many times.

It made it roar one after another, and its four sturdy arms were like four steel pillars.

Sweep everything, blast everything, smash everything.

After chasing down along the way, the number of goblins of the same race that died in its hands was two or three hundred.

Of course, this level of comparison as a whole is no longer enough.

Within the range of Bai Wushang's Sea of ​​Consciousness, in an area of ​​nearly ten kilometers, the number of blue eyes has exceeded 10,000.

It is not ambiguous at all to say that it is a beast disaster or a beast tide, and it is not false at all.

Fortunately, the direction of their attack is around the mother emperor.

If everyone rushed down the mountain, Xingtie Town would not be able to stop it with a formation, and it would soon be wiped out.

Now Bai Wushang, An Xiaorou and others can still rely on the characteristics and secret techniques of pet animals to fight guerrilla warfare.

That's the advantage of flying, and that's the advantage of speed.

Five minutes later, three people and seven beasts appeared in the field of vision.

Bai Wushang raised his brows, what did he see?

It's another aberration!

However, unlike the "Blood Goblin", although this head is covered in blood, it only has a pair of arms.

To be precise, a pair of black giant claws.

It is smaller and faster, and it flickers around like a cat demon, trying to kill humans and beasts.

This is a ghost claw goblin!

However, its opponent is Bai Wushang's teammate.

Two of them can be called by name.

One is Alan, a blue-purple-haired woman riding a pink-haired rat, and the other is Dalong, a strong man sitting on the back of a big yellow bird.

All are law enforcement officers.

The pets they own are all at the peak of maturity, and no matter how low the bloodline quality is, they are still elite 2 stars.

Plus the complementarity of capabilities.

Especially the skull vine in the center, which controls the field in all aspects, and does not give Ghostclaw Goblins any opportunity.

"Brother Long, Sister Lan, Xiao Lin!"

An Xiaorou took the first step and said hello.

"It's just right, help us kill it together!"

Dalong said with a hearty smile, his brows were full of fierceness.

"Okay!" An Xiaorou smiled and found two deacons second only to Mu Tianxing. The strength of the team has greatly increased, and the confidence is naturally a hundred times higher.

Bai Wushang is also evaluating, 5 people and 11 pet beasts.

Before the blood corpse came after him, it was entirely possible to kill the ghost claw goblins first.

The opponent is indeed a complete body, but the bloodline quality is also very low.

Effective teamwork can make up for the disadvantage of individual combat power.

But this idea just fell, and the three-eyed magic ape A Zhou was just ready to participate in the battle.

Not far away, two-headed aberrations suddenly appeared.

Together with the blood corpse goblins who were rushing from the rear, they formed a triangular formation faintly, blocking the way for everyone to escape.

"No, why are there so many ghosts?!"

Alan's eyebrows stand upright, her voice is fierce, but the cold runs through the soles of her feet.

No matter how many they are, the better they cooperate.

In the face of so many perfect bodies, it is destined to be overwhelmed and unable to withstand it.

What is even more disturbing is that the newly emerged two-headed aberrations have wings and can fly!

"It may not be possible to escape, there is still a chance to fight back if you stay where you are, so... prepare to go all out!"

Dalong squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, his face dignified to the extreme.

But...the danger is much more than that.

In the direction of the left hand, a rumbling vibration suddenly sounded.

Bai Wushang turned his head to look, eight or nine hundred meters away, where the moonlight was shining.

A dark green figure twenty meters tall, like a big octopus, crouched on the mountain wall.

The ten eyes on the abdomen, with a sense of oppression, looked down in this direction from a distance, as if staring at him.

Then it split open the big mouth at the navel and screamed again.

- The Queen's Wrath!

"Oops, it's calling the goblins again, it's going to completely lock our position and give us no space to escape!"

Bai Wushuang was enlightened, his brain turned frantically, thinking about how to deal with it.


A tiger roared through the clouds and cracked rocks, scattered scattered clouds and mists, and jumped down from a higher mountain range with a black stench all over the sky.

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